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本快速入门将介绍如何使用 Speech SDK 创建支持翻译的新的多设备对话,以及如何加入现有对话。


适用于 Java、JavaScript、Objective-C 和 Swift 的语音 SDK 支持多设备对话,但我们尚未在此处提供相关指南。

可以在 GitHub 上查看或下载所有语音 SDK C# 示例




  1. 打开 Program.cs 并将其中的所有代码替换为以下代码:

    using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech;
    using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.Audio;
    using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.Transcription;
    using System;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace HelloWorld
        class Program
            static async Task Main(string[] args)
                await CreateConversationAsync();
            static async Task CreateConversationAsync()
                // Replace these values with the details of your Cognitive Speech subscription
                string subscriptionKey = "YourSubscriptionKey";
                // Replace below with your region identifier from here: https://aka.ms/speech/sdkregion
                string region = "YourServiceRegion";
                // Sets source and target languages.
                // Replace with the languages of your choice, from list found here: https://aka.ms/speech/sttt-languages
                string fromLanguage = "en-US";
                string toLanguage = "de";
                // Set this to the display name you want for the conversation host
                string displayName = "The host";
                // Create the task completion source that will be used to wait until the user presses Ctrl + C
                var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
                // Register to listen for Ctrl + C
                Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) =>
                    e.Cancel = true; // don't terminate the current process
                // Create an instance of the speech translation config
                var config = SpeechTranslationConfig.FromSubscription(subscriptionKey, region);
                config.SpeechRecognitionLanguage = fromLanguage;
                // Create the conversation
                using (var conversation = await Conversation.CreateConversationAsync(config).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    // Start the conversation so the host user and others can join
                    await conversation.StartConversationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Get the conversation ID. It will be up to your scenario to determine how this is shared with other participants.
                    string conversationId = conversation.ConversationId;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Created '{conversationId}' conversation");
                    // At this point, you can use the conversation object to manage the conversation. 
                    // For example, to mute everyone else in the room you can call this method:
                    await conversation.MuteAllParticipantsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Configure which audio source you want to use. If you are using a text only language, you 
                    // can use the other overload of the constructor that takes no arguments
                    var audioConfig = AudioConfig.FromDefaultMicrophoneInput();
                    using (var conversationTranslator = new ConversationTranslator(audioConfig))
                        // You should connect all the event handlers you need at this point
                        conversationTranslator.SessionStarted += (s, e) =>
                            Console.WriteLine($"Session started: {e.SessionId}");
                        conversationTranslator.SessionStopped += (s, e) =>
                            Console.WriteLine($"Session stopped: {e.SessionId}");
                        conversationTranslator.Canceled += (s, e) =>
                            switch (e.Reason)
                                case CancellationReason.EndOfStream:
                                    Console.WriteLine($"End of audio reached");
                                case CancellationReason.Error:
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Canceled due to error. {e.ErrorCode}: {e.ErrorDetails}");
                        conversationTranslator.ConversationExpiration += (s, e) =>
                            Console.WriteLine($"Conversation will expire in {e.ExpirationTime.TotalMinutes} minutes");
                        conversationTranslator.ParticipantsChanged += (s, e) =>
                            Console.Write("The following participant(s) have ");
                            switch (e.Reason)
                                case ParticipantChangedReason.JoinedConversation:
                                case ParticipantChangedReason.LeftConversation:
                                case ParticipantChangedReason.Updated:
                                    Console.Write("been updated");
                            foreach (var participant in e.Participants)
                        conversationTranslator.TextMessageReceived += (s, e) =>
                            Console.WriteLine($"Received an instant message from '{e.Result.ParticipantId}': '{e.Result.Text}'");
                            foreach (var entry in e.Result.Translations)
                                Console.WriteLine($"\tTranslated into '{entry.Key}': '{entry.Value}'");
                        conversationTranslator.Transcribed += (s, e) =>
                            Console.WriteLine($"Received a transcription from '{e.Result.ParticipantId}': '{e.Result.Text}'");
                            foreach (var entry in e.Result.Translations)
                                Console.WriteLine($"\tTranslated into '{entry.Key}': '{entry.Value}'");
                        conversationTranslator.Transcribing += (s, e) =>
                            Console.WriteLine($"Received a partial transcription from '{e.Result.ParticipantId}': '{e.Result.Text}'");
                            foreach (var entry in e.Result.Translations)
                                Console.WriteLine($"\tTranslated into '{entry.Key}': '{entry.Value}'");
                        // Enter the conversation to start receiving events
                        await conversationTranslator.JoinConversationAsync(conversation, displayName).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        // You can now send an instant message to all other participants in the room
                        await conversationTranslator.SendTextMessageAsync("The instant message to send").ConfigureAwait(false);
                        // If specified a speech to text language, you can start capturing audio
                        await conversationTranslator.StartTranscribingAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                        Console.WriteLine("Started transcribing. Press Ctrl + c to stop");
                        // At this point, you should start receiving transcriptions for what you are saying using the default microphone. Press Ctrl+c to stop audio capture
                        await completionSource.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);
                        // Stop audio capture
                        await conversationTranslator.StopTranscribingAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                        // Leave the conversation. After this you will no longer receive events
                        await conversationTranslator.LeaveConversationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // End the conversation
                    await conversation.EndConversationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Delete the conversation. Any other participants that are still in the conversation will be removed
                    await conversation.DeleteConversationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
  2. 在同一文件中,将字符串 YourSubscriptionKey 替换为你的认知语音订阅密钥。

