向远程监视解决方案加速器 Web UI 添加自定义网格

本文介绍如何在远程监视解决方案加速器 Web UI 中的页面添加新网格。 本文介绍:

  • 如何准备本地开发环境。
  • 如何向 Web UI 中的页面添加新网格。

本文中的示例网格显示来自服务的数据,在向远程监视解决方案加速器 Web UI 添加自定义服务操作指南文章中介绍了服务的添加方法。






要向 Web UI 添加网格,需要添加定义网格的源文件,然后修改部分现有文件,以使 Web UI 感知新组件。


首先,src/walkthrough/components/pages/pageWithGrid/exampleGrid 文件夹包含定义网格的文件


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Btn, ComponentArray, PcsGrid } from 'components/shared';
import { exampleColumnDefs, defaultExampleGridProps } from './exampleGridConfig';
import { isFunc, svgs, translateColumnDefs } from 'utilities';
import { checkboxColumn } from 'components/shared/pcsGrid/pcsGridConfig';

const initialState = {
  softSelectedId: undefined

 * A grid for displaying example data
 * Encapsulates the PcsGrid props
export class ExampleGrid extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    // Set the initial state
    this.state = initialState;

    // Default device grid columns
    this.columnDefs = [

    // Set up the available context buttons.
    // If these are subject to user permissions, use the Protected component (src/components/shared/protected).
    this.contextBtns =
        <Btn svg={svgs.reconfigure} onClick={this.clickContextBtn('btn1')}>{props.t('walkthrough.pageWithGrid.grid.btn1')}</Btn>
        <Btn svg={svgs.trash} onClick={this.clickContextBtn('btn2')}>{props.t('walkthrough.pageWithGrid.grid.btn2')}</Btn>

   * Get the grid api options
   * @param {Object} gridReadyEvent An object containing access to the grid APIs
  onGridReady = gridReadyEvent => {
    this.gridApi = gridReadyEvent.api;
    // Call the onReady props if it exists
    if (isFunc(this.props.onGridReady)) {

  clickContextBtn = (input) => () => {
    //Just for demo purposes. Don't console log in a real grid.
    console.log('Context button clicked', input);
    console.log('Hard selected rows', this.gridApi.getSelectedRows());

   * Handles soft select props method.
   * Soft selection happens when the user clicks on the row.
   * @param rowId The id of the currently soft selected item
   * @param rowData The rowData from the underlying grid. MAY BE OUT OF DATE.
  onSoftSelectChange = (rowId, rowData) => {
    //Note: only the Id is reliable, rowData may be out of date
    const { onSoftSelectChange } = this.props;
    if (rowId) {
      console.log('Soft selected', rowId); //Just for demo purposes. Don't console log a real grid.
      this.setState({ softSelectedId: rowId });
    if (isFunc(onSoftSelectChange)) {
      onSoftSelectChange(rowId, rowData);

   * Handles context filter changes and calls any hard select props method.
   * Hard selection happens when the user checks the box for the row.
   * @param {Array} selectedObjs A list of currently selected objects in the grid
  onHardSelectChange = (selectedObjs) => {
    const { onContextMenuChange, onHardSelectChange } = this.props;
    // Show the context buttons when there are rows checked.
    if (isFunc(onContextMenuChange)) {
      onContextMenuChange(selectedObjs.length > 0 ? this.contextBtns : null);
    if (isFunc(onHardSelectChange)) {

  getSoftSelectId = ({ id } = '') => id;

  render() {
    const gridProps = {
      /* Grid Properties */
      columnDefs: translateColumnDefs(this.props.t, this.columnDefs),
      sizeColumnsToFit: true,
      getSoftSelectId: this.getSoftSelectId,
      softSelectId: (this.state.softSelectedDevice || {}).id,
      ...this.props, // Allow default property overrides
      deltaRowDataMode: true,
      enableSorting: true,
      unSortIcon: true,
      getRowNodeId: ({ id }) => id,
      context: {
        t: this.props.t
      /* Grid Events */
      onRowClicked: ({ node }) => node.setSelected(!node.isSelected()),
      onGridReady: this.onGridReady,
      onSoftSelectChange: this.onSoftSelectChange,
      onHardSelectChange: this.onHardSelectChange

    return (
      <PcsGrid key="example-grid-key" {...gridProps} />


import Config from 'app.config';
import { SoftSelectLinkRenderer } from 'components/shared/cellRenderers';

/** A collection of column definitions for the example grid */
export const exampleColumnDefs = {
  id: {
    headerName: 'walkthrough.pageWithGrid.grid.name',
    field: 'id',
    sort: 'asc',
    cellRendererFramework: SoftSelectLinkRenderer
  description: {
    headerName: 'walkthrough.pageWithGrid.grid.description',
    field: 'descr'

/** Given an example object, extract and return the device Id */
export const getSoftSelectId = ({ id }) => id;

/** Shared example grid AgGrid properties */
export const defaultExampleGridProps = {
  enableColResize: true,
  multiSelect: true,
  pagination: false,
  paginationPageSize: Config.paginationPageSize,
  rowSelection: 'multiple'

将 src/walkthrough/components/pages/pageWithGrid/exampleGrid 文件夹复制到 src/components/pages/example 文件夹


