如何操作:使用 LINQ 查询文件和目录

许多文件系统操作实质上是查询,因此非常适合使用 LINQ 方法。 这些查询是非破坏性的。 它们不会更改原始文件或文件夹的内容。 查询不应造成任何副作用。 通常,修改源数据的任何代码(包括执行创建/更新/删除操作的查询)应与仅查询数据的代码分开。

创建准确表示文件系统的内容并适当处理异常的数据源存在一定难度。 本部分中的示例创建 FileInfo 对象的快照集合,该集合表示指定的根文件夹及其所有子文件夹下的所有文件。 每个 FileInfo 的实际状态可能会在开始和结束执行查询期间发生更改。 例如,可以创建 FileInfo 对象的列表来用作数据源。 如果尝试通过查询访问 Length 属性,则 FileInfo 对象会尝试访问文件系统来更新 Length 的值。 如果该文件不再存在,则会在查询中收到 FileNotFoundException,即使未直接查询文件系统也是如此。


此示例演示了如何在指定目录树中查找具有指定文件扩展名(如“.txt”)的所有文件。 它还演示了如何基于时间在树中返回最新或最旧的文件。 无论是在 Windows、Mac 还是 Linux 系统上运行此代码,都可能需要修改许多示例的第一行。

string startFolder = """C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk""";
// Or
// string startFolder = "/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk";

DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(startFolder);
var fileList = dir.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

var fileQuery = from file in fileList
                where file.Extension == ".txt"
                orderby file.Name
                select file;

// Uncomment this block to see the full query
// foreach (FileInfo fi in fileQuery)
// {
//    Console.WriteLine(fi.FullName);
// }

var newestFile = (from file in fileQuery
                  orderby file.CreationTime
                  select new { file.FullName, file.CreationTime })

Console.WriteLine($"\r\nThe newest .txt file is {newestFile.FullName}. Creation time: {newestFile.CreationTime}");


本示例演示如何使用 LINQ 来执行高级分组和对文件或文件夹列表执行排序操作。 它还演示如何使用 SkipTake 方法在控制台窗口中对输出进行分页。


string startFolder = """C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk""";
// Or
// string startFolder = "/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk";

int trimLength = startFolder.Length;

DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(startFolder);

var fileList = dir.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

var queryGroupByExt = from file in fileList
                      group file by file.Extension.ToLower() into fileGroup
                      orderby fileGroup.Count(), fileGroup.Key
                      select fileGroup;

// Iterate through the outer collection of groups.
foreach (var filegroup in queryGroupByExt.Take(5))
    Console.WriteLine($"Extension: {filegroup.Key}");
    var resultPage = filegroup.Take(20);

    //Execute the resultPage query
    foreach (var f in resultPage)

此程序的输出可能很长,具体取决于本地文件系统的详细信息和 startFolder 的设置。 为了能够查看所有结果,此示例演示如何对结果进行分页。 由于每个组是单独枚举的,因此需要嵌套的 foreach 循环。


此示例演示如何检索由指定文件夹及其所有子文件夹中的所有文件使用的字节总数。 Sum 方法可将 select 子句中选择的所有项的值相加。 可以修改此查询以检索指定目录树中的最大或最小文件,方法是调用 MinMax 方法,而不是调用 Sum 方法。

string startFolder = """C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk""";
// Or
// string startFolder = "/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk";

var fileList = Directory.GetFiles(startFolder, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

var fileQuery = from file in fileList
                let fileLen = new FileInfo(file).Length
                where fileLen > 0
                select fileLen;

// Cache the results to avoid multiple trips to the file system.
long[] fileLengths = fileQuery.ToArray();

// Return the size of the largest file
long largestFile = fileLengths.Max();

// Return the total number of bytes in all the files under the specified folder.
long totalBytes = fileLengths.Sum();

Console.WriteLine($"There are {totalBytes} bytes in {fileList.Count()} files under {startFolder}");
Console.WriteLine($"The largest file is {largestFile} bytes.");


