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Important  The Native 802.11 Wireless LAN interface is deprecated in Windows 10 and later. Please use the WLAN Device Driver Interface (WDI) instead. For more information about WDI, see WLAN Universal Windows driver model.


When queried, the OID_DOT11_CURRENT_PATTERN object identifier (OID) requests that the miniport driver return the value of the IEEE 802.11 dot11CurrentPattern management information base (MIB) object for the current PHY type on the 802.11 station.

This MIB object defines the current hopping pattern used by the layer management entity (LME) of the current PHY type to determine the hopping sequence. For more information about how the hopping sequence is determined, refer to Clause of the IEEE 802.11-2012 standard.

Note  Support for OID_DOT11_CURRENT_PATTERN is mandatory if the NIC supports the dot11_phy_type_fhsss PHY type. For more information about how the miniport driver specifies its list of supported PHY types, see OID_DOT11_SUPPORTED_PHY_TYPES.


The data type for OID_DOT11_CURRENT_PATTERN is a ULONG value from 0 through 255.

The dot11CurrentPattern MIB object is only valid for the frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) PHY type. If the current PHY type is not set to dot11_phy_type_fhss, the miniport driver must fail the query request by returning NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA from its MiniportOidRequest function.

If the miniport driver is operating in Extensible Station (ExtSTA) mode, the current PHY type is determined through the ExtSTA msDot11CurrentPhyID MIB object. This MIB object specifies the index of the current PHY type within the 802.11 station's list of supported PHY types. For more information about msDot11CurrentPhyID t, see OID_DOT11_CURRENT_PHY_ID.

Note  A Native 802.11 miniport driver that is designed to run on the Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 operating systems must always reset this 802.11 MIB OID to its default value. This is the case regardless of the value of the bSetDefaultMIB member of the DOT11_RESET_REQUEST structure. This requirement applies to a miniport driver that, in a call to the NdisMSetMiniportAttributes function, sets MiniportAttributes -> Native_802_11_Attributes -> Header -> Revision to NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_802_11_ATTRIBUTES_REVISION_1.




Available in Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows operating systems.


Windot11.h (include Ndis.h)

See also

Native 802.11 MIB OIDs

Native 802.11 Wireless LAN OIDs