

Cluster metrics configuration

When the user deploys a Cluster, a standard set of metrics gets enabled for collection. For the list of metrics, see List of Metrics Collected.

Users can't control the behavior (enable or disable) for collection of these included standard metrics. Though, users can control the collection of some optional metrics that aren't part of the link to the list. To enable this experience, users have to create and update a MetricsConfiguration resource for a cluster. By default, creation of this MetricsConfiguration resource doesn't change the collection of metrics. User has to update the resource to enable or disable these optional metrics collection.


  • For a cluster, at max, only one MetricsConfiguration resource can be created.
  • Users need to create a MetricsConfiguration resource to check a list of optional metrics that can be controlled.
  • Deletion of the MetricsConfiguration resource results in the standard set of metrics being restored.

How to manage cluster metrics configuration

To support the lifecycle of cluster metrics configurations, the following interactions allow for the creation and management of a cluster's metrics configurations.

Creating a metrics configuration

Use the az network cluster metricsconfiguration create command to create metrics configuration for cluster. If you have multiple Azure subscriptions, user must pass subscription ID either using a flag --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION_ID> to the CLI command or select the appropriate subscription ID using the az account set command.

az networkcloud cluster metricsconfiguration create \
 --cluster-name "<CLUSTER>" \
 --extended-location name="<CLUSTER_EXTENDED_LOCATION_ID>" type="CustomLocation" \
 --location "<LOCATION>" \
 --collection-interval <COLLECTION_INTERVAL (1-1440)> \
 --enabled-metrics "<METRIC_TO_ENABLE_1>" "<METRIC_TO_ENABLE_2>" \
 --tags <TAG_KEY1>="<TAG_VALUE1>" <TAG_KEY2>="<TAG_VALUE2>" \
 --resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>"
  • Replace values within < > with your specific information.
  • Query the cluster resource and find the value of <CLUSTER-EXTENDED-LOCATION-ID> in the properties.clusterExtendedLocation
  • The collection-interval field is a mandatory field, and enabled-metrics is an optional field.

Alternatively, operators can provide the list of enabled metrics via json or yaml file.

Example: enabled-metrics.json file


Example: enabled-metrics.yaml file

- "metric_1"
- "metric_2"

Example command to use enabled-metrics json/yaml file:

az networkcloud cluster metricsconfiguration create \
 --cluster-name "<CLUSTER>" \
 --extended-location name="<CLUSTER_EXTENDED_LOCATION_ID>" type="CustomLocation" \
 --location "<LOCATION>" \
 --collection-interval <COLLECTION_INTERVAL (1-1440)> \
 --enabled-metrics <path-to-yaml-or-json-file> \
 --tags <TAG_KEY1>="<TAG_VALUE1>" <TAG_KEY2>="<TAG_VALUE2>" \
 --resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>"

Here, <path-to-yaml-or-json-file> can be ./enabled-metrics.json or ./enabled-metrics.yaml (place the file under current working directory) before performing the action.

To see all available parameters and their description run the command:

az networkcloud cluster metricsconfiguration create --help

Metrics configuration elements

Parameter name Description
CLUSTER Resource Name of Cluster
LOCATION The Azure Region where the Cluster is deployed
CLUSTER_EXTENDED_LOCATION_ID The Cluster extended Location from Azure portal
COLLECTION_INTERVAL The collection frequency for default standard metrics
RESOURCE_GROUP The Cluster resource group name
TAG_KEY1 Optional tag1 to pass to MetricsConfiguration create
TAG_VALUE1 Optional tag1 value to pass to MetricsConfiguration create
TAG_KEY2 Optional tag2 to pass to MetricsConfiguration create
TAG_VALUE2 Optional tag2 value to pass to MetricsConfiguration create
METRIC_TO_ENABLE_1 Optional metric "METRIC_TO_ENABLE_1" enabled in addition to the default metrics
METRIC_TO_ENABLE_2 Optional metric "METRIC_TO_ENABLE_2" enabled in addition to the default metrics

Specifying --no-wait --debug options in az command results in the execution of this command asynchronously. For more information, see how to track asynchronous operations.


  • The default metrics collection interval for standard set of metrics is set to every 5 minutes. Changing the collectionInterval will also impact the collection frequency for default standard metrics.
  • There can be only one set of metrics configuration defined per cluster. The resource is created with the name default.

List the metrics configuration

You can check the metrics configuration resource for a specific cluster by using az networkcloud cluster metricsconfiguration list command:

az networkcloud cluster metricsconfiguration list \
 --cluster-name "<CLUSTER>" \
 --resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>"

Retrieving a metrics configuration

After a metrics configuration gets created, Operators can check the details for resource using az networkcloud cluster metricsconfiguration show command:

az networkcloud cluster metricsconfiguration show \
 --cluster-name "<CLUSTER>" \
 --resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>"

This command returns a JSON representation of the metrics configuration. You can observe the list of enabled and disabled metrics in addition to the collection frequency as an output for this command.

Updating a metrics configuration

Much like the creation of a metrics configuration, Operators can perform an update action to change the configuration or update the tags assigned to the metrics configuration.

az networkcloud cluster metricsconfiguration update \
 --cluster-name "<CLUSTER>" \
 --collection-interval <COLLECTION_INTERVAL (1-1440)> \
 --enabled-metrics "<METRIC_TO_ENABLE_1>" "<METRIC_TO_ENABLE_2>" \
 --tags <TAG_KEY1>="<TAG_VALUE1>" <TAG_KEY2>="<TAG_VALUE2>" \
 --resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>"

Operators can update collection-interval independent of enabled-metrics list. Omit fields that aren't getting changed.

Specifying --no-wait --debug options in az command results in the execution of this command asynchronously. For more information, see how to track asynchronous operations.

Deleting a metrics configuration

Deletion of the metrics configuration returns the cluster to an unaltered configuration. To delete a metrics configuration, use the command:

az networkcloud cluster metricsconfiguration delete \
 --cluster-name "<CLUSTER>" \
 --resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>"

Specifying --no-wait --debug options in az command results in the execution of this command asynchronously. For more information, see how to track asynchronous operations.