按如下方式修改 src/components/pages/example/basicPage.container.js,以导入服务定义

import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { translate } from 'react-i18next';

import {
  epics as exampleEpics,
} from 'store/reducers/exampleReducer';
import { BasicPage } from './basicPage';

// Pass the data
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  data: getExamples(state),
  error: getExamplesError(state),
  isPending: getExamplesPendingStatus(state),
  lastUpdated: getExamplesLastUpdated(state)

// Wrap the dispatch method
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  fetchData: () => dispatch(exampleEpics.actions.fetchExamples())

export const BasicPageContainer = translate()(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(BasicPage));

按如下方式修改 src/components/pages/example/basicPage.js,以添加网格

// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import {
} from 'components/shared';
import { ExampleGrid } from './exampleGrid';

import './basicPage.css';

export class BasicPage extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { contextBtns: null };

  componentDidMount() {
    const { isPending, lastUpdated, fetchData } = this.props;
    if (!lastUpdated && !isPending) fetchData();

  onGridReady = gridReadyEvent => this.gridApi = gridReadyEvent.api;

  onContextMenuChange = contextBtns => this.setState({ contextBtns });

  render() {
    const { t, data, error, isPending, lastUpdated, fetchData } = this.props;
    const gridProps = {
      onGridReady: this.onGridReady,
      rowData: isPending ? undefined : data || [],
      onContextMenuChange: this.onContextMenuChange,
      t: this.props.t

    return [
      <ContextMenu key="context-menu">
      <PageContent className="basic-page-container" key="page-content">
        <RefreshBar refresh={fetchData} time={lastUpdated} isPending={isPending} t={t} />
        {!!error && <AjaxError t={t} error={error} />}
        {!error && <ExampleGrid {...gridProps} />}

按如下方式修改 src/components/pages/example/basicPage.test.js,以更新测试

// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import 'polyfills';

import { BasicPage } from './basicPage';

describe('BasicPage Component', () => {
  it('Renders without crashing', () => {

    const fakeProps = {
      data: undefined,
      error: undefined,
      isPending: false,
      lastUpdated: undefined,
      fetchData: () => { },
      t: () => { },

    const wrapper = shallow(
      <BasicPage {...fakeProps} />


如果 Web UI 尚未在本地运行,请在存储库的本地副本的根目录中运行以下命令:

npm start

上述命令在本地 (https://localhost:3000/dashboard) 运行 UI。 导航到“示例”页,查看显示服务中的数据的网格





  1. 通过将 checkboxColumn 添加到向网格提供的 columnDefs,启用行的硬选择。 checkboxColumn 在 /src/components/shared/pcsGrid/pcsGrid.js 中定义

    this.columnDefs = [
  2. 要访问所选项,请获得对内部网格 API 的引用:

    onGridReady = gridReadyEvent => {
      this.gridApi = gridReadyEvent.api;
      // Call the onReady props if it exists
      if (isFunc(this.props.onGridReady)) {
  3. 硬选择网格中的行时,请提供页面的上下文按钮:

    this.contextBtns = [
      <Btn key="context-btn-1" svg={svgs.reconfigure} onClick={this.doSomething()}>Button 1</Btn>,
      <Btn key="context-btn-2" svg={svgs.trash} onClick={this.doSomethingElse()}>Button 2</Btn>
    onHardSelectChange = (selectedObjs) => {
      const { onContextMenuChange, onHardSelectChange } = this.props;
      // Show the context buttons when there are rows checked.
      if (isFunc(onContextMenuChange)) {
        onContextMenuChange(selectedObjs.length > 0 ? this.contextBtns : null);
  4. 单击上下文按钮时,获取要在其上完成工作的硬选择项:

    doSomething = () => {
      //Just for demo purposes. Don't console log in a real grid.
      console.log('Hard selected rows', this.gridApi.getSelectedRows());


如果用户只需对单行操作,在 columnDefs 中为一列或多列配置软选择链接

  1. 在 exampleGridConfig.js 中,添加 SoftSelectLinkRenderer 作为 columnDef 的 cellRendererFramework

    export const exampleColumnDefs = {
      id: {
        headerName: 'examples.grid.name',
        field: 'id',
        sort: 'asc',
        cellRendererFramework: SoftSelectLinkRenderer
  2. 单击软选择链接后,触发 onSoftSelectChange 事件。 对该行执行所需的任何操作,例如打开详细信息浮出控件。 此示例仅写入控制台:

    onSoftSelectChange = (rowId, rowData) => {
      //Note: only the Id is reliable, rowData may be out of date
      const { onSoftSelectChange } = this.props;
      if (rowId) {
        //Just for demo purposes. Don't console log a real grid.
        console.log('Soft selected', rowId);
        this.setState({ softSelectedId: rowId });
      if (isFunc(onSoftSelectChange)) {
        onSoftSelectChange(rowId, rowData);


本文介绍了可以帮助你在远程监视解决方案加速器 Web UI 中添加或自定义页面的资源。

现在已定义了网格,下一步是向远程监视解决方案加速器 Web UI 添加自定义浮出控件,该浮出控件显示在示例页面上。

有关远程监视解决方案加速器的更多概念信息,请参阅 远程监视体系结构