
以下 C++ 代码示例会将域用户或组添加到运行 Windows NT Workstation 或 Windows 2000 Professional 的成员服务器或计算机上的本地组。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <activeds.h>
#include <ntldap.h>



    Adds a user from a domain to a local group using the WinNT 


    pwszComputerName - Contains the name of the computer 
    that the group belongs to.

    pwszGroupName - Contains the name of the group to add a member 
    to. This group must exist on the target computer.

    pwszDomainName - Contains the name of domain that contains 
    the user to add to the group.

    pwszUserToAdd - Contains the name of the user in the domain 
    to add to the group.


HRESULT AddDomainUserToLocalGroup(LPCWSTR pwszComputerName, 
                                  LPCWSTR pwszGroupName, 
                                  LPCWSTR pwszDomainName, 
                                  LPCWSTR pwszUserToAdd)
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    CComPtr<IADsContainer> spComputer;

    // Build the binding string.
    CComBSTR sbstrBindingString;
    sbstrBindingString = "WinNT://";
    sbstrBindingString += pwszComputerName;
    sbstrBindingString += ",computer";
    // Bind to the computer that contains the group.
    hr = ADsOpenObject( sbstrBindingString,

        return hr;

    // Bind to the group object.
    CComPtr<IDispatch> spDisp;
    hr = spComputer->GetObject(CComBSTR("group"), 
        return hr;

    CComPtr<IADsGroup> spGroup;
    hr = spDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (LPVOID*)&spGroup);
        return hr;
    // Bind to the member to add.
    sbstrBindingString = "WinNT://";
    sbstrBindingString += pwszDomainName;
    sbstrBindingString += "/";
    sbstrBindingString += pwszUserToAdd;

    hr = spGroup->Add(sbstrBindingString);

    return hr;

以下 Visual Basic 代码示例会将域用户或组添加到运行 Windows NT Workstation 或 Windows 2000 Professional 的成员服务器或计算机上的本地组。

'   AddDomainUserToLocalGroup
'   Adds a user from a domain to a local group using the WinNT 
'   provider.
'   Parameters:
'   ComputerName - Contains the name of the computer that the group
'   belongs to.
'   GroupName - Contains the name of the group to add a member to. 
'   This group must exist on the target computer.
'   DomainName - Contains the name of domain that contains the user
'   to add to the group.
'   UserName - Contains the name of the user in the domain to add
'   to the group.
Public Sub AddDomainUserToLocalGroup(ComputerName As String, _
                                    GroupName As String, _
                                    DomainName As String, _
                                    UserName As String)
    Dim GroupComputer As IADsContainer
    Dim Group As IADsGroup
    ' Bind to the computer that contains the group.
    Set GroupComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & 
                                  ComputerName & 
    ' Bind to the group object.
    Set Group = GroupComputer.GetObject("group", GroupName)
    ' Add the user to the group.
    Group.Add ("WinNT://" & DomainName & "/" & UserName)
End Sub