Warning C6336

Arithmetic operator has precedence over question operator, use parentheses to clarify intent


This warning indicates a possible operator precedence problem. The '+','-','*' and '/' operators have precedence over the '?' operator. If the precedence in the expression isn't correct, use parentheses to change the operator precedence.

Code analysis name: QUESTIONPRECEDENCE


The following code generates this warning:

int Count();

void f(int flag)
  int result;
  result = Count() + flag ? 1 : 2;
  // code...

To correct this warning, add parenthesis as shown in the following code:

int Count();

void f(int flag)
  int result;
  result = Count() + (flag ? 1 : 2);
  // code...

See also

C++ Built-in Operators, Precedence and Associativity