Aracılığıyla paylaş

SocketPermission.IsSubsetOf(IPermission) Yöntem


Geçerli iznin belirtilen iznin bir alt kümesi olup olmadığını belirler.

 override bool IsSubsetOf(System::Security::IPermission ^ target);
public override bool IsSubsetOf (System.Security.IPermission target);
override this.IsSubsetOf : System.Security.IPermission -> bool
Public Overrides Function IsSubsetOf (target As IPermission) As Boolean



Alt SocketPermission küme ilişkisi için test edilecek bir.


ise targetnull, geçerli örnek hiçbir izin tanımlıyorsa bu yöntem döndürür true ; aksi takdirde , false. değilse targetnull, geçerli örnek izinlerin bir alt kümesini target tanımlarsa bu yöntem döndürürtrue; aksi takdirde, false.

Özel durumlar

target bir SocketExceptiondeğildir.

DnsPermission yöntem çağırana verilmedi.


Aşağıdaki örnek, birinin SocketPermission diğerinin IsSubsetOf alt kümesi olup olmadığını belirlemek için yöntemini kullanır.

// Creates a SocketPermission restricting access to and from all URIs.
SocketPermission^ mySocketPermission1 = gcnew SocketPermission( PermissionState::None );

// The socket to which this permission will apply will allow connections from
mySocketPermission1->AddPermission( NetworkAccess::Accept, TransportType::Tcp,  "", 11000 );

// Creates a SocketPermission which will allow the target Socket to connect with
SocketPermission^ mySocketPermission2 = gcnew SocketPermission( NetworkAccess::Connect,TransportType::Tcp, "",11002 );

// Creates a SocketPermission from the union of two SocketPermissions.
SocketPermission^ mySocketPermissionUnion =
   (SocketPermission^)( mySocketPermission1->Union( mySocketPermission2 ) );

// Checks to see if the union was successfully created by using the IsSubsetOf method.
if ( mySocketPermission1->IsSubsetOf( mySocketPermissionUnion ) &&
   mySocketPermission2->IsSubsetOf( mySocketPermissionUnion ) )
   Console::WriteLine(  "This union contains permissions from both mySocketPermission1 and mySocketPermission2" );
   // Prints the allowable accept URIs to the console.
   Console::WriteLine(  "This union accepts connections on :" );

   IEnumerator^ myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion->AcceptList;
   while ( myEnumerator->MoveNext() )
      Console::WriteLine( safe_cast<EndpointPermission^>( myEnumerator->Current )->ToString() );
   // Prints the allowable connect URIs to the console.
   Console::WriteLine(  "This union permits connections to :" );

   myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion->ConnectList;
   while ( myEnumerator->MoveNext() )
      Console::WriteLine( safe_cast<EndpointPermission^>( myEnumerator->Current )->ToString() );

// Creates a SocketPermission restricting access to and from all URIs.
SocketPermission mySocketPermission1 = new SocketPermission(PermissionState.None);

// The socket to which this permission will apply will allow connections from
mySocketPermission1.AddPermission(NetworkAccess.Accept, TransportType.Tcp, "", 11000);

// Creates a SocketPermission which will allow the target Socket to connect with
SocketPermission mySocketPermission2 =
                           new SocketPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, TransportType.Tcp, "", 11002);

// Creates a SocketPermission from the union of two SocketPermissions.
SocketPermission mySocketPermissionUnion =

// Checks to see if the union was successfully created by using the IsSubsetOf method.
if (mySocketPermission1.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionUnion) &&
     Console.WriteLine("This union contains permissions from both mySocketPermission1 and mySocketPermission2");

     // Prints the allowable accept URIs to the console.
     Console.WriteLine("This union accepts connections on :");

     IEnumerator myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.AcceptList;
  while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {

        // Prints the allowable connect URIs to the console.
     Console.WriteLine("This union permits connections to :");

     myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.ConnectList;
  while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
' Creates a SocketPermission restricting access to and from all URIs.
Dim mySocketPermission1 As New SocketPermission(PermissionState.None)

' The socket to which this permission will apply will allow connections from
mySocketPermission1.AddPermission(NetworkAccess.Accept, TransportType.Tcp, "", 11000)

' Creates a SocketPermission which will allow the target Socket to connect with
Dim mySocketPermission2 As New SocketPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, TransportType.Tcp, "", 11002)

' Creates a SocketPermission from the union of two SocketPermissions.
Dim mySocketPermissionUnion As SocketPermission = CType(mySocketPermission1.Union(mySocketPermission2), SocketPermission)

' Checks to see if the union was successfully created by using the IsSubsetOf method.
If mySocketPermission1.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionUnion) And mySocketPermission2.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionUnion) Then
   Console.WriteLine("This union contains permissions from both mySocketPermission1 and mySocketPermission2")
   ' Prints the allowable accept URIs to the console.
   Console.WriteLine("This union accepts connections on :")
   Dim myEnumerator As IEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.AcceptList
   While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
      Console.WriteLine(CType(myEnumerator.Current, EndpointPermission).ToString())
   End While
   Console.WriteLine("This union establishes connections on : ")
   ' Prints the allowable connect URIs to the console.
   Console.WriteLine("This union permits connections to :")
   myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.ConnectList
   While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
      Console.WriteLine(CType(myEnumerator.Current, EndpointPermission).ToString())
   End While
End If


Geçerli izin, belirtilen izin tarafından tamamen kapsanan bir işlem kümesi belirtiyorsa, geçerli izin belirtilen iznin bir alt kümesidir.

Örneğin,'e erişimi temsil eden izin, erişimi temsil eden bir iznin alt kümesidir. Bu yöntem döndürürse true, geçerli izin belirtilen izinden daha fazla korumalı kaynağa erişimi temsil etmez.

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