

Azure Synapse Analytics – Workload Management Portal Monitoring

This article explains how to monitor workload group resource utilization and query activity. For details on how to configure the Azure Metrics Explorer see the Analyze metrics with Azure Monitor metrics explorer article. See the Resource utilization section in Azure Synapse Analytics Monitoring documentation for details on how to monitor system resource consumption. There are two different categories of workload group metrics provided for monitoring workload management: resource allocation and query activity. These metrics can be split and filtered by workload group. The metrics can be split and filtered based on if they are system defined (resource class workload groups) or user-defined (created by user with CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP syntax).

Workload management metric definitions

Metric Name Description Aggregation Type
Effective cap resource percent Effective cap resource percent is a hard limit on the percentage of resources accessible by the workload group, taking into account Effective min resource percentage allocated for other workload groups. The Effective cap resource percent metric is configured using the CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE parameter in the CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP syntax. The effective value is described here.

For example if a workload group DataLoads is created with CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = 100 and another workload group is created with an Effective min resource percentage of 25%, the Effective cap resource percent for the DataLoads workload group is 75%.

The Effective cap resource percent determines the upper bound of concurrency (and thus potential throughput) a workload group can achieve. If additional throughput is needed beyond what is currently reported by the Effective cap resource percent metric, either increase the CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE, decrease the MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE of other workload groups or scale up the instance to add more resources. Decreasing the REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT can increase concurrency, but may not increase overall throughput.
Min, Avg, Max
Effective min resource percent Effective min resource percent is the minimum percentage of resources reserved and isolated for the workload group taking into account the service level minimum. The Effective min resource percent metric is configured using the MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE parameter in the CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP syntax. The effective value is described here.

Use the Sum aggregation type when this metric is unfiltered and unsplit to monitor the total workload isolation configured on the system.

The Effective min resource percent determines the lower bound of guaranteed concurrency (and thus guaranteed throughput) a workload group can achieve. If additional guaranteed resources are needed beyond what is currently reported by the Effective min resource percent metric, increase the MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE parameter configured for the workload group. Decreasing the REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT can increase concurrency, but may not increase overall throughput.
Min, Avg, Max
Workload group active queries This metric reports the active queries within the workload group. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system. Sum
Workload group allocation by cap resource percent This metric displays the percentage allocation of resources relative to the Effective cap resource percent per workload group. This metric provides the effective utilization of the workload group.

Consider a workload group DataLoads with an Effective cap resource percent of 75% and a REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT configured at 25%. The Workload group allocation by cap resource percent value filtered to DataLoads would be 33% (25% / 75%) if a single query were running in this workload group.

Use this metric to identify a workload group's utilization. A value close to 100% indicates all resources available to the workload group are being used. Additionally, the Workload group queued queries metric for the same workload group showing a value greater than zero would indicate the workload group would utilize additional resources if allocated. Conversely, if this metric is consistently low and the Workload group active queries is low the workload group is not being utilized. This situation is especially problematic if Effective cap resource percent is greater than zero as that would indicate underutilized workload isolation.
Min, Avg, Max
Workload group allocation by system percent This metric displays the percentage allocation of resources relative to the entire system.

Consider a workload group DataLoads with a REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT configured at 25%. Workload group allocation by system percent value filtered to DataLoads would be 25% (25% / 100%) if a single query were running in this workload group.
Min, Avg, Max
Workload group query timeouts Queries for the workload group that have timed out. Query timeouts reported by this metric are only once the query has started executing (it does not include wait time due to locking or resource waits).

Query timeout is configured using the QUERY_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT_SEC parameter in the CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP syntax. Increasing the value could reduce the number of query timeouts.

Consider increasing the REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT parameter for the workload group to reduce the amount of timeouts and allocate more resources per query. Note, increasing REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT reduces the amount of concurrency for the workload group.
Workload group queued queries Queries for the workload group that are currently queued waiting to start execution. Queries can be queue because they are waiting for resources or locks.

Queries could be waiting for numerous reasons. If the system is overloaded and the concurrency demand is greater than what is available, queries will queue.

Consider adding more resources to the workload group by increasing the CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE parameter in the CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP statement. If CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE is greater than the Effective cap resource percent metric, the configured workload isolation for other workload group is impacting the resources allocated to this workload group. Consider lowering MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE of other workload groups or scale up the instance to add more resources.

Monitoring scenarios and actions

Below are a series of chart configurations to highlight workload management metric usage for troubleshooting along with associated actions to address the issue.

Underutilized workload isolation

Consider the following workload group and classifier configuration where a workload group named wgPriority is created and TheCEO membername is mapped to it using the wcCEOPriority workload classifier. The wgPriority workload group has 25% workload isolation configured for it (MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = 25). Each query submitted by TheCEO is given 5% of system resources (REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT = 5).


WITH ( WORKLOAD_GROUP = 'wgPriority'
      ,MEMBERNAME = 'TheCEO');

The below chart is configured as follows:
Metric 1: Effective min resource percent (Avg aggregation, blue line)
Metric 2: Workload group allocation by system percent (Avg aggregation, purple line)
Filter: [Workload Group] = wgPriority
Screenshot shows a chart with the two metrics and filter. The chart shows that with 25% workload isolation, only 10% is being used on average. In this case, the MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE parameter value could be lowered to between 10 or 15 and allow for other workloads on the system to consume the resources.

Workload group bottleneck

Consider the following workload group and classifier configuration where a workload group named wgDataAnalyst is created and the DataAnalyst membername is mapped to it using the wcDataAnalyst workload classifier. The wgDataAnalyst workload group has 6% workload isolation configured for it (MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = 6) and a resource limit of 9% (CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = 9). Each query submitted by the DataAnalyst is given 3% of system resources (REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT = 3).


WITH ( WORKLOAD_GROUP = 'wgDataAnalyst'
      ,MEMBERNAME = 'DataAnalyst');

The below chart is configured as follows:
Metric 1: Effective cap resource percent (Avg aggregation, blue line)
Metric 2: Workload group allocation by cap resource percent (Avg aggregation, purple line)
Metric 3: Workload group queued queries (Sum aggregation, turquoise line)
Filter: [Workload Group] = wgDataAnalyst
Screenshot shows a chart with the three metrics and filter. The chart shows that with a 9% cap on resources, the workload group is 90%+ utilized (from the Workload group allocation by cap resource percent metric). There is a steady queuing of queries as shown from the Workload group queued queries metric. In this case, increasing the CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE to a value higher than 9% will allow more queries to execute concurrently. Increasing the CAP_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE assumes that there are enough resources available and not isolated by other workload groups. Verify the cap increased by checking the Effective cap resource percent metric. If more throughput is desired, also consider increasing the REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT to a value greater than 3. Increasing the REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT could allow queries to run faster.

Next steps