  • 如何检索最大文件的大小(以字节为单位)。
  • 如何检索最小文件的大小(以字节为单位)。
  • 如何从指定根文件夹下的一个或多个文件夹检索 FileInfo 对象最大或最小文件。
  • 如何检索序列(如 10 个最大文件)。
  • 如何基于文件大小(以字节为单位)按组对文件进行排序(忽略小于指定大小的文件)。

下面的示例包含五个单独的查询,它们演示如何根据文件大小(以字节为单位)对文件进行查询和分组。 可以修改这些示例,以便使查询基于 FileInfo 对象的其他某个属性。

// Return the FileInfo object for the largest file
// by sorting and selecting from beginning of list
FileInfo longestFile = (from file in fileList
                        let fileInfo = new FileInfo(file)
                        where fileInfo.Length > 0
                        orderby fileInfo.Length descending
                        select fileInfo

Console.WriteLine($"The largest file under {startFolder} is {longestFile.FullName} with a length of {longestFile.Length} bytes");

//Return the FileInfo of the smallest file
FileInfo smallestFile = (from file in fileList
                         let fileInfo = new FileInfo(file)
                         where fileInfo.Length > 0
                         orderby fileInfo.Length ascending
                         select fileInfo

Console.WriteLine($"The smallest file under {startFolder} is {smallestFile.FullName} with a length of {smallestFile.Length} bytes");

//Return the FileInfos for the 10 largest files
var queryTenLargest = (from file in fileList
                       let fileInfo = new FileInfo(file)
                       let len = fileInfo.Length
                       orderby len descending
                       select fileInfo

Console.WriteLine($"The 10 largest files under {startFolder} are:");

foreach (var v in queryTenLargest)
    Console.WriteLine($"{v.FullName}: {v.Length} bytes");

// Group the files according to their size, leaving out
// files that are less than 200000 bytes.
var querySizeGroups = from file in fileList
                      let fileInfo = new FileInfo(file)
                      let len = fileInfo.Length
                      where len > 0
                      group fileInfo by (len / 100000) into fileGroup
                      where fileGroup.Key >= 2
                      orderby fileGroup.Key descending
                      select fileGroup;

foreach (var filegroup in querySizeGroups)
    foreach (var item in filegroup)
        Console.WriteLine($"\t{item.Name}: {item.Length}");

若要返回一个或多个完整的 FileInfo 对象,查询必须首先检查数据中的每个对象,然后按其 Length 属性值对它们进行排序。 随后它便可以返回具有最大长度的单个对象或对象序列。 使用 First 返回列表中的第一个元素。 使用 Take 返回前 n 个元素。 指定降序排序顺序可将最小元素置于列表开头。


有时,可能会有相同名称的文件位于多个文件夹中。 此示例显示如何在指定根文件夹下查询此类重复文件名。 第二个示例显示如何查询大小和上次写入时间都匹配的文件。

string startFolder = """C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk""";
// Or
// string startFolder = "/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk";

DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(startFolder);

IEnumerable<FileInfo> fileList = dir.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

// used in WriteLine to keep the lines shorter
int charsToSkip = startFolder.Length;

// var can be used for convenience with groups.
var queryDupNames = from file in fileList
                    group file.FullName.Substring(charsToSkip) by file.Name into fileGroup
                    where fileGroup.Count() > 1
                    select fileGroup;

foreach (var queryDup in queryDupNames.Take(20))
    Console.WriteLine($"Filename = {(queryDup.Key.ToString() == string.Empty ? "[none]" : queryDup.Key.ToString())}");

    foreach (var fileName in queryDup.Take(10))

第一个查询使用关键值来确定匹配项。 它会查找名称相同但内容可能不同的文件。 第二个查询使用复合键来匹配 FileInfo 对象的 3 个属性。 此查询更可能找到名称相同且内容相似或相同的文件。

    string startFolder = """C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk""";
    // Or
    // string startFolder = "/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk";

