IMetaDataAssemblyImport::GetManifestResourceProps method (rometadataapi.h)

Gets the set of properties of the manifest resource with the specified metadata signature.


HRESULT GetManifestResourceProps(
  [in]  mdManifestResource mdmr,
  [out] LPWSTR             szName,
  [in]  ULONG              cchName,
  [out] ULONG              *pchName,
  [out] mdToken            *ptkImplementation,
  [out] DWORD              *pdwOffset,
  [out] DWORD              *pdwResourceFlags


[in] mdmr

An mdManifestResource token that represents the resource for which to get the properties.

[out] szName

The name of the resource.

[in] cchName

The size, in wide chars, of szName.

[out] pchName

A pointer to the number of wide chars actually returned in szName.

[out] ptkImplementation

A pointer to an mdFile token or an mdAssemblyRef token that represents the file or assembly, respectively, that contains the resource.

[out] pdwOffset

A pointer to a value that specifies the offset to the beginning of the resource within the file.

[out] pdwResourceFlags

A pointer to flags that describe the metadata applied to a resource. The flags value is a combination of one or more CorManifestResourceFlags values.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header rometadataapi.h

See also
