TabControl.ImageList Özellik


Denetimlerin sekmelerinde görüntülenecek görüntüleri alır veya ayarlar.

 property System::Windows::Forms::ImageList ^ ImageList { System::Windows::Forms::ImageList ^ get(); void set(System::Windows::Forms::ImageList ^ value); };
public System.Windows.Forms.ImageList ImageList { get; set; }
public System.Windows.Forms.ImageList? ImageList { get; set; }
member this.ImageList : System.Windows.Forms.ImageList with get, set
Public Property ImageList As ImageList

Özellik Değeri

ImageList Sekmelerde görüntülenecek görüntüleri belirten bir.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği ile TabPagebir TabControl oluşturur. Bu örnekte, öğesinin ImageList sekmelerindeki tabControl1adlandırılmış myImagestarafından ImageList tanımlanan koleksiyondaki görüntüleri görüntülemek için özelliği kullanılır.

using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Resources;
public ref class Form1: public Form
      IContainer^ components = gcnew System::ComponentModel::Container;
      ResourceManager^ resources = gcnew ResourceManager( Form1::typeid );
      TabControl^ tabControl1 = gcnew TabControl;
      TabPage^ tabPage1 = gcnew TabPage;
      // Declares and instantiates the ImageList Object*.
      ImageList^ myImages = gcnew ImageList( components );
      tabControl1->Controls->Add( tabPage1 );
      // Sets the images in myImages to display on the tabs of tabControl1. 
      tabControl1->ImageList = myImages;
      tabPage1->ImageIndex = 0;
      tabPage1->Text = "tabPage1";
      // Gets the handle that provides the data of myImages.
      myImages->ImageStream = (dynamic_cast<ImageListStreamer^>(resources->GetObject( "myImages.ImageStream" )));
      // Sets properties of myImages. 
      myImages->ColorDepth = ColorDepth::Depth8Bit;
      myImages->ImageSize = System::Drawing::Size( 16, 16 );
      myImages->TransparentColor = Color::Transparent;
      this->Controls->Add( tabControl1 );


int main()
   Application::Run( gcnew Form1 );
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Resources;

public class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
        IContainer components = new Container();
        ResourceManager resources = new ResourceManager(typeof(Form1));
        TabControl tabControl1 = new TabControl();
        TabPage tabPage1 = new TabPage();

        // Declares and instantiates the ImageList object.
        ImageList myImages = new ImageList(components);

        // Sets the images in myImages to display on the tabs of tabControl1. 
        tabControl1.ImageList = myImages;
        tabPage1.ImageIndex = 0;
        tabPage1.Text = "tabPage1";

        // Gets the handle that provides the data of myImages.
        myImages.ImageStream = ((ImageListStreamer)(resources.GetObject("myImages.ImageStream")));
        // Sets properties of myImages. 
        myImages.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth8Bit;
        myImages.ImageSize = new Size(16, 16);
        myImages.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent;


    static void Main() 
        Application.Run(new Form1());
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Resources

Public Class Form1
    Inherits Form

    Public Sub New()
        Dim components = New Container()
        Dim resources As New ResourceManager(GetType(Form1))
        Dim tabControl1 As New TabControl()
        Dim tabPage1 As New TabPage()

        ' Declares and instantiates the ImageList object.
        Dim myImages As New ImageList(components)

        ' Sets the images in myImages to display on the tabs of tabControl1. 
        tabControl1.ImageList = myImages

        tabPage1.ImageIndex = 0
        tabPage1.Text = "tabPage1"

        ' Gets the handle that provides the data of myImages.
        myImages.ImageStream = CType(resources.GetObject("myImages.ImageStream"), ImageListStreamer)

        ' Sets properties of myImages. 
        myImages.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth8Bit
        myImages.ImageSize = New Size(16, 16)
        myImages.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent

    End Sub

    Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New Form1())
    End Sub
End Class


Bir sekmede görüntü görüntülemek için, bu TabPageöğesinin ImageIndex özelliğini ayarlayın. , ImageIndex dizininde dizin görevi görür ImageList.

Şunlara uygulanır

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