IDisplayDeviceInterop::CreateSharedHandle method (windows.devices.display.core.interop.h)

For a DisplaySurface or a DisplayFence object, creates a shared handle that can be used for interop with Direct3D or other graphics APIs.


HRESULT CreateSharedHandle(
  IInspectable              *pObject,
  const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *pSecurityAttributes,
  DWORD                     Access,
  HSTRING                   Name,
  HANDLE                    *pHandle



A pointer to the IUnknown interface of a DisplaySurface or a DisplayFence object.


A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that contains two separate but related data members: an optional security descriptor, and a Boolean value that determines whether child processes can inherit the returned handle.

Set this parameter to nullptr if you want child processes that the application might create to not inherit the handle returned by CreateSharedHandle, and if you want the resource that is associated with the returned handle to get a default security descriptor.

The lpSecurityDescriptor member of the structure specifies a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR for the resource. Set this member to nullptr if you want the runtime to assign a default security descriptor to the resource that is associated with the returned handle. The access control lists (ACLs) in the default security descriptor for the resource come from the primary or impersonation token of the creator. For more info, see Synchronization object security and access rights.


The requested access rights to the resource. In addition to the Generic access rights, a surface can use these values.

  • DXGI_SHARED_RESOURCE_READ (0x80000000L). Specifies read access to the resource.
  • DXGI_SHARED_RESOURCE_WRITE (1). Specifies write access to the resource.

You can combine these values by using a bitwise OR operation.

If pObject is a fence, then you must use GENERIC_ALL.



A null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name to associate with the shared heap. The name is limited to MAX_PATH characters. Name comparison is case-sensitive.

If Name matches the name of an existing resource, then CreateSharedHandle fails with DXGI_ERROR_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS. This occurs because these objects share the same namespace.

The name can have a "Global" or "Local" prefix to explicitly create the object in the global or session namespace. The remainder of the name can contain any character except the backslash character (\). For more information, see Kernel object namespaces. Fast user-switching is implemented using Terminal Services sessions. Kernel object names must follow the guidelines outlined for Terminal Services so that applications can support multiple users.

The object can be created in a private namespace. For more information, see Object namespaces.


A pointer to a HANDLE that receives that new shared handle.

Return value


This method returns S_OK if it succeeded, otherwise a failure code indicating why it failed. If it succeeded, then pHandle will always point to the newly created handle.


The handle returned by CreateSharedHandle can be used in any function that requires an "NT handle" to a GPU surface or fence (depending on what object was passed), provided that the caller has been granted access. Here are some examples.

Multiple processes can have handles of the same object, enabling use of the object for interprocess synchronization or sharing. The following object-sharing mechanisms are available.

  • A child process created by the CreateProcess function can inherit a handle to a surface or fence object if the pSecurityAttributes parameter of CreateSharedHandle enables inheritance.
  • A process can specify the object handle in a call to the DuplicateHandle function to create a duplicate handle that can be used by another process.
  • A process can specify the name of the object in a call to the OpenSharedHandle or ID3D12Device::OpenSharedHandleByName function.

Use the CloseHandle function to close the handle. The system closes the handle automatically when the process terminates. The object is destroyed when its last handle has been closed and its last interface reference has been released.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 Build 20348
Minimum supported server Windows 10 Build 20348
Target Platform Windows
Header windows.devices.display.core.interop.h
Library d3d12.lib
DLL d3d12.dll