
PowerShell 脚本示例列出了正在使用自定义域的所有 Microsoft Entra 应用程序代理应用程序,此外还列出了与这些自定义域关联的证书信息。

如果没有 Azure 订阅,请在开始之前创建一个 Azure 免费帐户


建议使用 Azure Az PowerShell 模块与 Azure 交互。 请参阅安装 Azure PowerShell 以开始使用。 若要了解如何迁移到 Az PowerShell 模块,请参阅 将 Azure PowerShell 从 AzureRM 迁移到 Az

此示例需要 Microsoft Graph Beta PowerShell 模块 2.10 或更高版本。


# This sample script gets all Microsoft Entra application proxy application custom domain applications & uploaded certificates.
# Version 1.0
# This script requires PowerShell 5.1 (x64) and one of the following modules:
# Microsoft.Graph ver 2.10
# Before you begin:
#    Required Microsoft Entra role: Global Administrator or Application Administrator or Application Developer 
#    or appropriate custom permissions as documented https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/roles/custom-enterprise-app-permissions

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Applications

Connect-MgGraph -Scope Directory.Read.All -NoWelcome

Write-Host "Reading service principals. This operation might take longer..." -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Green"

$allApps = Get-MgBetaServicePrincipal -Top 100000 | where-object {$_.Tags -Contains "WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryOnPremApp"}

$numberofAadapApps, $certsNumber = 0, 0

[string[]]$certs = $null

Write-Host "Displaying all custom domain Microsoft Entra application proxy applications and the uploaded certificates..." -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Green"
Write-Host " "

foreach ($item in $allApps) {

 $aadapApp, $aadapAppConf, $aadapAppConf1 = $null, $null, $null
 $aadapAppId =  Get-MgBetaApplication | where-object {$_.AppId -eq $item.AppId}
 $aadapAppConf = Get-MgBetaApplication -ApplicationId $aadapAppId.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -select OnPremisesPublishing | select OnPremisesPublishing -expand OnPremisesPublishing 
 $aadapAppConf1 = Get-MgBetaApplication -ApplicationId $aadapAppId.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -select OnPremisesPublishing | select OnPremisesPublishing -expand OnPremisesPublishing `
  | select verifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata -expand verifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata 

  if (($aadapAppConf -ne $null) -and ($aadapAppConf.ExternalUrl -notmatch ".msappproxy.net")) {
  Write-Host $item.DisplayName"(AppId: " $item.AppId ", ObjId:" $item.Id")" -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "White"
  Write-Host "External Url: " $aadapAppConf.ExternalUrl
  Write-Host "Internal Url: " $aadapAppConf.InternalUrl
  Write-Host "Pre-authentication: " $aadapAppConf.ExternalAuthenticationType

  If ($aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.Thumbprint.Length -ne 0) {
        Write-Host " "
        Write-Host "SSL Certificate details:"
        Write-Host "Certificate SubjectName: " $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.SubjectName
        Write-Host "Certificate Issuer: " $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.Issuer
        Write-Host "Certificate Thumbprint: " $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.Thumbprint
        Write-Host "Valid from: " $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.IssueDate
        Write-Host "Valid to: " $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.ExpiryDate
        Write-Host " "

        if ($null -eq ($aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.Thumbprint | ? { $certs -match $_ })) {
          $certs += " `r`nSSL Certificate details:`r`nCertificate SubjectName: " + $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.SubjectName
          $certs += "Certificate Issuer: " + $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.Issuer
          $certs += "Certificate Thumbprint: " + $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.Thumbprint
          $certs += "Valid from: " + $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.IssueDate
          $certs += "Valid to: " + $aadapAppConf1.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata.ExpiryDate + "`r`n"

          $certsNumber = $certsNumber + 1

  $numberofAadapApps = $numberofAadapApps + 1      

Write-Host "Number of the Microsoft Entra application proxy applications with custom domain: " $numberofAadapApps -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "White"
Write-Host ("")
Write-Host ("Number of uploaded certificates: " + $certsNumber) -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "White"
Write-Host ("")
Write-Host ("Used certificates:") -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "White"
Write-Host ("")


Write-Host "Finished." -BackgroundColor "Black" -ForegroundColor "Green"
Write-Host "To disconnect from Microsoft Graph, please use the Disconnect-MgGraph cmdlet."


Command 说明
Connect-MgGraph 连接到 Microsoft Graph
Get-MgBetaServicePrincipal 获取服务主体
Get-MgBetaApplication 获取企业应用程序