    // Make the lines shorter for the console display
    int charsToSkip = startFolder.Length;

    // Take a snapshot of the file system.
    DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(startFolder);
    IEnumerable<FileInfo> fileList = dir.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

    // Note the use of a compound key. Files that match
    // all three properties belong to the same group.
    // A named type is used to enable the query to be
    // passed to another method. Anonymous types can also be used
    // for composite keys but cannot be passed across method boundaries
    var queryDupFiles = from file in fileList
                        group file.FullName.Substring(charsToSkip) by
                        (Name: file.Name, LastWriteTime: file.LastWriteTime, Length: file.Length )
                        into fileGroup
                        where fileGroup.Count() > 1
                        select fileGroup;

    foreach (var queryDup in queryDupFiles.Take(20))
        Console.WriteLine($"Filename = {(queryDup.Key.ToString() == string.Empty ? "[none]" : queryDup.Key.ToString())}");

        foreach (var fileName in queryDup)


此示例演示如何查询指定目录树中的所有文件、打开每个文件并检查其内容。 此类技术可用于对目录树的内容创建索引或反向索引。 此示例中执行的是简单的字符串搜索。 但是,可使用正则表达式执行类型更复杂的模式匹配。

string startFolder = """C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk""";
// Or
// string startFolder = "/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk";

DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(startFolder);

var fileList = dir.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

string searchTerm = "change";

var queryMatchingFiles = from file in fileList
                         where file.Extension == ".txt"
                         let fileText = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName)
                         where fileText.Contains(searchTerm)
                         select file.FullName;

// Execute the query.
Console.WriteLine($"""The term "{searchTerm}" was found in:""");
foreach (string filename in queryMatchingFiles)


此示例演示了比较两个文件列表的 3 种方法:

  • 通过查询布尔值指定两个文件列表是否相同。
  • 通过查询交集检索同时存在于两个文件夹中的文件。
  • 通过查询差集检索仅存在于一个文件夹中的文件。


此处的 FileComparer 类演示如何将自定义比较器类与标准查询运算符结合使用。 此类不适合在实际方案中使用。 它仅使用每个文件的名称和字节长度来确定每个文件夹的内容是否相同。 在实际方案中,应修改此比较器以执行更严格的等同性检查。

// This implementation defines a very simple comparison
// between two FileInfo objects. It only compares the name
// of the files being compared and their length in bytes.
class FileCompare : IEqualityComparer<FileInfo>
    public bool Equals(FileInfo? f1, FileInfo? f2)
        return (f1?.Name == f2?.Name &&
                f1?.Length == f2?.Length);

    // Return a hash that reflects the comparison criteria. According to the
    // rules for IEqualityComparer<T>, if Equals is true, then the hash codes must
    // also be equal. Because equality as defined here is a simple value equality, not
    // reference identity, it is possible that two or more objects will produce the same
    // hash code.
    public int GetHashCode(FileInfo fi)
        string s = $"{fi.Name}{fi.Length}";
        return s.GetHashCode();

public static void CompareDirectories()
    string pathA = """C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\8.0.104""";
    string pathB = """C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\8.0.204""";

    DirectoryInfo dir1 = new DirectoryInfo(pathA);
    DirectoryInfo dir2 = new DirectoryInfo(pathB);

    IEnumerable<FileInfo> list1 = dir1.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
    IEnumerable<FileInfo> list2 = dir2.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

    //A custom file comparer defined below
    FileCompare myFileCompare = new FileCompare();

    // This query determines whether the two folders contain
    // identical file lists, based on the custom file comparer
    // that is defined in the FileCompare class.
    // The query executes immediately because it returns a bool.
    bool areIdentical = list1.SequenceEqual(list2, myFileCompare);

    if (areIdentical == true)
        Console.WriteLine("the two folders are the same");
        Console.WriteLine("The two folders are not the same");

