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在网络观察程序中删除网络安全组流日志存储 blob

如果需要从存储帐户中手动删除流日志,可以使用下面的 PowerShell 脚本。 此脚本仅删除比用户指定的现有保留策略旧的存储 blob。

运行 PowerShell 脚本来删除 NSG 流日志


# This powershell script deletes all NSG flow log blobs that should not be retained anymore as per configured retention policy.
# While configuring NSG flow logs on Azure portal, the user configures the retention period of NSG flow log blobs in
# their storage account (in days).
# This script reads all blobs and deletes blobs that are not to be retained (outside retention window)
# if the retention days are zero; all blobs are retained forever and hence no blobs are deleted.

param (
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]  $SubscriptionId,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]  $Location,
        [switch] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Confirm


$SubId = Get-AzSubscription| Where-Object {$_.Id.contains($SubscriptionId.ToLower())}

if ($SubId.Count -eq 0)
    Write-Error 'The SubscriptionId does not exist' -ErrorAction Stop

Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId

$NsgList = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup | Where-Object {$_.Location -eq $Location}
$NW = Get-AzNetworkWatcher | Where-Object {$_.Location -eq $Location}

$FlowLogsList = @()
foreach ($Nsg in $NsgList)
    # Query Flow Log Status which are enabled
    $NsgFlowLog = Get-AzNetworkWatcherFlowLogStatus -NetworkWatcher $NW -TargetResourceId $Nsg.Id | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq "True"}
    if ($NsgFlowLog.Count -gt 0)
        $FlowLogsList +=  $NsgFlowLog
        Write-Output ('Enabled NSG found: ' +  $NsgFlowLog.TargetResourceId)

foreach ($Psflowlog in $FlowLogsList)
    $RetentionDays = $Psflowlog.RetentionPolicy.Days
    if ($RetentionDays -le 0)

    $Strings = $Psflowlog.StorageId -split '/'
    $RGName = $Strings[4]
    $StorageAccountName = $Strings[-1]

    $Key = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $RGName -Name $StorageAccountName).Value[1]
    $StorageAccount = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $Key

    $ContainerName = 'insights-logs-networksecuritygroupflowevent'  
    $BLobsList = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $ContainerName -Context $StorageAccount.Context

    $TargetBLobsList = $BLobsList | Where-Object {$_.Name.contains($Psflowlog.TargetResourceId.ToUpper())}

    $RetentionDate = Get-Date
    $RetentionDate = $RetentionDate.AddDays(-1*$RetentionDays)
    $RetentionDateInUTC = $RetentionDate.ToUniversalTime()

    foreach ($Blob in $TargetBLobsList)
        $BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC = [datetime]$Blob.LastModified.UtcDateTime

        if ($BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC -ge  $RetentionDateInUTC)
            Write-Output ($Blob.Name + '===>' + $BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC  + ' ===> RETAINED')

        if ($Confirm)
            Write-Output (Blob to be deleted: $Blob.Name)
            $Confirmation = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to remove this blob (Y/N)?"

        if ((-not $Confirm) -or ($Confirmation -eq 'Y'))
            Write-Output ($Blob.Name + '===>' + $BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC  + ' ===> DELETED')
            Remove-AzStorageBlob -Container $ContainerName -Context $StorageAccount.Context -Blob $Blob.Name
            Write-Output ($Blob.Name + '===>' + $BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC  + ' ===> RETAINED')

Write-Output ('Retention policy for all NSGs evaluated and completed successfully')
  1. 根据需要在脚本中输入以下参数:

    • SubscriptionId [必需]:要从中删除 NSG 流日志 blob 的订阅 ID。
    • Location [必需]:要为其删除 NSG 流日志 blob 的 NSG 的区域位置字符串。 可以在 Azure 门户上或 GitHub 上查看此信息。
    • Confirm [可选]:如果要手动确认每个存储 blob 的删除,请传递 confirm 标志。
  2. 运行保存的脚本,如以下示例中所示,其中脚本文件保存为 Delete-NsgFlowLogsBlobs.ps1

    .\Delete-NsgFlowLogsBlobs.ps1 -SubscriptionId <subscriptionId> -Location  <location> -Confirm
