配置 OPC 发布服务器


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你可以配置 OPC 发布服务器以指定:

  • 要发布的 OPC UA 节点数据更改。
  • 要发布的 OPC UA 事件。
  • 遥测格式。

可以使用配置文件或方法调用来配置 OPC 发布服务器。


本部分介绍使用配置文件配置 OPC UA 节点发布的选项。


配置要发布的 OPC UA 节点的最简单方法是使用配置文件。 配置文件格式记录在存储库的 publishednodes.json 中。

配置文件语法随时间变化。 OPC 发布服务器仍然读取旧格式,但在继续配置时将其转换为最新格式。


    "EndpointUrl": "opc.tcp://testserver:62541/Quickstarts/ReferenceServer",
    "UseSecurity": true,
    "OpcNodes": [
        "Id": "i=2258",
        "OpcSamplingInterval": 2000,
        "OpcPublishingInterval": 5000,
        "DisplayName": "Current time"


若要发布 OPC UA 事件,请使用与数据更改相同的配置文件。

以下示例显示如何为 SimpleEvents 服务器生成的事件配置发布。 在 OPC Foundation 存储库中可以找到 SimpleEvents 服务器:

    "EndpointUrl": "opc.tcp://testserver:62563/Quickstarts/SimpleEventsServer",
    "OpcEvents": [
        "Id": "i=2253",
        "DisplayName": "SimpleEventServerEvents",
        "SelectClauses": [
            "TypeId": "i=2041",
            "BrowsePaths": [
            "TypeId": "i=2041",
            "BrowsePaths": [
            "TypeId": "nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/Quickstarts/SimpleEvents;i=235",
            "BrowsePaths": [
            "TypeId": "nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/Quickstarts/SimpleEvents;i=235",
            "BrowsePaths": [
        "WhereClause": [
            "Operator": "OfType",
            "Operands": [
                "Literal": "ns=2;i=235"


本部分介绍可用于配置 OPC 发布服务器的方法调用。

使用 OPC UA 方法调用进行配置

OPC 发布服务器包括一个 OPC UA 服务器,在 62222 端口上可以访问该服务器。 如果主机名是“发布服务器”,则终结点 URI 是:opc.tcp://publisher:62222/UA/Publisher


  • PublishNode
  • UnpublishNode
  • GetPublishedNodes
  • IoT HubDirectMethod

使用 Azure IoT 中心直接方法调用进行配置

OPC 发布服务器实现以下 Azure IoT 中心直接方法调用:

  • PublishNodes
  • UnpublishNodes
  • UnpublishAllNodes
  • GetConfiguredEndpoints
  • GetConfiguredNodesOnEndpoint
  • GetDiagnosticInfo
  • GetDiagnosticLog
  • GetDiagnosticStartupLog
  • ExitApplication
  • GetInfo

方法请求和响应的 JSON 有效负载的格式在 opcpublisher/HubMethodModel.cs 中定义。

如果对模块调用一个未知的方法,它会用一个字符串来响应,表示该方法无法实现。 可以调用一种未知方法作为对模块执行 Ping 操作的方法。


通过 IoT 中心直接方法调用可以设置身份验证模式。 有效负载必须包含 OpcAuthenticationMode 属性以及用户名和密码

    "EndpointUrl": "<Url of the endpoint to set authentication settings>",
    "OpcAuthenticationMode": "UsernamePassword",
    "Username": "<Username>",
    "Password": "<Password>"

密码由 IoT 中心工作负载客户端加密,并存储在发布服务器的配置中。 若要将身份验证更改回匿名,请使用具有以下有效负载的方法:

    "EndpointUrl": "<Url of the endpoint to set authentication settings>",
    "OpcAuthenticationMode": "Anonymous"

如果有效负载种未设置 OpcAuthenticationMode 属性,则配置中的身份验证设置保持不变


OPC 发布服务器收到发布节点中的值更改通知后,会生成一条 JSON 格式的消息,并将其发送到 IoT 中心。

你可以使用配置文件配置此 JSON 格式消息的内容。 如果没有使用 --tc 选项指定配置文件,则使用与连接的工厂解决方案加速器兼容的默认配置。

如果将 OPC 发布服务器配置为批处理消息,那么它们将作为有效的 JSON 数组进行发送。


  • 节点的 OPC 发布服务器节点配置
  • OPC 发布服务器收到其通知的 OPC UA 堆栈的 MonitoredItem 对象
  • 传递给此通知的参数,其中提供有关数据值更改的详细信息。

输入到 JSON 格式消息中的遥测数据是这些对象的精选重要属性。 如果需要更多属性,则需要更改 OPC 发布服务器代码库。


// The configuration settings file consists of two objects:
// 1) The 'Defaults' object, which defines defaults for the telemetry configuration
// 2) An array 'EndpointSpecific' of endpoint specific configuration
// Both objects are optional and if they are not specified, then publisher uses
// its internal default configuration, which generates telemetry messages compatible
// with the Microsoft Connected factory Preconfigured Solution (https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-connected-factory).

// A JSON telemetry message for Connected factory looks like:
//  {
//      "NodeId": "i=2058",
//      "ApplicationUri": "urn:myopcserver",
//      "DisplayName": "CurrentTime",
//      "Value": {
//          "Value": "10.11.2017 14:03:17",
//          "SourceTimestamp": "2017-11-10T14:03:17Z"
//      }
//  }

// The 'Defaults' object in the sample below, are similar to what publisher is
// using as its internal default telemetry configuration.
    "Defaults": {
        // The first two properties ('EndpointUrl' and 'NodeId' are configuring data
        // taken from the OpcPublisher node configuration.
        "EndpointUrl": {

            // The following three properties can be used to configure the 'EndpointUrl'
            // property in the JSON message send by publisher to IoT Hub.