  3. 将字符串 YourServiceRegion 替换为与订阅关联的区域

  4. 在菜单栏中,选择“文件”>“全部保存”。


  1. 从菜单栏中,选择“构建”>“构建解决方案”以构建应用程序。 现在,编译代码时应不会提示错误。

  2. 选择“调试”>“开始调试”(或按 F5)以启动 helloworld 应用程序。

  3. 看到 Started transcribing 消息出现后,你可以开始说话。 在你说话时,你会看到口述文本出现。

    • 如果你与其他人分享对话代码并且他们加入了对话,则你还会看到他们的口述文本。
  4. 说话完毕后,按 Ctrl+C 停止音频捕获并终止对话。


  1. 将以下函数复制并粘贴到 Program.cs 中:

    static async Task JoinConversationAsync(string conversationId)
        // Set this to the display name you want for the participant
        string displayName = "participant";
        // Set the speech to text, or text language you want to use
        string language = "en-US";
        // Create the task completion source that will be used to wait until the user presses Ctrl + c
        var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
        // Register to listen for Ctrl+C
        Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) =>
            e.Cancel = true; // don't terminate the current process
        // As a participant, you don't need to specify any subscription key, or region. You can directly create
        // the conversation translator object
        var audioConfig = AudioConfig.FromDefaultMicrophoneInput();
        using (var conversationTranslator = new ConversationTranslator(audioConfig))
            // Register for any events you are interested here. For now let's just register for
            // transcription, and instant message events
            conversationTranslator.TextMessageReceived += (s, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Received an instant message from '{e.Result.ParticipantId}': '{e.Result.Text}'");
                foreach (var entry in e.Result.Translations)
                    Console.WriteLine($"\tTranslated into '{entry.Key}': '{entry.Value}'");
            conversationTranslator.Transcribed += (s, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Received a transcription from '{e.Result.ParticipantId}': '{e.Result.Text}'");
                foreach (var entry in e.Result.Translations)
                    Console.WriteLine($"\tTranslated into '{entry.Key}': '{entry.Value}'");
            conversationTranslator.Transcribing += (s, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Received a partial transcription from '{e.Result.ParticipantId}': '{e.Result.Text}'");
                foreach (var entry in e.Result.Translations)
                    Console.WriteLine($"\tTranslated into '{entry.Key}': '{entry.Value}'");
            // To start receiving events, you will need to join the conversation
            await conversationTranslator.JoinConversationAsync(conversationId, displayName, language).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // You can now send an instant message
            await conversationTranslator.SendTextMessageAsync("Message from participant").ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Start capturing audio if you specified a speech to text language
            await conversationTranslator.StartTranscribingAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            Console.WriteLine("Started transcribing. Press Ctrl-C to stop");
            // At this point, you should start receiving transcriptions for what you are saying using
            // the default microphone. Press Ctrl+C to stop audio capture
            await completionSource.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Stop audio capture
            await conversationTranslator.StopTranscribingAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Leave the conversation. You will stop receiving events after this
            await conversationTranslator.LeaveConversationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
  2. 将你的 public static async Task Main(string[] args) 函数中的 CreateConversationAsync(); 替换为:

    // Set this to the conversation you want to join
  1. 需要创建一个可加入的会话:

    1. 启动浏览器并导航到:https://translator.microsoft.com
    2. 选择“开始对话”。
    3. 使用任何可用选项登录。
    4. 键入名称(例如,“The host”)。
    5. 选择语言(例如,“英语”)。
    6. 选择“输入”按钮。
    7. 请注意页面顶部的对话代码。


    如果使用网页上的“复制”按钮,请确保删除开头的 translate.it/。 只需要 5 个字符的对话 ID(例如:ABCDE)。

  1. 返回到 Visual Studio,并将字符串 YourConversationId 替换为在上一步中创建的对话 ID。

  2. 从菜单栏中,选择“构建”>“构建解决方案”以构建应用程序。 现在,编译代码时应不会提示错误。

  3. 选择“调试”>“开始调试”(或按 F5)以启动 helloworld 应用程序。

  4. 看到 Started transcribing 消息出现后,你可以开始说话。 在你说话时,你会看到口述文本出现。

    • 如果返回到浏览器,则应当会看到在你说话时你的口述文本也出现在那里。
  5. 说话完毕后,按 Ctrl+C 停止音频捕获并终止对话。

  6. 返回到浏览器,并使用右上角的退出按钮退出对话。


可以在 GitHub 上查看或下载所有语音 SDK C++ 示例




  1. 从 Visual Studio 中,打开源文件 helloworld.cpp

  2. 将所有代码替换为以下片段:

