App and driver compatibility reports for Windows updates
With Intune, you can deploy updates to Windows 10/11 devices by using policies for Update rings for Windows 10 and later and Feature updates for Windows 10 and later. To help prepare for update deployments, Intune offers integrated reports to help you understand compatibility risks that might affect your devices during or after an update:
Windows feature update device readiness report - This report provides per-device information about compatibility risks that are associated with an upgrade or update to a chosen version of Windows.
Windows feature update compatibility risks report - This report provides a summary view of the top compatibility risks across your organization for a chosen version of Windows. You can use this report to understand which compatibility risks affect the greatest number of devices in your organization.
To use these reports, you must first ensure that prerequisites are met and that devices are properly configured for data collection.
The Windows feature update device readiness and Windows feature update compatibility risks reports require users of enrolled devices to have one of the following licenses:
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 or E5 (included in Microsoft 365 F3, E3, or E5)
Windows 10/11 Education A3 or A5 (included in Microsoft 365 A3 or A5)
Windows 10/11 Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) per user
Before using these reports, you must attest to having the required licenses on the Windows data page of the Intune admin center.
To be eligible for the Windows feature update device readiness and Windows feature update compatibility risks reports, devices must:
Run a supported version of Windows 10 or later with the latest cumulative update
Be Microsoft Entra joined or Microsoft Entra hybrid joined
Be managed by Intune (including co-managed devices) or a supported version of the Configuration Manager client with tenant attach enabled
To view these reports, users must be assigned an Intune role with the Managed devices > View reports permission. This permission is included in the following built-in roles:
Endpoint Security Manager
Read Only Operator
Help Desk Operator
In addition, to use the Windows feature update device readiness report, users must also have the Roles > Read permission. This permission is included in the following built-in roles:
Endpoint Security Manager
Read Only Operator
Help Desk Operator
Intune Role Administrator
Use the Windows feature update device readiness report
The Windows feature update device readiness report provides a device-level view of compatibility risks associated with an upgrade or update to a chosen version of Windows.
The insights in this report are specific to the target version of Windows you select when generating the report. To ensure accuracy of insights, confirm that your selected OS version matches the version of Windows you intend to deploy.
In the admin center, go to Reports > Windows updates > select the Reports tab > select Windows Feature Update Device Readiness Report.
Configure settings:
Select Select Target OS and choose the version of Windows you plan to deploy.
Select Select Scope (Tags) and choose which devices should be in scope for this report.
Optionally select Ownership and Readiness status to refine the report.
Select Generate report. This process can take several minutes. You're notified when report generation is complete.
The data in this report is made available on-demand only. You must configure the Target OS and Scope (Tags) settings, and then click Generate report for data to appear in the report.
When you generate a report, the data in the report is cached on a per-user basis. Other Intune users in your organization will not be able to see the report you have generated. If you'd like to regenerate the report with different settings or to pull the latest data, follow the steps provided and select Generate again.
The following columns are available in this report:
Readiness status - A summary of the readiness state of the device.
Sys req issues - A summary of any system requirements associated with the target OS version that this device doesn't meet.
App issues - The number of applications installed on this device with a known compatibility risk associated with the target OS version.
Driver issues - The number of drivers installed on this device with a known compatibility risk associated with the target OS version.
The following applies to Readiness status:
Low risk - There are no known compatibility risks associated with the device.
Medium risk - There are only minor, or non-blocking, compatibility risks associated with this device, such as applications that are automatically removed during upgrade.
High risk - There are multiple or blocking compatibility risks associated with this device, such as applications that block an upgrade.
Replace device - The device isn't capable of upgrading to the target OS version.
Upgraded - The device is already running a version of Windows equal to or greater than the target OS version.
Unknown - A readiness status couldn't be determined. Ensure that the device is properly configured to send Windows diagnostic data.
For more information about the compatibility risks that affect a specific device, select the device name to open the details flyout. The tabs on the details flyout include:
Overview - A summary of device properties that can be used to identify the device, and an overview of the compatibility risks impacting the device.