            // Publish controls if the property should be part of the JSON message at all.
            "Publish": false,

            // Pattern is a regular expression, which is applied to the actual value of the
            // property (here 'EndpointUrl').
            // If this key is omitted (which is the default), then no regex matching is done
            // at all, which improves performance.
            // If the key is used you need to define groups in the regular expression.
            // Publisher applies the regular expression and then concatenates all groups
            // found and use the resulting string as the value in the JSON message to
            //sent to IoT Hub.
            // This example mimics the default behaviour and defines a group,
            // which matches the conplete value:
            "Pattern": "(.*)",
            // Here some more exaples for 'Pattern' values and the generated result:
            // "Pattern": "i=(.*)"
            // defined for Defaults.NodeId.Pattern, will generate for the above sample
            // a 'NodeId' value of '2058'to be sent by publisher
            // "Pattern": "(i)=(.*)"
            // defined for Defaults.NodeId.Pattern, will generate for the above sample
            // a 'NodeId' value of 'i2058' to be sent by publisher

            // Name allows you to use a shorter string as property name in the JSON message
            // sent by publisher. By default the property name is unchanged and will be
            // here 'EndpointUrl'.
            // The 'Name' property can only be set in the 'Defaults' object to ensure
            // all messages from publisher sent to IoT Hub have a similar layout.
            "Name": "EndpointUrl"

        "NodeId": {
            "Publish": true,

            // If you set Defaults.NodeId.Name to "ni", then the "NodeId" key/value pair
            // (from the above example) will change to:
            //      "ni": "i=2058",
            "Name": "NodeId"

        // The MonitoredItem object is configuring the data taken from the MonitoredItem
        // OPC UA object for published nodes.
        "MonitoredItem": {

            // If you set the Defaults.MonitoredItem.Flat to 'false', then a
            // 'MonitoredItem' object will appear, which contains 'ApplicationUri'
            // and 'DisplayNode' proerties:
            //      "NodeId": "i=2058",
            //      "MonitoredItem": {
            //          "ApplicationUri": "urn:myopcserver",
            //          "DisplayName": "CurrentTime",
            //      }
            // The 'Flat' property can only be used in the 'MonitoredItem' and
            // 'Value' objects of the 'Defaults' object and will be used
            // for all JSON messages sent by publisher.
            "Flat": true,

            "ApplicationUri": {
                "Publish": true,
                "Name": "ApplicationUri"
            "DisplayName": {
                "Publish": true,
                "Name": "DisplayName"
        // The Value object is configuring the properties taken from the event object
        // the OPC UA stack provided in the value change notification event.
        "Value": {
            // If you set the Defaults.Value.Flat to 'true', then the 'Value'
            // object will disappear completely and the 'Value' and 'SourceTimestamp'
            // members won't be nested:
            //      "DisplayName": "CurrentTime",
            //      "Value": "10.11.2017 14:03:17",
            //      "SourceTimestamp": "2017-11-10T14:03:17Z"
            // The 'Flat' property can only be used for the 'MonitoredItem' and 'Value'
            // objects of the 'Defaults' object and will be used for all
            // messages sent by publisher.
            "Flat": false,

            "Value": {
                "Publish": true,
                "Name": "Value"
            "SourceTimestamp": {
                "Publish": true,
                "Name": "SourceTimestamp"
            // 'StatusCode' is the 32 bit OPC UA status code
            "StatusCode": {
                "Publish": false,
                "Name": "StatusCode"
                // 'Pattern' is ignored for the 'StatusCode' value
            // 'Status' is the symbolic name of 'StatusCode'
            "Status": {
                "Publish": false,
                "Name": "Status"

    // The next object allows to configure 'Publish' and 'Pattern' for specific
    // endpoint URLs. Those will overwrite the ones specified in the 'Defaults' object
    // or the defaults used by publisher.
    // It is not allowed to specify 'Name' and 'Flat' properties in this object.
    "EndpointSpecific": [
        // The following shows how a endpoint specific configuration can look like:
            // 'ForEndpointUrl' allows to configure for which OPC UA server this
            // object applies and is a required property for all objects in the
            // 'EndpointSpecific' array.
            // The value of 'ForEndpointUrl' must be an 'EndpointUrl' configured in
            // the publishednodes.json confguration file.
            "ForEndpointUrl": "opc.tcp://<your_opcua_server>:<your_opcua_server_port>/<your_opcua_server_path>",
            "EndpointUrl": {
                // We overwrite the default behaviour and publish the
                // endpoint URL in this case.
                "Publish": true,
                // We are only interested in the URL part following the 'opc.tcp://' prefix
                // and define a group matching this.
                "Pattern": "opc.tcp://(.*)"
            "NodeId": {
                // We are not interested in the configured 'NodeId' value, 
                // so we do not publish it.
                "Publish": false
                // No 'Pattern' key is specified here, so the 'NodeId' value will be
                // taken as specified in the publishednodes configuration file.
            "MonitoredItem": {
                "ApplicationUri": {
                    // We already publish the endpoint URL, so we do not want
                    // the ApplicationUri of the MonitoredItem to be published.
                    "Publish": false
                "DisplayName": {
                    "Publish": true
            "Value": {
                "Value": {
                    // The value of the node is important for us, everything else we
                    // are not interested in to keep the data ingest as small as possible.
                    "Publish": true
                "SourceTimestamp": {
                    "Publish": false
                "StatusCode": {
                    "Publish": false
                "Status": {
                    "Publish": false


现在你已了解如何配置 OPC 发布服务器,建议下一步是了解如何运行 OPC 发布服务器