    #include "pch.h"
    #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
    #include <Windows.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <thread>
    #include <future>
    #include <string>
    #include <speechapi_cxx.h>
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    using namespace Microsoft::CognitiveServices::Speech;
    using namespace Microsoft::CognitiveServices::Speech::Audio;
    using namespace Microsoft::CognitiveServices::Speech::Transcription;
    // Create a promise we will set when the user presses Ctrl-C
    std::promise<bool> promise;
    // Create the future we will use to wait for the promise to be fulfilled
    std::future<bool> future = promise.get_future();
    void StartNewConversation()
        // Set these
        std::string subscriptionKey("YourSubscriptionKey");
        // Replace below with your own region identifier from here: https://aka.ms/speech/sdkregion
        std::string region("YourServiceRegion");
        std::string speechLanguage("en-US");
        // Create the conversation object you'll need to manage the conversation
        auto speechConfig = SpeechConfig::FromSubscription(subscriptionKey, region);
        auto conversation = Conversation::CreateConversationAsync(speechConfig).get();
        // Start the conversation so you and others can join
        // Get the conversation ID. It will be up to your scenario to determine how this is shared with other participants.
        std::cout << "Created conversation: " << conversation->GetConversationId() << std::endl;
        // You can now call various commands to manage the room. For example:
        // Create the conversation translator you'll need to send audio, send IMs, and receive conversation events
        auto audioConfig = AudioConfig::FromDefaultMicrophoneInput();
        auto conversationTranslator = ConversationTranslator::FromConfig(audioConfig);
        // Add any event handlers
        conversationTranslator->SessionStarted += [](const SessionEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "Session started " << args.SessionId << std::endl;
        conversationTranslator->SessionStopped += [](const SessionEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "Session stopped " << args.SessionId << std::endl;
        conversationTranslator->Canceled += [](const ConversationTranslationCanceledEventArgs& args)
            switch (args.Reason)
                case CancellationReason::EndOfStream:
                    std::cout << "End of audio reached" << std::endl;
                case CancellationReason::Error:
                    std::cout << "Canceled due to error. " << (long)args.ErrorCode << ": " << args.ErrorDetails << std::endl;
        conversationTranslator->ConversationExpiration += [](const ConversationExpirationEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "Conversation will expire in " << args.ExpirationTime.count() << " minutes" << std::endl;
        conversationTranslator->ParticipantsChanged += [](const ConversationParticipantsChangedEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "The following participant(s) have ";
            switch (args.Reason)
                case ParticipantChangedReason::JoinedConversation:
                    std::cout << "joined";
                case ParticipantChangedReason::LeftConversation:
                    std::cout << "left";
                case ParticipantChangedReason::Updated:
                    std::cout << "been updated";
            std::cout << ":" << std::endl;
            for(std::shared_ptr<Participant> participant : args.Participants)
                std::cout << "\t" << participant->DisplayName << std::endl;
        conversationTranslator->Transcribing += [](const ConversationTranslationEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "Received a partial transcription from " << args.Result->ParticipantId << ": " << args.Result->Text << std::endl;
            for (const auto& entry : args.Result->Translations)
                std::cout << "\t" << entry.first << ": " << entry.second << std::endl;
        conversationTranslator->Transcribed += [](const ConversationTranslationEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "Received a transcription from " << args.Result->ParticipantId << ": " << args.Result->Text << std::endl;
            for (const auto& entry : args.Result->Translations)
                std::cout << "\t" << entry.first << ": " << entry.second << std::endl;
        conversationTranslator->TextMessageReceived += [](const ConversationTranslationEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "Received an instant message from " << args.Result->ParticipantId << ": " << args.Result->Text << std::endl;
            for (const auto& entry : args.Result->Translations)
                std::cout << "\t" << entry.first << ": " << entry.second << std::endl;
        // Join the conversation so you can start receiving events
        conversationTranslator->JoinConversationAsync(conversation, "Test Host").get();
        // Send an instant message
        conversationTranslator->SendTextMessageAsync("This is a short test message").get();
        // Start sending audio
        std::cout << "Started transcribing. Press Ctrl + C to stop" << std::endl;
        future.get(); // wait for Ctrl - C to be pressed
        // Stop audio capture
        // Leave the conversation. You will stop receiving events
        // Once you are done, remember to delete the conversation.
        conversation->EndConversationAsync().get(); // You will not be able to rejoin after this
        conversation->DeleteConversationAsync().get(); // All participants still in the room will be ejected
    int main()
        // Register a handler for the Ctrl - C callback
            [](DWORD dwCtrlType) -> BOOL
                if (dwCtrlType == CTRL_C_EVENT)
                    // Signal that the user has pressed ctrl + C
                    return TRUE;
                return FALSE;
  3. 在同一文件中,将字符串 YourSubscriptionKey 替换为你的订阅密钥。

  4. 将字符串 YourServiceRegion 替换为与订阅关联的区域

  5. 在菜单栏中,选择“文件”>“全部保存”。


  1. 从菜单栏中,选择“构建”>“构建解决方案”以构建应用程序。 现在,编译代码时应不会提示错误。

  2. 选择“调试”>“开始调试”(或按 F5)以启动 helloworld 应用程序。

  3. 看到 Started transcribing 消息出现后,你可以开始说话。 在你说话时,你会看到口述文本出现。

    • 如果你与其他人分享对话代码并且他们加入了对话,则你还会看到他们的口述文本。
  4. 说话完毕后,按键盘上的 Ctrl+C 停止音频捕获。


    你可能会在 Visual Studio 中看到有关异常的类似以下内容的消息:Exception thrown at 0x76EB90BF (KernelBase.dll) in helloworld.exe: 0x40010005: Control-C. 可以放心地忽略此消息。

