
在该 PowerShell 脚本示例中,可找到所有 Microsoft Entra 应用程序代理应用程序的相关信息,包括应用程序 ID (AppId)、名称 (DisplayName) 和对象 ID (ObjId)。

如果没有 Azure 订阅,请在开始之前创建一个 Azure 免费帐户


建议使用 Azure Az PowerShell 模块与 Azure 交互。 请参阅安装 Azure PowerShell 以开始使用。 若要了解如何迁移到 Az PowerShell 模块,请参阅 将 Azure PowerShell 从 AzureRM 迁移到 Az

此示例需要 Microsoft Graph Beta PowerShell 模块 2.10 或更高版本。


# This sample script gets all Microsoft Entra application proxy applications (AppId, Name of the app, ObjID).
# Version 1.0
# This script requires PowerShell 5.1 (x64) or beyond and one of the following modules:
# Microsoft.Graph.Beta ver 2.10 or newer
# Before you begin:
#    Required Microsoft Entra role: Global Administrator or Application Administrator or Application Developer 
#    or appropriate custom permissions as documented https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/roles/custom-enterprise-app-permissions

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Applications

Connect-MgGraph -Scope Directory.Read.All -NoWelcome

Write-Host "Reading service principals. This operation might take longer..." -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Green"

$allApps = Get-MgBetaServicePrincipal -Top 100000 | where-object {$_.Tags -Contains "WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryOnPremApp"}

$numberofAadapApps = 0

Write-Host "List of the configured Microsoft Entra application proxy applications"

foreach ($item in $allApps) {

 $aadapApp = $null
 $aadapAppId =  Get-MgBetaApplication | where-object {$_.AppId -eq $item.AppId}
 $aadapApp = Get-MgBetaApplication -ApplicationId $aadapAppId.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -select OnPremisesPublishing | select OnPremisesPublishing -expand OnPremisesPublishing | Format-List -Property InternalUrl, ExternalUrl, AlternateUrl

  if ($aadapApp -ne $null) {
  Write-Host $item.DisplayName"(AppId: " $item.AppId ", ObjId:" $item.Id")"

  $numberofAadapApps = $numberofAadapApps + 1      


Write-Host "Number of the Microsoft Entra application proxy applications: " $numberofAadapApps

Write-Host "Finished." -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Green"
Write-Host "To disconnect from Microsoft Graph, please use the Disconnect-MgGraph cmdlet."


Command 说明
Connect-MgGraph 连接到 Microsoft Graph
Get-MgBetaServicePrincipal 获取服务主体
Get-MgBetaApplication 获取企业应用程序
