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ImageReference interface

An interface representing ImageReference.



The offer type of the Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace Image. For example, UbuntuServer or WindowsServer.


The publisher of the Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace Image. For example, Canonical or MicrosoftWindowsServer.


The SKU of the Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace Image. For example, 18.04-LTS or 2019-Datacenter.


The version of the Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace Image. A value of 'latest' can be specified to select the latest version of an Image. If omitted, the default is 'latest'.


The ARM resource identifier of the Shared Image Gallery Image. Compute Nodes in the Pool will be created using this Image Id. This is of the form /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/{galleryName}/images/{imageDefinitionName}/versions/{VersionId} or /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/{galleryName}/images/{imageDefinitionName} for always defaulting to the latest image version. This property is mutually exclusive with other ImageReference properties. The Shared Image Gallery Image must have replicas in the same region and must be in the same subscription as the Azure Batch account. If the image version is not specified in the imageId, the latest version will be used. For information about the firewall settings for the Batch Compute Node agent to communicate with the Batch service see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-api-basics#virtual-network-vnet-and-firewall-configuration.

Property Details


The offer type of the Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace Image. For example, UbuntuServer or WindowsServer.

offer?: string

Property Value



The publisher of the Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace Image. For example, Canonical or MicrosoftWindowsServer.

publisher?: string

Property Value



The SKU of the Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace Image. For example, 18.04-LTS or 2019-Datacenter.

sku?: string

Property Value



The version of the Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace Image. A value of 'latest' can be specified to select the latest version of an Image. If omitted, the default is 'latest'.

version?: string

Property Value



The ARM resource identifier of the Shared Image Gallery Image. Compute Nodes in the Pool will be created using this Image Id. This is of the form /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/{galleryName}/images/{imageDefinitionName}/versions/{VersionId} or /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/{galleryName}/images/{imageDefinitionName} for always defaulting to the latest image version. This property is mutually exclusive with other ImageReference properties. The Shared Image Gallery Image must have replicas in the same region and must be in the same subscription as the Azure Batch account. If the image version is not specified in the imageId, the latest version will be used. For information about the firewall settings for the Batch Compute Node agent to communicate with the Batch service see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-api-basics#virtual-network-vnet-and-firewall-configuration.

virtualMachineImageId?: string

Property Value