    按 F5 以继续操作


  1. 将以下函数复制并粘贴到 helloworld.cpp,紧靠在 int main() 函数之前:

    void JoinExistingConversation(const std::string& conversationId)
        std::string speechLanguage("en-US");
        // You'll now need to create a ConversationTranslator to send audio, send IMs, and receive conversation events
        auto audioConfig = AudioConfig::FromDefaultMicrophoneInput();
        auto conversationTranslator = ConversationTranslator::FromConfig(audioConfig);
        // Attach event handlers here. For example:
        conversationTranslator->Transcribing += [](const ConversationTranslationEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "Received a partial transcription from " << args.Result->ParticipantId << ": " << args.Result->Text << std::endl;
            for (const auto& entry : args.Result->Translations)
                std::cout << "\t" << entry.first << ": " << entry.second << std::endl;
        conversationTranslator->Transcribed += [](const ConversationTranslationEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "Received a transcription from " << args.Result->ParticipantId << ": " << args.Result->Text << std::endl;
            for (const auto& entry : args.Result->Translations)
                std::cout << "\t" << entry.first << ": " << entry.second << std::endl;
        conversationTranslator->TextMessageReceived += [](const ConversationTranslationEventArgs& args)
            std::cout << "Received an instant message from " << args.Result->ParticipantId << ": " << args.Result->Text << std::endl;
            for (const auto& entry : args.Result->Translations)
                std::cout << "\t" << entry.first << ": " << entry.second << std::endl;
        // Join the conversation
        conversationTranslator->JoinConversationAsync(conversationId, "participant", speechLanguage).get();
        // Start sending audio
        std::cout << "Started transcribing. Press Ctrl + C to stop" << std::endl;
        future.get(); // wait for Ctrl - C to be pressed
        // Stop audio capture
        // Once you are done, leave the conversation
  2. 将你的 int main() 函数中的 StartNewConversation(); 替换为:

    // Set this to the conversation you want to join
  1. 需要创建一个可加入的会话:

    1. 启动浏览器并导航到:https://translator.microsoft.com
    2. 选择“开始对话”。
    3. 使用任何可用选项登录。
    4. 键入名称(例如,“The host”)。
    5. 选择语言(例如,“英语”)。
    6. 选择“输入”按钮。
    7. 请注意页面顶部的对话代码。


    如果使用网页上的“复制”按钮,请确保删除开头的 translate.it/。 只需要 5 个字符的对话 ID(例如:ABCDE)。

  1. 返回到 Visual Studio,并将你的 int main() 函数中的 YourConversationId 替换为上一步中的对话 ID。

  2. 从菜单栏中,选择“构建”>“构建解决方案”以构建应用程序。 编译代码时应不会出错。

  3. 选择“调试”>“开始调试”(或按 F5)以启动 helloworld 应用程序。

  4. 看到 Started transcribing 消息出现后,你可以开始说话。 在你说话时,你会看到口述文本出现。

    • 如果返回到浏览器,则应当会看到在你说话时你的口述文本也出现在那里。
  5. 说话完毕后,按 Ctrl+C 停止音频捕获并终止对话。


    你可能会在 Visual Studio 中看到有关异常的类似以下内容的消息:Exception thrown at 0x76EB90BF (KernelBase.dll) in helloworld.exe: 0x40010005: Control-C. 可以放心地忽略此消息。

    按 F5 以继续操作

  6. 返回到浏览器,并使用右上角的退出按钮退出对话。
