resources.containers.container 定义


- container: string # Required as first property. Alias of the container.
  image: string # Required. Container image tag.
  type: string # Type of the registry like ACR or GCR.
  trigger: trigger | none | true # Specify none to disable, true to trigger on all image tags, or use the full syntax as described in the following examples.
  endpoint: string # ID of the service endpoint connecting to a private container registry.
  env: # Variables to map into the container's environment.
    string: string # Name/value pairs
  mapDockerSocket: boolean # Set this flag to false to force the agent not to setup the /var/run/docker.sock volume on container jobs.
  options: string # Options to pass into container host.
  ports: [ string ] # Ports to expose on the container.
  volumes: [ string ] # Volumes to mount on the container.
  mountReadOnly: # Volumes to mount read-only, the default is all false.
    work: boolean # Mount the work directory as readonly.
    externals: boolean # Mount the externals directory as readonly.
    tools: boolean # Mount the tools directory as readonly.
    tasks: boolean # Mount the tasks directory as readonly.
  azureSubscription: string # Azure subscription (ARM service connection) for container registry.
  resourceGroup: string # Resource group for your ACR.
  registry: string # Registry for container images.
  repository: string # Name of the container image repository in ACR.
  localImage: boolean # When true, uses a locally tagged image instead of using docker pull to get the image. The default is false.
- container: string # Required as first property. Alias of the container.
  type: string # Type of the registry like ACR or GCR.
  endpoint: string # ID of the service endpoint connecting to a private container registry.
  trigger: trigger | none | true # Specify none to disable, true to trigger on all image tags, or use the full syntax as described in the following examples.
  azureSubscription: string # Azure subscription (ARM service connection) for container registry.
  resourceGroup: string # Resource group for your ACR.
  registry: string # Registry for container images.
  repository: string # Name of the container image repository in ACR.
  localImage: boolean # When true, uses a locally tagged image instead of using docker pull to get the image. The default is false.
- container: string # Required as first property. Alias of the container.
  endpoint: string # ID of the service endpoint connecting to a private container registry.
  azureSubscription: string # Azure subscription (ARM service connection) for container registry.
  resourceGroup: string # Resource group for your ACR.
  registry: string # Registry for container images.
  repository: string # Name of the container image repository in ACR.
  localImage: boolean # When true, uses a locally tagged image instead of using docker pull to get the image. The default is false.

引用此定义的定义: resources.containers


container 字符串。 作为第一个属性是必需的。
容器的 ID。 可接受的值:[-_A-Za-z0-9]*。

image 字符串。 必需。

type 字符串。
注册表的类型,如 ACR 或 GCR。

指定 none 可禁用,指定 true 以在所有图像标记上触发,或使用完整语法,如以下示例中所述。

endpoint 字符串。
连接到专用容器注册表的服务终结点的 ID。 支持模板表达式

endpoint 字符串。
连接到专用容器注册表的服务终结点的 ID。

env 字符串字典。

将此标志设置为 false 以强制代理不要在容器作业上设置 /var/run/docker.sock 卷。

options 字符串。
用于传入容器主机的选项。 支持模板表达式

options 字符串。

ports 字符串列表。
要对容器公开的端口。 支持模板表达式

ports 字符串列表。

volumes 字符串列表。
要装载到容器上的卷。 支持模板表达式

volumes 字符串列表。

要装载只读的卷,默认值为 false。

azureSubscription 字符串。
适用于容器注册表的 Azure 订阅 (ARM 服务连接) 。

resourceGroup 字符串。
ACR 的资源组。

registry 字符串。

repository 字符串。
ACR 中容器映像存储库的名称。

如果为 true,则使用本地标记的映像,而不是使用 docker 拉取来获取映像。 默认值为 false。




代理启动指定容器的实例,然后在其中运行步骤。 使用 container 关键字可以指定容器映像。


YAML 管道中容器资源的 、volumesportsoptions 属性支持endpoint模板表达式


  - container: linux
    image: ubuntu:16.04
  - container: windows
    endpoint: my_acr_connection
  - container: my_service
    image: my_service:tag
    - 8080:80 # bind container port 80 to 8080 on the host machine
    - 6379 # bind container port 6379 to a random available port on the host machine
    - /src/dir:/dst/dir # mount /src/dir on the host into /dst/dir in the container


在 YAML 中定义资源