Applications - A table of applications with compatibility risks that are installed on the device.
Drivers - A table of drivers with compatibility risks that are installed on the device.
Other - A table of compatibility risks that might affect this device, but aren't associated with applications or drivers. Compatibility risks associated with device configurations and settings, such as some Safeguard holds, fall into this category.
Use the Windows feature update compatibility risks report
The Windows feature update compatibility risks report provides a summary view of the compatibility risks across your organization associated with an upgrade or update to a chosen version of Windows.
The insights in this report are specific to the target version of Windows you select when generating the report. To ensure accuracy of insights, confirm that your selected OS version matches the version of Windows you intend to deploy.
In the admin center, go to Reports > Windows updates > select the Reports tab > select Windows Feature Update Compatibility Risks Report.
Configure settings:
Select Select Target OS and choose the version of Windows you plan to deploy.
Optionally select Asset type and Risk status to refine the report.
Select Generate report. This process can take several minutes. You're notified when report generation is complete.
When you generate a report, the data in the report is cached on a per-user basis. Other Intune users in your organization will not be able to see the report you have generated. If you'd like to regenerate the report with different settings or to pull the latest data, follow the steps provided and select Generate again.
The following columns are available in this report:
Asset type - The type of asset that has a compatibility risk. Options include Application, Driver, and Other.
Asset name - The name of the asset with a compatibility risk, such as the application name.
Asset vendor - The name of the vendor who publishes the asset with a compatibility risk.
Asset version - The version of the asset with a compatibility risk.
Affected devices - The number of enrolled devices that might be impacted by this compatibility risk.
Risk status - A summary of the severity of the compatibility risk. Most compatibility risks are either Medium risk if they might block the upgrade.
Issue - A description of the identified compatibility risk.
For more information about a specific compatibility risk, including which devices are potentially impacted, select the number in the Affected devices column to open the details flyout. The tabs on the details flyout include:
Overview - A summary of the compatibility risk, including asset details and the compatibility assessment. When available, the Guidance section provides recommended actions to mitigate the compatibility risk.
Affected devices - A table of the devices that might be impacted by this compatibility risk.
Issue descriptions
We use information from the Microsoft app compatibility database to describe any existing compatibility issues for publicly available applications from Microsoft or other publishers:
Application is removed during upgrade
Windows detected compatibility issues with an application. The application isn't migrated to the new OS version. No action is required for the upgrade to continue. Install a compatible version of the application on the new OS version.
Windows can partially or fully remove these assets:
Full removal: Windows setup completely removes the app from the device during upgrade.
Partial removal: Windows setup partially removes the app from the device. You need to manually uninstall it after you upgrade Windows.
In both the cases, after you upgrade Windows, you can't use the app.
Blocking upgrade
Windows detected blocking issues, and can't remove the application during upgrade. It might not work on the new OS version. Before you upgrade, remove the application, reinstall, and test it on the new OS version.
Blocking upgrade, but can be reinstalled after upgrading
The application is compatible with the new OS version, but won't migrate. Remove the application before upgrading Windows and then reinstall the application on the new OS version.
Blocking upgrade, update application to newest version
The existing version of the application isn't compatible with the new OS version and won't migrate. A compatible version of the application is available. Update the application before upgrading.
Disk encryption blocking upgrade
The application's encryption features block the upgrade. Disable the encryption feature before you upgrade Windows and enable it after the upgrade.
Doesn't work with new OS, but won't block upgrade
The application isn't compatible with the new OS version, but won't block the upgrade. No action is required for the upgrade to continue. Install a compatible version of the application on the new OS version.
Doesn't work with new OS, and will block upgrade
The application isn't compatible with the new OS version and will block the upgrade. Remove the application before upgrading. A compatible version of the application may be available.
Evaluation may be required on new OS
Windows will migrate the application, but it detected issues that may impact the app's performance on the new OS version. No action is required for the upgrade to continue. Test the application on the new OS version.
