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sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools_history_ex (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance

Each row represents a periodic snapshot of resource pool statistics in Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance. A snapshot is taken when the database engine starts, and every few seconds thereafter. The interval between the current and the previous snapshot can vary, and is provided in the duration_ms column. The latest available snapshots are returned, up to 128 snapshots for each resource pool.


Most of the data surfaced by this DMV is intended for internal consumption and is subject to change.

Column name Data type Description
pool_id int The ID of the resource pool. Not nullable.
name sysname The name of the resource pool. Not nullable.
snapshot_time datetime2 Datetime of the resource pool stats snapshot taken.
duration_ms int Duration between current and previous snapshot.
statistics_start_time datetime2 The time when statistics was reset for this pool. Not nullable.
active_session_count int Total active sessions in current snapshot.
active_worker_count int Total workers in current snapshot.
delta_cpu_usage_ms int CPU usage in milliseconds since last snapshot. Not nullable.
delta_cpu_usage_preemptive_ms int Preemptive Win32 calls not governed by SQL CPU RG, since last snapshot.
used_data_space_kb bigint Total space used in user databases associated with user pool.
allocated_disk_space_kb bigint Total data file size of user databases in the associated with user pool.
target_memory_kb bigint The target amount of memory, in kilobytes, the resource pool is trying to attain. This is based on the current settings and server state. Not nullable.
used_memory_kb bigint The amount of memory used, in kilobytes, for the resource pool. Not nullable.
cache_memory_kb bigint The current total cache memory usage in kilobytes. Not nullable.
compile_memory_kb bigint The current total stolen memory usage in kilobytes (KB). Most of this usage would be for compile and optimization, but it can also include other memory users. Not nullable.
active_memgrant_count bigint The current count of memory grants. Not nullable.
active_memgrant_kb bigint The sum, in kilobytes (KB), of current memory grants. Not nullable.
used_memgrant_kb bigint The current total used (stolen) memory from memory grants. Not nullable.
delta_memgrant_timeout_count int The count of memory grant time-outs in this resource pool in this period. Not nullable.
delta_memgrant_waiter_count int The count of queries currently pending on memory grants. Not nullable.
delta_out_of_memory_count int The number of failed memory allocations in the pool since last snapshot. Not nullable.
delta_read_io_queued int The total read IOs enqueued since last snapshot. Nullable. Null if the resource pool isn't governed for IO.
delta_read_io_issued int The total read IOs issued since last snapshot. Nullable. Null if the resource pool isn't governed for IO.
delta_read_io_completed int The total read IOs completed since last snapshot. Not nullable.
delta_read_io_throttled int The total read IOs throttled since snapshot. Nullable. Null if the resource pool isn't governed for IO.
delta_read_bytes bigint The total number of bytes read since last snapshot. Not nullable.
delta_read_io_stall_ms int Total time (in milliseconds) between read IO arrival and completion since last snapshot. Not nullable.
delta_read_io_stall_queued_ms int Total time (in milliseconds) between read IO arrival and issue since last snapshot. Nullable. Null if the resource pool isn't governed for IO. Non-zero delta_read_io_stall_queued_ms means IOs are being delayed by resource governance.
delta_write_io_queued int The total write IOs enqueued since last snapshot. Nullable. Null if the resource pool isn't governed for IO.
delta_write_io_issued int The total write IOs issued since last snapshot. Nullable. Null if the resource pool isn't governed for IO.
delta_write_io_completed int The total write IOs completed since last snapshot. Not nullable.
delta_write_io_throttled int The total write IOs throttled since last snapshot. Not nullable.
delta_write_bytes bigint The total number of bytes written since last snapshot. Not nullable.
delta_write_io_stall_ms int Total time (in milliseconds) between write IO arrival and completion since last snapshot. Not nullable.
delta_write_io_stall_queued_ms int Total time (in milliseconds) between write IO arrival and issue since last snapshot. Nullable. Null if the resource pool isn't governed for IO.
delta_io_issue_delay_ms int Total time (in milliseconds) between the scheduled issue and actual issue of IO since last snapshot. Nullable. Null if the resource pool isn't governed for IO.
max_iops_per_volume int The Maximum IO per second (IOPS) per disk volume setting for this Pool. Nullable. Null if the resource pool isn't governed for IO.
max_memory_kb bigint The maximum amount of memory, in kilobytes, that the resource pool can have. This is based on the current settings and server state. Not nullable.
max_log_rate_kb bigint Maximum log rate (kilo-bytes per sec) at resource pool level.
max_data_space_kb bigint Max elastic pool storage limit setting for this elastic pool in kilobytes.
max_session int Session limit for the pool.
max_worker int Worker limit for the pool.
min_cpu_percent int The current configuration for the guaranteed average CPU bandwidth for all requests in the resource pool when there's CPU contention. Not nullable.
max_cpu_percent int The current configuration for the maximum average CPU bandwidth allowed for all requests in the resource pool when there's CPU contention. Not nullable.
cap_cpu_percent int Hard cap on the CPU bandwidth that all requests in the resource pool receive. Limits the maximum CPU bandwidth level to the specified level. The allowed range for value is from 1 through 100. Not nullable.
min_vcores decimal(5,2) The current configuration for the guaranteed average CPU bandwidth for all requests in the resource pool when there's CPU contention. In units of vCores.
max_vcores decimal(5,2) The current configuration for the maximum average CPU bandwidth allowed for all requests in the resource pool when there's CPU contention. In unit of vCores.
cap_vcores decimal(5,2) Hard cap on the CPU bandwidth that all requests in the resource pool receive. In unit of vCores.
instance_cpu_count int Number of CPU configured for the instance.
instance_cpu_percent decimal(5,2) CPU percent configured for the instance.
instance_vcores decimal(5,2) Number of vCores configured for the instance.
delta_log_bytes_used decimal(5,2) Total log generation (in bytes) at pool level since last snapshot.
avg_login_rate_percent decimal(5,2) Number of logins since last snapshot, compared against login limit.
delta_vcores_used decimal(5,2) Compute utilization in count of vCores since last snapshot.
cap_vcores_used_percent decimal(5,2) Average compute utilization in percentage of the limit of the pool.
instance_vcores_used_percent decimal(5,2) Average compute utilization in percentage of the limit of the SQL instance.
avg_data_io_percent decimal(5,2) Average I/O utilization in percentage based on the limit of the pool.
avg_log_write_percent decimal(5,2) Average write resource utilization in percentage of the limit of the pool.
avg_storage_percent decimal(5,2) Average storage utilization in percentage of the storage limit of the pool.
avg_allocated_storage_percent decimal(5,2) The percentage of data space allocated by all databases in the elastic pool. This is the ratio of data space allocated to data max size for the elastic pool. For more information, visit File space management in SQL Database.
max_worker_percent decimal(5,2) Maximum concurrent workers (requests) in percentage based on the limit of the pool.
max_session_percent decimal(5,2) Maximum concurrent sessions in percentage based on the limit of the pool.
active_outbound_connection_worker_count int Total outbound connection workers in current snapshot.
max_outbound_connection_worker int Outbound connection worker limit for the pool.
max_outbound_connection_worker_percent decimal(5,2) Maximum concurrent outbound connection workers (requests) in percentage based on the limit of the pool.


This view requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission.


Users can access this dynamic management view to monitor near real time resource consumption for user workload pool and system internal pools of Azure SQL Database instance.


The following example returns maximum log rate data and consumption at each snapshot by user pool:

SELECT snapshot_time,
FROM sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools_history_ex
WHERE name LIKE 'SloSharedPool1'
ORDER BY snapshot_time DESC;