

主题取消解释了并行模式库中取消的角色。 与使用 concurrency::task_group::cancelconcurrency::structured_task_group::cancel 方法相比,使用异常处理取消并行工作的效率较低。 但是,使用异常处理取消工作是合适的一种情况是,调用使用任务或并行算法但不提供 task_groupstructured_task_group 对象以进行取消的第三方库。


以下示例演示包含数据元素和子节点列表的基本 tree 类型。 以下部分显示了 for_all 方法的主体,该方法以递归方式在每个子节点上执行工作函数。

// A simple tree structure that has multiple child nodes.
template <typename T>
class tree
   explicit tree(T data)
      : _data(data)

   // Retrieves the data element for the node. 
   T get_data() const
      return _data;

   // Adds a child node to the tree.
   void add_child(tree& child)

   // Performs the given work function on the data element of the tree and
   // on each child.
   template<class Function>
   void for_all(Function& action);

   // The data for this node.
   T _data;
   // The child nodes.
   list<tree> _children;


下面的示例演示了 for_all 方法。 它使用 concurrency::parallel_for_each 算法在树的每个节点上并行执行工作函数。

// Performs the given work function on the data element of the tree and
// on each child.
template<class Function>
void for_all(Function& action)
   // Perform the action on each child.
   parallel_for_each(begin(_children), end(_children), [&](tree& child) {

   // Perform the action on this node.


下面的介绍了 search_for_value 函数,它可在所提供的 tree 对象中搜索值。 此函数传递给 for_all 方法一个工作函数,其在找到包含所提供值的树节点时引发。

假设 tree 类由第三方库提供,并且无法对其进行修改。 在这种情况下,使用异常处理是适当的,因为 for_all 方法不向调用方提供 task_groupstructured_task_group 对象。 因此,工作函数无法直接取消其父任务组。

向任务组提供的工作函数引发异常时,运行时将停止任务组中的所有任务(包括任何子任务组)并丢弃尚未开始的任何任务。 search_for_value 函数使用 try-catch 块来捕获异常,并将结果打印到控制台。

// Searches for a value in the provided tree object.
template <typename T>
void search_for_value(tree<T>& t, int value)
      // Call the for_all method to search for a value. The work function
      // throws an exception when it finds the value.
      t.for_all([value](const tree<T>& node) {
         if (node.get_data() == value)
            throw &node;
   catch (const tree<T>* node)
      // A matching node was found. Print a message to the console.
      wstringstream ss;
      ss << L"Found a node with value " << value << L'.' << endl;
      wcout << ss.str();

   // A matching node was not found. Print a message to the console.
   wstringstream ss;
   ss << L"Did not find node with value " << value << L'.' << endl;
   wcout << ss.str();   


以下示例创建一个 tree 对象,并且并行搜索多个值。 本主题稍后会对 build_tree 函数进行介绍。

int wmain()
   // Build a tree that is four levels deep with the initial level 
   // having three children. The value of each node is a random number.
   mt19937 gen(38);
   tree<int> t = build_tree<int>(4, 3, [&gen]{ return gen()%100000; });

   // Search for a few values in the tree in parallel.
      [&t] { search_for_value(t, 86131); },
      [&t] { search_for_value(t, 17522); },
      [&t] { search_for_value(t, 32614); }

此示例使用 concurrency::parallel_invoke 算法并行搜索值。 有关此算法的详细信息,请参阅并行算法



// task-tree-search.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <ppl.h>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <random>

using namespace concurrency;
using namespace std;

// A simple tree structure that has multiple child nodes.
template <typename T>
class tree
   explicit tree(T data)
      : _data(data)

   // Retrieves the data element for the node. 
   T get_data() const
      return _data;

   // Adds a child node to the tree.
   void add_child(tree& child)

   // Performs the given work function on the data element of the tree and
   // on each child.
   template<class Function>
   void for_all(Function& action)
      // Perform the action on each child.
      parallel_for_each(begin(_children), end(_children), [&](tree& child) {

      // Perform the action on this node.

   // The data for this node.
   T _data;
   // The child nodes.
   list<tree> _children;

// Builds a tree with the given depth. 
// Each node of the tree is initialized with the provided generator function.
// Each level of the tree has one more child than the previous level.
template <typename T, class Generator>
tree<T> build_tree(int depth, int child_count, Generator& g)
   // Create the tree node.
   tree<T> t(g());

   // Add children.
   if (depth > 0)
      for(int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i)
         t.add_child(build_tree<T>(depth - 1, child_count + 1, g));

   return t;

// Searches for a value in the provided tree object.
template <typename T>
void search_for_value(tree<T>& t, int value)
      // Call the for_all method to search for a value. The work function
      // throws an exception when it finds the value.
      t.for_all([value](const tree<T>& node) {
         if (node.get_data() == value)
            throw &node;
   catch (const tree<T>* node)
      // A matching node was found. Print a message to the console.
      wstringstream ss;
      ss << L"Found a node with value " << value << L'.' << endl;
      wcout << ss.str();

   // A matching node was not found. Print a message to the console.
   wstringstream ss;
   ss << L"Did not find node with value " << value << L'.' << endl;
   wcout << ss.str();   

int wmain()
   // Build a tree that is four levels deep with the initial level 
   // having three children. The value of each node is a random number.
   mt19937 gen(38);
   tree<int> t = build_tree<int>(4, 3, [&gen]{ return gen()%100000; });

   // Search for a few values in the tree in parallel.
      [&t] { search_for_value(t, 86131); },
      [&t] { search_for_value(t, 17522); },
      [&t] { search_for_value(t, 32614); }


Found a node with value 32614.
Found a node with value 86131.
Did not find node with value 17522.


复制示例代码,并将它粘贴到 Visual Studio 项目中,或粘贴到名为 task-tree-search.cpp 的文件中,再在 Visual Studio 命令提示符窗口中运行以下命令。

cl.exe /EHsc task-tree-search.cpp


PPL 中的取消操作
task_group 类
structured_task_group 类
parallel_for_each 函数