

ksetup removerealm

Deletes all information for the specified realm from the registry.

The realm name is stored in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Lsa\Kerberos. This entry doesn't exist in the registry by default. You can use the ksetup addrealmflags command to populate the registry.


You can't remove the default realm name from the domain controller because this resets its DNS information, and removing it might make the domain controller unusable.


ksetup /removerealm <realmname>


Parameter Description
<realmname> Specifies the uppercase DNS name, such as CORP.CONTOSO.COM, and is listed as the default realm or Realm= when ksetup is run.


To remove an erroneous realm name (.CON instead of .COM) from the local computer, type:

ksetup /removerealm CORP.CONTOSO.CON

To verify the removal, you can run the ksetup command and review the output.