class FileEngine

This class provides an interface for all engine functions.


Members Descriptions
public const Settings& GetSettings() const Returns the engine settings.
public const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SensitivityTypesRulePackage>>& ListSensitivityTypes() const list the sensitivity types associated with the policy engine.
public const std::shared_ptr<Label> GetDefaultSensitivityLabel() const Get the default sensitivity label.
public std::shared_ptr<Label> GetLabelById(const std::string& id) const Gets the label according to the provided id.
public const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Label>> ListSensitivityLabels() Returns a list of sensitivity labels.
public const std::string& GetMoreInfoUrl() const Provide a url for looking up more information about the policy/labels.
public const std::string& GetPolicyFileId() const Gets the policy file ID.
public const std::string& GetSensitivityFileId() const Gets the sensitivity file ID.
public bool IsLabelingRequired() const Checks if the policy dictates that a document must be labeled.
public std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> GetLastPolicyFetchTime() const Gets the time when the policy was last fetched.
public const std::string& GetPolicyDataXml() const Gets policy data XML which describes the settings, labels, and rules associated with this policy.
public std::shared_ptr<AsyncControl> CreateFileHandlerAsync(const std::string& inputFilePath, const std::string& actualFilePath, bool isAuditDiscoveryEnabled, const std::shared_ptr<FileHandler::Observer>& fileHandlerObserver, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context, const std::shared_ptr<FileExecutionState>& fileExecutionState, bool isGetSensitivityLabelAuditDiscoveryEnabled) Starts creating a file handler for given file path.
public std::shared_ptr<AsyncControl> CreateFileHandlerAsync(const std::shared_ptr<Stream>& inputStream, const std::string& actualFilePath, bool isAuditDiscoveryEnabled, const std::shared_ptr<FileHandler::Observer>& fileHandlerObserver, const std::shared_ptr<void>& context, const std::shared_ptr<FileExecutionState>& fileExecutionState, bool isGetSensitivityLabelAuditDiscoveryEnabled) Starts creating a file handler for given file stream.
public void SendApplicationAuditEvent(const std::string& level, const std::string& eventType, const std::string& eventData) Logs an application specific event to the audit pipeline.
public const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& GetCustomSettings() const Gets a list of custom settings.
public bool HasClassificationRules() const Gets if the policy has automatic or recommendation rules.
public bool HasWorkloadConsent(Workload workload) const Checks if user has consented to specific workload,.


GetSettings function

Returns the engine settings.

ListSensitivityTypes function

list the sensitivity types associated with the policy engine.

Returns: A list of sensitivity labels. empty if LoadSensitivityTypesEnabled was false (

See also: FileEngine::Settings).

GetDefaultSensitivityLabel function

Get the default sensitivity label.

Returns: Default sensitivity label if exists, nullptr if there is no default label set.

GetLabelById function

Gets the label according to the provided id.

ListSensitivityLabels function

Returns a list of sensitivity labels.

GetMoreInfoUrl function

Provide a url for looking up more information about the policy/labels.

Returns: A url in string format.

GetPolicyFileId function

Gets the policy file ID.

Returns: A string that represent the policy file ID

GetSensitivityFileId function

Gets the sensitivity file ID.

Returns: A string that represent the policy file ID

IsLabelingRequired function

Checks if the policy dictates that a document must be labeled.

Returns: True if labeling is mandatory, else false.

GetLastPolicyFetchTime function

Gets the time when the policy was last fetched.

Returns: The time when the policy was last fetched

GetPolicyDataXml function

Gets policy data XML which describes the settings, labels, and rules associated with this policy.

Returns: Policy data XML.

CreateFileHandlerAsync function

Starts creating a file handler for given file path.


  • inputFilePath: The file to open. The path must include the file name and, if one exists, the file name extension.

  • actualFilePath: The actual (not temporary) file path, will be used for audit.

  • isAuditDiscoveryEnabled: representing whether audit discovery is enabled or not.

  • fileHandlerObserver: A class implementing the FileHandler::Observer interface.

  • context: Client context that will be opaquely passed back to the observer.

  • isGetSensitivityLabelAuditDiscoveryEnabled: representing whether audit discovery is triggered for getSensitivityLabel or not.

Returns: Async control object.

CreateFileHandlerAsync function

Starts creating a file handler for given file stream.


  • inputStream: A stream containing the file data.

  • actualFilePath: The path to the file. The path must include the file name and, if one exists, the file name extension. will also use to identify the file in audit.

  • isAuditDiscoveryEnabled: representing whether audit discovery is enabled or not.

  • fileHandlerObserver: A class implementing the FileHandler::Observer interface.

  • context: Client context that will be opaquely passed back to the observer.

  • isGetSensitivityLabelAuditDiscoveryEnabled: representing whether audit discovery is triggered for getSensitivityLabel or not.

Returns: Async control object.

SendApplicationAuditEvent function

Logs an application specific event to the audit pipeline.


  • level: a description of the log level : Info/Error/Warning

  • eventType: a description of the type of event

  • eventData: the data associated with the event

GetCustomSettings function

Gets a list of custom settings.

Returns: A vector of custom settings

HasClassificationRules function

Gets if the policy has automatic or recommendation rules.

Returns: A bool that will tell if there any automatic or recommendation rules in the policy

HasWorkloadConsent function

Checks if user has consented to specific workload,.

Returns: Bool indicating consent.