如何:向 TreeView 或 ListView 控件(Windows 窗体)添加自定义信息

可在 Windows 窗体 TreeView 控件中创建派生节点,或在 ListView 控件中创建派生项。 通过派生可添加任何所需字段,以及添加处理这些字段的自定义方法和构造函数。 此功能的用途之一是将 Customer 对象附加到每个树节点或列表项。 虽然此处的示例是关于 TreeView 控件的,但该方法同样适用于 ListView 控件。


  • 创建一个从 TreeNode 类派生的新节点类,前者包含一个记录文件路径的自定义字段。

    Class myTreeNode  
       Inherits TreeNode  
       Public FilePath As String  
       Sub New(ByVal fp As String)  
          FilePath = fp  
          Me.Text = fp.Substring(fp.LastIndexOf("\"))  
       End Sub  
    End Class  
    class myTreeNode : TreeNode  
       public string FilePath;  
       public myTreeNode(string fp)  
          FilePath = fp;  
          this.Text = fp.Substring(fp.LastIndexOf("\\"));  
    ref class myTreeNode : public TreeNode  
       System::String ^ FilePath;  
       myTreeNode(System::String ^ fp)  
          FilePath = fp;  
          this->Text = fp->Substring(fp->LastIndexOf("\\"));  


  1. 新的派生树节点可用作函数调用的参数。

    在下例中,为文本文件位置设置的路径是 My Documents 文件夹。 这样做是出于一个假定,即假定大多数运行 Windows 操作系统的计算机都包含此目录。 这还使得具有最低系统访问级别的用户能够安全运行应用程序。

    ' You should replace the bold text file
    ' in the sample below with a text file of your own choosing.  
    TreeView1.Nodes.Add(New myTreeNode (System.Environment.GetFolderPath _  
       (System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) _  
       & "\ TextFile.txt ") )  
    // You should replace the bold text file
    // in the sample below with a text file of your own choosing.  
    // Note the escape character used (@) when specifying the path.  
    treeView1.Nodes.Add(new myTreeNode(System.Environment.GetFolderPath
       + @"\TextFile.txt") );  
    // You should replace the bold text file
    // in the sample below with a text file of your own choosing.  
    treeView1->Nodes->Add(new myTreeNode(String::Concat(  
  2. 如果被传递了此树节点,且其类型为 TreeNode 类,则需强制转换为派生类。 强制转换是从一种对象类型到另一种对象类型的显式转换。 有关强制转换的详细信息,请参阅隐式转换和显式转换 (Visual Basic)、强制转换和类型转换 (Visual C#) 或强制转换运算符:() (Visual C++)。

    Public Sub TreeView1_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.AfterSelect  
       Dim mynode As myTreeNode  
       mynode = CType(e.node, myTreeNode)  
       MessageBox.Show("Node selected is " & mynode.filepath)  
    End Sub  
    protected void treeView1_AfterSelect (object sender,  
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e)  
       myTreeNode myNode = (myTreeNode)e.Node;  
       MessageBox.Show("Node selected is " + myNode.FilePath);  
       System::Void treeView1_AfterSelect(System::Object ^  sender,  
          System::Windows::Forms::TreeViewEventArgs ^  e)  
          myTreeNode ^ myNode = safe_cast<myTreeNode^>(e->Node);  
          MessageBox::Show(String::Concat("Node selected is ",
