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ICorProfilerCallback Interface

Provides methods that are used by the common language runtime (CLR) to notify a code profiler when the events to which the profiler has subscribed occur.




ICorProfilerCallback::AppDomainCreationFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that an application domain has been created.

ICorProfilerCallback::AppDomainCreationStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that an application domain is being created.

ICorProfilerCallback::AppDomainShutdownFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that an application domain has been unloaded from a process.

ICorProfilerCallback::AppDomainShutdownStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that an application domain is being unloaded from a process.

ICorProfilerCallback::AssemblyLoadFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that an assembly has finished loading.

ICorProfilerCallback::AssemblyLoadStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that an assembly is being loaded.

ICorProfilerCallback::AssemblyUnloadFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that an assembly has been unloaded.

ICorProfilerCallback::AssemblyUnloadStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that an assembly is being unloaded.

ICorProfilerCallback::ClassLoadFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that a class has finished loading.

ICorProfilerCallback::ClassLoadStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that a class is being loaded.

ICorProfilerCallback::ClassUnloadFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that a class has finished unloading.

ICorProfilerCallback::ClassUnloadStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that a class is being unloaded.

ICorProfilerCallback::COMClassicVTableCreated Method

Notifies the profiler that a runtime callable wrapper (RCW) for the specified IID and class has been created.

ICorProfilerCallback::COMClassicVTableDestroyed Method

Notifies the profiler that an RCW is being destroyed.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionCatcherEnter Method

Notifies the profiler that control is being passed to the appropriate catch block.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionCatcherLeave Method

Notifies the profiler that control is being passed out of the appropriate catch block.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionCLRCatcherExecute Method

Obsolete in the .NET Framework version 2.0.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionCLRCatcherFound Method

Obsolete in the .NET Framework 2.0.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionOSHandlerEnter Method

Not implemented. A profiler that needs unmanaged exception information must obtain this information through other means.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionOSHandlerLeave Method

Not implemented. A profiler that needs unmanaged exception information must obtain this information through other means.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionSearchCatcherFound Method

Notifies the profiler that the search phase of exception handling has located a handler for the exception that was thrown.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionSearchFilterEnter Method

Notifies the profiler that a user filter is being executed.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionSearchFilterLeave Method

Notifies the profiler that a user filter has just finished executing.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionSearchFunctionEnter Method

Notifies the profiler that the search phase of exception handling has entered a function.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionSearchFunctionLeave Method

Notifies the profiler that the search phase of exception handling has finished searching a function.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionThrown Method

Notifies the profiler that an exception has been thrown.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionUnwindFinallyEnter Method

Notifies the profiler that the unwind phase of exception handling is entering a finally clause contained in the specified function.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionUnwindFinallyLeave Method

Notifies the profiler that the unwind phase of exception handling has left a finally clause.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionUnwindFunctionEnter Method

Notifies the profiler that the unwind phase of exception handling has entered a function.

ICorProfilerCallback::ExceptionUnwindFunctionLeave Method

Notifies the profiler that the unwind phase of exception handling has finished unwinding a function.

ICorProfilerCallback::FunctionUnloadStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that the runtime has started to unload a function.

ICorProfilerCallback::Initialize Method

Called to initialize the profiler whenever a new CLR application is started.

ICorProfilerCallback::JITCachedFunctionSearchFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that a search has finished for a function that was compiled previously using NGen.exe.

ICorProfilerCallback::JITCachedFunctionSearchStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that a search has started for a function that was compiled previously using NGen.exe.

ICorProfilerCallback::JITCompilationFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that the JIT compiler has finished compiling a function.

ICorProfilerCallback::JITCompilationStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that the just-in-time (JIT) compiler has started to compile a function.

ICorProfilerCallback::JITFunctionPitched Method

Notifies the profiler that a function that has been JIT-compiled has been removed from memory.

ICorProfilerCallback::JITInlining Method

Notifies the profiler that the JIT compiler is about to insert a function in line with another function.

ICorProfilerCallback::ManagedToUnmanagedTransition Method

Notifies the profiler that a transition from managed code to unmanaged code has occurred.

ICorProfilerCallback::ModuleAttachedToAssembly Method

Notifies the profiler that a module is being attached to its parent assembly.

ICorProfilerCallback::ModuleLoadFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that a module has finished loading.

ICorProfilerCallback::ModuleLoadStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that a module is being loaded.

ICorProfilerCallback::ModuleUnloadFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that a module has finished unloading.

ICorProfilerCallback::ModuleUnloadStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that a module is being unloaded.

