IInertiaProcessor::ProcessTime method (manipulations.h)

The ProcessTime method performs calculations for the given tick and can raise the Started, Delta, or Completed event depending on whether extrapolation is completed or not. If extrapolation finished at the previous tick, the method is no-op.


HRESULT ProcessTime(
  [in]  DWORD timestamp,
  [out] BOOL  *completed


[in] timestamp

A parameter that contains a timestamp (in millisecs) to process.

[out] completed

Indicates whether an operation was performed. A value of false indicates extrapolation was finished at a previous tick and the operation was a no-op.

Return value

Returns S_OK on success, otherwise returns an error code such as E_FAIL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header manipulations.h (include Manipulations.h)

See also


