IDataModelManager2::RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method (dbgmodel.h)

The RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature method is similar to the RegisterModelForTypeSignature method with one key difference. The data model which is passed to this method is not the canonical visualizer for any type and it will not take over the display of the native/language view of that type. The data model which is passed to this method will automatically be added as a parent to any concrete type which matches the supplied type signature.

Unlike the RegisterModelForTypeSignature method, there is no limit on identical or ambiguous type signatures being registered as extensions to a given type (or set of types). Every extension whose type signature matches a given concrete type instance will cause the data model registered via this method to automatically be attached to newly created objects as parent models. This, in effect, allows an arbitrary number of clients to extend a type (or set of types) with new fields or functionality.


HRESULT RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature(
  IDebugHostTypeSignature *typeSignature,
  IModelObject            *dataModel



The type signature against which the supplied data model will be registered as an extension. Every native/language object whose concrete type matches this signature will have the given data model attached as a parent model automatically.


The data model which will automatically be added as a parent model to every native/language object with a concrete type which matches the supplied type signature.

Return value

This method returns HRESULT that indicates success or failure.


Sample Code

ComPtr<IDataModelManager> spManager; /* get the data model manager */
ComPtr<IDebugHost> spHost;           /* get the debug host */

ComPtr<IModelObject> spDataModel;    /* create a data model (see 
                                        CreateDataModelObject) */

ComPtr<IDebugHostSymbols> spSym;
if (SUCCEEDED(spHost.As(&spSym)))
    // Create a signature to match MyType<*>
    ComPtr<IDebugHostTypeSignature> spTypeSignature;
    if (SUCCEEDED(spSym->CreateTypeSignature(L"MyType<*>", nullptr, &spTypeSignature)))
        // Register the model for std::vector<*>
        if (SUCCEEDED(spManager->RegisterExtensionForTypeSignature(
            // Every instance matching MyType<*> will now have spDataModel 
            // attached as the parent.  This data model is considered an "extension"
            // (adding properties).  It will not be counted as a visualizer and 
            // will not "take over" the display of the type

IDataModelManager2 interface


Requirement Value
Header dbgmodel.h