
Describes a setting for the container. The setting file path can be fetched from environment variable "Fabric_SettingPath". The path for Windows container is "C:\secrets". The path for Linux container is "/var/secrets".


Name Type Required
type string (enum) No
name string No
value string No


Type: string (enum)
Required: No
Default: ClearText

The type of the setting being given in value

Possible values are:

  • ClearText - The setting in clear text, will not be processed in any way and passed in as is
  • KeyVaultReference - The URI to a KeyVault secret version, will be resolved using the application's managed identity (this type is only valid if the app was assigned a managed identity) before getting passed in
  • SecretValueReference - The reference to a SecretValue resource, will be resolved before getting passed in


Type: string
Required: No

The name of the setting.


Type: string
Required: No

The value of the setting, will be processed based on the type provided.