XMUBYTE2::operator= function (directxpackedvector.h)

Assigns the vector component data from one instance of XMUBYTE2 to the current instance of XMUBYTE2.

This operator assigns the vector component data from one instance of XMUBYTE2 to the current instance of XMUBYTE2.

Note  This operator is only available with C++.


XMUBYTE2 & operator=(
  const XMUBYTE2 & unnamedParam1



Instance of XMUBYTE2 used to update the current XMUBYTE2 structure.

Return value

The current instance of XMUBYTE2 whose vector component data has been updated to match those of the XMUBYTE2 instance specified by the Byte2 argument.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header directxpackedvector.h

See also


XMUBYTE2 Operators