    // Find the common files. It produces a sequence and doesn't
    // execute until the foreach statement.
    var queryCommonFiles = list1.Intersect(list2, myFileCompare);

    if (queryCommonFiles.Any())
        Console.WriteLine($"The following files are in both folders (total number = {queryCommonFiles.Count()}):");
        foreach (var v in queryCommonFiles.Take(10))
            Console.WriteLine(v.Name); //shows which items end up in result list
        Console.WriteLine("There are no common files in the two folders.");

    // Find the set difference between the two folders.
    var queryList1Only = (from file in list1
                          select file)
                          .Except(list2, myFileCompare);

    Console.WriteLine($"The following files are in list1 but not list2 (total number = {queryList1Only.Count()}):");
    foreach (var v in queryList1Only.Take(10))

    var queryList2Only = (from file in list2
                          select file)
                          .Except(list1, myFileCompare);

    Console.WriteLine($"The following files are in list2 but not list1 (total number = {queryList2Only.Count()}:");
    foreach (var v in queryList2Only.Take(10))


逗号分隔值 (CSV) 文件是一种文本文件,通常用于存储电子表格数据或其他由行和列表示的表格数据。 通过使用 Split 方法分隔字段,可以轻松地使用 LINQ 查询和操作 CSV 文件。 事实上,可以将同一技术用于重新排列任何结构化文本行部分;它不局限于 CSV 文件。

在下面的示例中,假设存在三列分别代表学生的“姓氏”、“名字”和“ID”。这些字段基于学生的姓氏按字母顺序排列。 查询将生成一个新序列,其中首先出现的是 ID 列,后面的第二列组合了学生的名字和姓氏。 根据 ID 字段重新排列各行。 结果将保存到新文件,并且不会修改原始数据。 以下文本显示了以下示例中使用的spreadsheet1.csv 文件的内容:


以下代码可读取源文件并重新排列 CSV 文件中的每一列,以对列的顺序进行重新排列:

string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("spreadsheet1.csv");

// Create the query. Put field 2 first, then
// reverse and combine fields 0 and 1 from the old field
IEnumerable<string> query = from line in lines
                            let fields = line.Split(',')
                            orderby fields[2]
                            select $"{fields[2]}, {fields[1]} {fields[0]}";

File.WriteAllLines("spreadsheet2.csv", query.ToArray());

/* Output to spreadsheet2.csv:
111, Svetlana Omelchenko
112, Claire O'Donnell
113, Sven Mortensen
114, Cesar Garcia
115, Debra Garcia
116, Fadi Fakhouri
117, Hanying Feng
118, Hugo Garcia
119, Lance Tucker
120, Terry Adams
121, Eugene Zabokritski
122, Michael Tucker


此示例演示一种进行以下操作的方法:合并两个文件的内容,然后创建一组以新方式整理数据的新文件。 查询使用两个文件的内容。 以下文本显示了第一个文件 names1.txt 的内容:

Bankov, Peter
Holm, Michael
Garcia, Hugo
Potra, Cristina
Noriega, Fabricio
Aw, Kam Foo
Beebe, Ann
Toyoshima, Tim
Guy, Wey Yuan
Garcia, Debra

第二个文件 names2.txt 包含一组不同的名称,其中一些名称与第一组相同:

Liu, Jinghao
Bankov, Peter
Holm, Michael
Garcia, Hugo
Beebe, Ann
Gilchrist, Beth
Myrcha, Jacek
Giakoumakis, Leo
McLin, Nkenge
El Yassir, Mehdi


string[] fileA = File.ReadAllLines("names1.txt");
string[] fileB = File.ReadAllLines("names2.txt");

// Concatenate and remove duplicate names
var mergeQuery = fileA.Union(fileB);

