FILE_PROVIDER_EXTERNAL_INFO_V1 structure (ntifs.h)

The FILE_PROVIDER_EXTERNAL_INFO_V1 structure defines metadata specific to files provided by WOF_PROVIDER_FILE. This provider gives efficient compression for data that won't be modified, such as executable files. If the file is opened for write access, the file will be transparently decompressed.


  ULONG Version;
  ULONG Algorithm;
  ULONG Flags;



The version of the provider to use. Specify FILE_PROVIDER_CURRENT_VERSION.


Specifies the compression algorithm that is used to compress this file. Currently defined algorithms are:

Algorithm Description
FILE_PROVIDER_COMPRESSION_XPRESS4K The data for the file should be compressed in 4kb chunks with the XPress algorithm. This algorithm is designed to be computationally lightweight, and provides for rapid access to data.
FILE_PROVIDER_COMPRESSION_LZX The data for the file should be compressed in 32kb chunks with the LZX algorithm. This algorithm is designed to be highly compact, and provides for small footprint for infrequently accessed data.
FILE_PROVIDER_COMPRESSION_XPRESS8K The data for the file should be compressed in 8kb chunks with the XPress algorithm.
FILE_PROVIDER_COMPRESSION_XPRESS16K The data for the file should be compressed in 16kb chunks with the XPress algorithm.


Specifies flags for the operation. Reserved for future use, should be 0.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10
Header ntifs.h (include Windows.h, WinIoCtl.h, Ntifs.h, Windows.h, WinIoCtl.h, Ntifs.h)

See also