class ClassificationResult

Class that contains the result of a classification call on the Execution State.


Members Descriptions
public std::string GetId() const Get the ID of the classification policy.
public std::string GetName() const Get the name of the classification policy.
public int GetCount() const Get the instance count.
public int GetConfidenceLevel() const Get the confidence in the result.
public std::string GetSensitiveInformationDetections() const Get the sensitive information detections.
public virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<mip::DetailedClassificationResult>> GetDetailedClassificationAttributes() const Get the specific detection bands if the enchanced classification is enabled.


GetId function

Get the ID of the classification policy.

Returns: ID of the classification policy.

GetName function

Get the name of the classification policy.

Returns: Name of the classification policy.

GetCount function

Get the instance count.

Returns: The instance count.

GetConfidenceLevel function

Get the confidence in the result.

GetSensitiveInformationDetections function

Get the sensitive information detections.

Returns: Json string of all the sensitive information detections. if not empty must be a valid json format.

GetDetailedClassificationAttributes function

Get the specific detection bands if the enchanced classification is enabled.

Returns: A vector of instance counts at different confidence thresholds