WLAN_MSM_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure (wlanapi.h)

The WLAN_MSM_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure contains information about media specific module (MSM) connection related notifications.


  WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE wlanConnectionMode;
  WCHAR                strProfileName[WLAN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
  DOT11_SSID           dot11Ssid;
  DOT11_BSS_TYPE       dot11BssType;
  DOT11_MAC_ADDRESS    dot11MacAddr;
  BOOL                 bSecurityEnabled;
  BOOL                 bFirstPeer;
  BOOL                 bLastPeer;
  WLAN_REASON_CODE     wlanReasonCode;



A WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE value that specifies the mode of the connection.


The name of the profile used for the connection. WLAN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH is 256. Profile names are case-sensitive. This string must be NULL-terminated.


A DOT11_SSID structure that contains the SSID of the association.


A DOT11_BSS_TYPE value that indicates the BSS network type.


A DOT11_MAC_ADDRESS that specifies the MAC address of the peer or access point.


Indicates whether security is enabled for this connection. If TRUE, security is enabled.


Indicates whether the peer is the first to join the ad hoc network created by the machine. If TRUE, the peer is the first to join.

After the first peer joins the network, the interface state of the machine that created the ad hoc network changes from wlan_interface_state_ad_hoc_network_formed to wlan_interface_state_connected.


Indicates whether the peer is the last to leave the ad hoc network created by the machine. If TRUE, the peer is the last to leave. After the last peer leaves the network, the interface state of the machine that created the ad hoc network changes from wlan_interface_state_connected to wlan_interface_state_ad_hoc_network_formed.


A WLAN_REASON_CODE that indicates the reason for an operation failure. If the operation succeeds, this field has a value of WLAN_REASON_CODE_SUCCESS. Otherwise, this field indicates the reason for the failure.


The WlanRegisterNotification function is used by an application to register and unregister notifications on all wireless interfaces. When registering for notifications, an application must provide a callback function pointed to by the funcCallback parameter passed to the WlanRegisterNotification function. The prototype for this callback function is the WLAN_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK. This callback function will receive notifications that have been registered in the dwNotifSource parameter passed to the WlanRegisterNotification function.

The callback function is called with a pointer to a WLAN_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure as the first parameter that contains detailed information on the notification.

If the NotificationSource member of the WLAN_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure received by the callback function is WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_MSM, then the received notification is a media specific module (MSM) notification. The NotificationCode member of the WLAN_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure passed to the WLAN_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK function determines the interpretation of the pData member of WLAN_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure. For some of these notifications, a WLAN_MSM_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure is returned in the pData member of WLAN_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure.

For more information on these notifications, see the WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM enumeration reference.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header wlanapi.h

See also