// Group the names by the first letter in the last name.
var groupQuery = from name in mergeQuery
                 let n = name.Split(',')[0]
                 group name by n[0] into g
                 orderby g.Key
                 select g;

foreach (var g in groupQuery)
    string fileName = $"testFile_{g.Key}.txt";


    using StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName);
    foreach (var item in g)
        // Output to console for example purposes.
        Console.WriteLine($"   {item}");
/* Output:
       Aw, Kam Foo
       Bankov, Peter
       Beebe, Ann
       El Yassir, Mehdi
       Garcia, Hugo
       Guy, Wey Yuan
       Garcia, Debra
       Gilchrist, Beth
       Giakoumakis, Leo
       Holm, Michael
       Liu, Jinghao
       Myrcha, Jacek
       McLin, Nkenge
       Noriega, Fabricio
       Potra, Cristina
       Toyoshima, Tim


本示例演示如何联接两个逗号分隔文件中的数据,这两个文件共享一个用作匹配键的公共值。 如果需要合并来自两个电子表格的数据,或者从一个电子表格和具有另一种格式的文件合并到一个新文件时,此技术很有用。 可以修改此示例以用于任何类型的结构化文本。

以下文本显示了 scores.csv 的内容。 此文件表示电子表格数据。 第 1 列是学生的 ID,第 2 至 5 列是测验分数。

111, 97, 92, 81, 60
112, 75, 84, 91, 39
113, 88, 94, 65, 91
114, 97, 89, 85, 82
115, 35, 72, 91, 70
116, 99, 86, 90, 94
117, 93, 92, 80, 87
118, 92, 90, 83, 78
119, 68, 79, 88, 92
120, 99, 82, 81, 79
121, 96, 85, 91, 60
122, 94, 92, 91, 91

以下文本显示了 names.csv 的内容。 此文件表示电子表格,其中包含学生的姓氏、名字和学生 ID。


联接来自包含相关信息的不同文件的内容。 文件 names.csv 包含学生姓名加上 ID 号。 文件 scores.csv 包含 ID 和一组四个测试分数。 以下查询使用 ID 作为匹配关键值将分数联接到学生姓名。 该代码显示在下面的示例中:

string[] names = File.ReadAllLines(@"names.csv");
string[] scores = File.ReadAllLines(@"scores.csv");

var scoreQuery = from name in names
                  let nameFields = name.Split(',')
                  from id in scores
                  let scoreFields = id.Split(',')
                  where Convert.ToInt32(nameFields[2]) == Convert.ToInt32(scoreFields[0])
                  select $"{nameFields[0]},{scoreFields[1]},{scoreFields[2]},{scoreFields[3]},{scoreFields[4]}";

Console.WriteLine("\r\nMerge two spreadsheets:");
foreach (string item in scoreQuery)
Console.WriteLine("{0} total names in list", scoreQuery.Count());
/* Output:
Merge two spreadsheets:
Omelchenko, 97, 92, 81, 60
O'Donnell, 75, 84, 91, 39
Mortensen, 88, 94, 65, 91
Garcia, 97, 89, 85, 82
Garcia, 35, 72, 91, 70
Fakhouri, 99, 86, 90, 94
Feng, 93, 92, 80, 87
Garcia, 92, 90, 83, 78
Tucker, 68, 79, 88, 92
Adams, 99, 82, 81, 79
Zabokritski, 96, 85, 91, 60
Tucker, 94, 92, 91, 91
12 total names in list

如何在 CSV 文本文件中计算列值

此示例演示如何对 .csv 文件的列执行 Sum、Average、Min 和 Max 等聚合计算。 此处所示的示例原则可以应用于其他类型的结构化文本。

以下文本显示了 scores.csv 的内容。 假定第一列表示学生 ID,后面几列表示四次考试的分数。

111, 97, 92, 81, 60
112, 75, 84, 91, 39
113, 88, 94, 65, 91
114, 97, 89, 85, 82
115, 35, 72, 91, 70
116, 99, 86, 90, 94
117, 93, 92, 80, 87
118, 92, 90, 83, 78
119, 68, 79, 88, 92
120, 99, 82, 81, 79
121, 96, 85, 91, 60
122, 94, 92, 91, 91