May block upgrade, test application
Windows detected issues that may interfere with the upgrade, but needs further investigation. Test the application's behavior during upgrade. If it blocks the upgrade, remove it before upgrading. Then reinstall and test it on the new OS version.
Multiple issues affect the application.
Reinstall application after upgrading
The application is compatible with the new OS version, but you need to reinstall it after you upgrade Windows. The upgrade process removes the application. No action is required for the upgrade to continue. Reinstall the application on the new OS version.
Driver won't migrate to new OS
The currently installed version of a driver won't migrate to the new OS version.
The driver won't migrate to the new OS version and Windows doesn't have a compatible version. In this case, we recommend checking with the independent hardware vendor (IHV) who manufactures the driver, or the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) who provided the device.
A new driver is installed during upgrade, and a newer version is available from a Windows Update. If the computer automatically receives updates from the Windows Update, no action is required. Otherwise, import a new driver from Windows Update after you upgrade Windows.
When an issue may result in a Windows client feature update to fail or rollback, we may apply safeguard holds to prevent affected devices from installing the update in order to safeguard them from these experiences. We remove these holds once a fix is found and verified. To get additional information about safeguard holds in place, see the Windows release health page under Known issues corresponding to the relevant release.
The safeguard entries aren't a real asset that's installed on your devices. It's a placeholder to help identify apps or drivers in your environment with the safeguard compatibility tag.
About reporting data latency
The data source for these reports is Windows diagnostic data. Data typically uploads from enrolled devices once per day and is then processed in batches before being made available in Intune. The maximum end-to-end latency is approximately 52 hours.
Known issues
Exported csv files display numerical values
When report data is exported to a .csv file, the exported data doesn't use the friendly names you're used to seeing in the online reports. Use the information in the following section to map the data in the exported file into the meaning of the value:
When exported, the sys req issues column is represented as a comma-separated list of all values that apply to the device. For example, a value of "1, 2" means the device does not meet the processor family or the RAM requirement for the target OS version selected.
Windows feature update compatibility risks report
Asset Type:
Asset Type .csv value
Report value
Risk status (This column is called Readiness status in the .csv export):
Readiness status .csv value
Risk status report value
Low risk
Medium risk
High risk
Issue (Asset Type is required to properly map exported Issue values):
Asset Type
Issue .csv value
Application, Other
Doesn't work with new OS, but won't block upgrade.
Application won't work on new OS. No action is required for upgrade to proceed.
Application, Other
Evaluate application on new OS.
Application may have issues on new OS. No action is required for upgrade to proceed.
Application, Other
Reinstall application after upgrading.
No action is required for upgrade to proceed. Application will work on new OS, but must be reinstalled.
Application, Other
Disk encryption blocking upgrade.
Disable disk encryption before upgrading. You can re-enable it after.
Application, Other
Blocking upgrade.
Remove application before upgrading. Application may work on new OS.
Application, Other
Blocking upgrade, update application to newest version.
Update application before upgrading. Compatible version is available.
Application, Other
locking upgrade, but can be reinstalled after upgrading.
Remove application before upgrading. Application will work on new OS, but must be reinstalled.
Application, Other
Application is removed during upgrade.
Application is removed during upgrade due to compatibility issues. No action is required for the upgrade to proceed, but be sure to test the application on the new OS, and check with the developer for a compatible version if needed.
Application, Other
Evaluation may be required on new OS.
Windows may upgrade, but applications or drivers can have issues.
Driver won't migrate to new OS.
Check with vendor for compatible driver.
Driver won't migrate to new OS.
Driver is replaced with a new version (either inbox or via Windows Update). No action is required for upgrade to proceed.
Blocking upgrade.
Can't upgrade.
Guidance information is not included in the .csv export file. The mapping table includes Guidance data for each Issue type.
See also
The FastTrack Center Benefit for Windows provides access to Desktop App Assure. This benefit is a service designed to address issues with Windows 10/11 and Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise compatibility. For more information, see Desktop App Assure.