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Azure Service Fabric 中的可测试性方案可让开发人员不用再担心如何处理单个故障。 然而也存在一些方案,可能需要客户端工作负荷与故障有明显的交错。 客户端工作负荷与故障的交错确保在发生故障时,服务实际在执行某些操作。 考虑到可测试性功能提供的控制等级,这些交错应该在精确的工作负荷执行点进行。 这种在应用程序的不同状态下引入故障可以找出 bug 并提高质量。


此测试显示一种方案,其中业务工作负荷与常规故障和非常规故障交错出现。 为了获得最佳结果,故障应在服务操作或计算的中间引入。

让我们来了解一个显示了四个工作负荷 A、B、C、D 的服务示例。每个负荷对应一组工作流程,可以是计算、存储或者二者的混合。 为简单起见,我们将对示例中的工作负荷进行抽象化。 本示例中执行的不同故障为:

  • RestartNode:用于模拟计算机重启操作的非正常故障。
  • RestartDeployedCodePackage:用于模拟服务主机进程崩溃的非正常故障。
  • RemoveReplica:用于模拟副本删除操作的正常故障。
  • MovePrimary:用于模拟 Service Fabric 负载均衡器触发的副本移动操作的正常故障。
// Add a reference to System.Fabric.Testability.dll and System.Fabric.dll.

using System;
using System.Fabric;
using System.Fabric.Testability.Scenario;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Test
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        // Replace these strings with the actual version for your cluster and application.
        string clusterConnection = "localhost:19000";
        Uri applicationName = new Uri("fabric:/samples/PersistentToDoListApp");
        Uri serviceName = new Uri("fabric:/samples/PersistentToDoListApp/PersistentToDoListService");

        Console.WriteLine("Starting Workload Test...");
            RunTestAsync(clusterConnection, applicationName, serviceName).Wait();
        catch (AggregateException ae)
            Console.WriteLine("Workload Test failed: ");
            foreach (Exception ex in ae.InnerExceptions)
                if (ex is FabricException)
                    Console.WriteLine("HResult: {0} Message: {1}", ex.HResult, ex.Message);
            return -1;

        Console.WriteLine("Workload Test completed successfully.");
        return 0;

    public enum ServiceWorkloads

    public enum ServiceFabricFaults

    public static async Task RunTestAsync(string clusterConnection, Uri applicationName, Uri serviceName)
        // Create FabricClient with connection and security information here.
        FabricClient fabricClient = new FabricClient(clusterConnection);
        // Maximum time to wait for a service to stabilize.
        TimeSpan maxServiceStabilizationTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120);

        // How many loops of faults you want to execute.
        uint testLoopCount = 20;
        Random random = new Random();

        for (var i = 0; i < testLoopCount; ++i)
            var workload = SelectRandomValue<ServiceWorkloads>(random);
            // Start the workload.
            var workloadTask = RunWorkloadAsync(workload);

            // While the task is running, induce faults into the service. They can be ungraceful faults like
            // RestartNode and RestartDeployedCodePackage or graceful faults like RemoveReplica or MovePrimary.
            var fault = SelectRandomValue<ServiceFabricFaults>(random);

            // Create a replica selector, which will select a primary replica from the given service to test.
            var replicaSelector = ReplicaSelector.PrimaryOf(PartitionSelector.RandomOf(serviceName));
            // Run the selected random fault.
            await RunFaultAsync(applicationName, fault, replicaSelector, fabricClient);
            // Validate the health and stability of the service.
            await fabricClient.TestManager.ValidateServiceAsync(serviceName, maxServiceStabilizationTime);

            // Wait for the workload to finish successfully.
            await workloadTask;

    private static async Task RunFaultAsync(Uri applicationName, ServiceFabricFaults fault, ReplicaSelector selector, FabricClient client)
        switch (fault)
            case ServiceFabricFaults.RestartNode:
                await client.FaultManager.RestartNodeAsync(selector, CompletionMode.Verify);
            case ServiceFabricFaults.RestartCodePackage:
                await client.FaultManager.RestartDeployedCodePackageAsync(applicationName, selector, CompletionMode.Verify);
            case ServiceFabricFaults.RemoveReplica:
                await client.FaultManager.RemoveReplicaAsync(selector, CompletionMode.Verify, false);
            case ServiceFabricFaults.MovePrimary:
                await client.FaultManager.MovePrimaryAsync(selector.PartitionSelector);

    private static Task RunWorkloadAsync(ServiceWorkloads workload)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
        // This is where you trigger and complete your service workload.
        // Note that the faults induced while your service workload is running will
        // fault the primary service. Hence, you will need to reconnect to complete or check
        // the status of the workload.

    private static T SelectRandomValue<T>(Random random)
        Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));
        T workload = (T)values.GetValue(random.Next(values.Length));
        return workload;