ICorProfilerCallback::MovedReferences Method

Notifies the profiler about object references that were moved during garbage collection.

ICorProfilerCallback::ObjectAllocated Method

Notifies the profiler that memory within the heap has been allocated for an object.

ICorProfilerCallback::ObjectReferences Method

Notifies the profiler about objects in memory referenced by the specified object.

ICorProfilerCallback::ObjectsAllocatedByClass Method

Notifies the profiler about the number of instances of each specified class that have been created since the previous garbage collection.

ICorProfilerCallback::RemotingClientInvocationFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that a remoting call has run to completion on the client.

ICorProfilerCallback::RemotingClientInvocationStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that a remoting call has started.

ICorProfilerCallback::RemotingClientReceivingReply Method

Notifies the profiler that the server-side portion of a remoting call has completed and the client is now receiving and about to process the reply.

ICorProfilerCallback::RemotingClientSendingMessage Method

Notifies the profiler that the client is sending a request to the server.

ICorProfilerCallback::RemotingServerInvocationReturned Method

Notifies the profiler that the process has finished invoking a method in response to a remote method invocation request.

ICorProfilerCallback::RemotingServerInvocationStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that the process is invoking a method in response to a remote method invocation request.

ICorProfilerCallback::RemotingServerReceivingMessage Method

Notifies the profiler that the process is receiving a remote method invocation or activation request.

ICorProfilerCallback::RemotingServerSendingReply Method

Notifies the profiler that the process has finished processing a remote method invocation request and is about to transmit the reply through a channel.

ICorProfilerCallback::RootReferences Method

Notifies the profiler with information about root references after garbage collection.

ICorProfilerCallback::RuntimeResumeFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that the runtime has resumed all runtime threads and has returned to normal operation.

ICorProfilerCallback::RuntimeResumeStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that the runtime is resuming all run-time threads.

ICorProfilerCallback::RuntimeSuspendAborted Method

Notifies the profiler that the runtime has aborted the run-time suspension that was occurring.

ICorProfilerCallback::RuntimeSuspendFinished Method

Notifies the profiler that the runtime has completed suspension of all run-time threads.

ICorProfilerCallback::RuntimeSuspendStarted Method

Notifies the profiler that the runtime is about to suspend all run-time threads.

ICorProfilerCallback::RuntimeThreadResumed Method

Notifies the profiler that the specified thread has resumed after being suspended.

ICorProfilerCallback::RuntimeThreadSuspended Method

Notifies the profiler that the specified thread has been, or is about to be, suspended.

ICorProfilerCallback::Shutdown Method

Notifies the profiler that the application is shutting down.

ICorProfilerCallback::ThreadAssignedToOSThread Method

Notifies the profiler that a managed thread is being implemented using a particular operating system (OS) thread.

ICorProfilerCallback::ThreadCreated Method

Notifies the profiler that a thread has been created.

ICorProfilerCallback::ThreadDestroyed Method

Notifies the profiler that a thread has been destroyed.

ICorProfilerCallback::UnmanagedToManagedTransition Method

Notifies the profiler that a transition from unmanaged code to managed code has occurred.


The CLR calls a method in the ICorProfilerCallback (or ICorProfilerCallback2) interface to notify the profiler when an event, to which the profiler has subscribed, occurs. This is the primary callback interface through which the CLR communicates with the code profiler.

A code profiler must implement the methods of the ICorProfilerCallback interface. For the .NET Framework version 2.0 or later, the profiler must also implement the ICorProfilerCallback2 methods. Each method implementation must return an HRESULT that has a value of S_OK on success or E_FAIL on failure. Currently, the CLR ignores the HRESULT that is returned by each callback except ICorProfilerCallback::ObjectReferences.

In the Microsoft Windows registry, a code profiler must register its Component Object Model (COM) object that implements the ICorProfilerCallback and ICorProfilerCallback2 interfaces. A code profiler subscribes to the events for which it wants to receive notification by calling ICorProfilerInfo::SetEventMask. This is usually done in the profiler's implementation of ICorProfilerCallback::Initialize. The profiler is then able to receive notification from the runtime when an event is about to occur or has just occurred in an executing runtime process.


The profiler registers a single COM object. If the profiler is targeting the .NET Framework version 1.0 or 1.1, that COM object needs to implement only the methods of ICorProfilerCallback. If it is targeting .NET Framework version 2.0 or later, the COM object must also implement the methods of ICorProfilerCallback2.


Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.

Header: CorProf.idl, CorProf.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: 4, 3.5 SP1, 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

See Also


ICorProfilerCallback2 Interface

Other Resources

Profiling Interfaces