

Build window — MRTK2

Build & deploy flow

MRTK's build window make it easy to build & deploy your MRTK-Unity projects. With a single button click, you can build Unity project and generate Visual Studio solution(.SLN), UWP App package(.APPX), and install the app package on the device.

Unity Build Options

Build window - Unity Build Options 1

These scenes are from the Unity Build Settings. You can change the target device type using the dropdown menu.

Appx Build Options

Build window - Appx Build Options 2

This tab shows the configuration for the Visual Studio solution. To enabled HoloLens 2's eye-tracking input capability, check Gaze Input Capability option.

You can assign .glb file in the 3D App Launcher Model field for custom 3D app launcher icon. See 3D app launcher design guideline for more information.

By default, Auto Increment is checked in the Versioning Options. AppX versions will be automatically incremented.

Deploy Options

Build window - Deploy Options 3

In this tab, you can connect to the device by entering username and password for the Device Portal.

On the bottom of the page, you can find list of the app packages that has been created.