以下文本演示了如何使用 Split 方法将每行文本转换为数组。 每个数组元素表示一列。 最后,每一列中的文本都转换为其数字表示形式。

public class SumColumns
    public static void SumCSVColumns(string fileName)
        string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);

        // Specifies the column to compute.
        int exam = 3;

        // Spreadsheet format:
        // Student ID    Exam#1  Exam#2  Exam#3  Exam#4
        // 111,          97,     92,     81,     60

        // Add one to exam to skip over the first column,
        // which holds the student ID.
        SingleColumn(lines, exam + 1);

    static void SingleColumn(IEnumerable<string> strs, int examNum)
        Console.WriteLine("Single Column Query:");

        // Parameter examNum specifies the column to
        // run the calculations on. This value could be
        // passed in dynamically at run time.

        // Variable columnQuery is an IEnumerable<int>.
        // The following query performs two steps:
        // 1) use Split to break each row (a string) into an array
        //    of strings,
        // 2) convert the element at position examNum to an int
        //    and select it.
        var columnQuery = from line in strs
                          let elements = line.Split(',')
                          select Convert.ToInt32(elements[examNum]);

        // Execute the query and cache the results to improve
        // performance. This is helpful only with very large files.
        var results = columnQuery.ToList();

        // Perform aggregate calculations Average, Max, and
        // Min on the column specified by examNum.
        double average = results.Average();
        int max = results.Max();
        int min = results.Min();

        Console.WriteLine($"Exam #{examNum}: Average:{average:##.##} High Score:{max} Low Score:{min}");

    static void MultiColumns(IEnumerable<string> strs)
        Console.WriteLine("Multi Column Query:");

        // Create a query, multiColQuery. Explicit typing is used
        // to make clear that, when executed, multiColQuery produces
        // nested sequences. However, you get the same results by
        // using 'var'.

        // The multiColQuery query performs the following steps:
        // 1) use Split to break each row (a string) into an array
        //    of strings,
        // 2) use Skip to skip the "Student ID" column, and store the
        //    rest of the row in scores.
        // 3) convert each score in the current row from a string to
        //    an int, and select that entire sequence as one row
        //    in the results.
        var multiColQuery = from line in strs
                            let elements = line.Split(',')
                            let scores = elements.Skip(1)
                            select (from str in scores
                                    select Convert.ToInt32(str));

        // Execute the query and cache the results to improve
        // performance.
        // ToArray could be used instead of ToList.
        var results = multiColQuery.ToList();

        // Find out how many columns you have in results.
        int columnCount = results[0].Count();

        // Perform aggregate calculations Average, Max, and
        // Min on each column.
        // Perform one iteration of the loop for each column
        // of scores.
        // You can use a for loop instead of a foreach loop
        // because you already executed the multiColQuery
        // query by calling ToList.
        for (int column = 0; column < columnCount; column++)
            var results2 = from row in results
                           select row.ElementAt(column);
            double average = results2.Average();
            int max = results2.Max();
            int min = results2.Min();

            // Add one to column because the first exam is Exam #1,
            // not Exam #0.
            Console.WriteLine($"Exam #{column + 1} Average: {average:##.##} High Score: {max} Low Score: {min}");
/* Output:
    Single Column Query:
    Exam #4: Average:76.92 High Score:94 Low Score:39

    Multi Column Query:
    Exam #1 Average: 86.08 High Score: 99 Low Score: 35
    Exam #2 Average: 86.42 High Score: 94 Low Score: 72
    Exam #3 Average: 84.75 High Score: 91 Low Score: 65
    Exam #4 Average: 76.92 High Score: 94 Low Score: 39

如果文件是制表符分隔文件,只需将 Split 方法中的参数更新为 \t