
适用于:Outlook 2013 | Outlook 2016

若要实现脱机状态加载项,必须实现连接、初始化和其他设置功能。 在本主题中,使用示例脱机状态外接程序中的代码示例演示了这些连接、初始化和设置函数。 示例脱机状态加载项是一个 COM 加载项,它会将脱机状态菜单添加到 Outlook 并使用脱机状态 API。 通过“脱机状态”菜单,可以启用或禁用状态监视、检查当前状态以及更改当前状态。 有关下载和安装示例脱机状态加载项的详细信息,请参阅安装示例脱机状态加载项。 有关脱机状态 API 的详细信息,请参阅关于脱机状态 API

设置脱机状态加载项后,必须实现监视和修改连接状态更改的函数。 有关详细信息,请参阅 使用脱机状态加载项监视连接状态更改

On Connection 例程

每次加载加载项时都会调用 IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection 方法 。 它是外接程序的入口点,因此在外接程序启动时,将调用放入 OnConnection 函数的代码。 在以下示例中 OnConnection , 函数调用 函数 HrInitAddin

CMyAddin::OnConnection () 示例

STDMETHODIMP CMyAddin::OnConnection( 
    IDispatch * Application,  
    ext_ConnectMode ConnectMode,  
    IDispatch * /*AddInInst*/,  
    SAFEARRAY * * /*custom*/) 
    HRESULT hRes = S_OK; 
    m_spApp = Application; 
    m_ConnectMode = ConnectMode; 
    if (ConnectMode == ext_cm_AfterStartup) 
        hRes = HrInitAddin(); 
    return hRes; 


函数 HrInitAddin 调用 LoadLibrariesHrCacheProfileNameHrAddMenuItems 函数以完成脱机状态加载项的设置。

CMyAddin::HrInitAddin () 示例

HRESULT CMyAddin::HrInitAddin() 
    HRESULT hRes = S_OK; 
    hRes = HrCacheProfileName(); 
    Log(true,_T("HrCacheProfileName returned 0x%08X\n"),hRes); 
    hRes = HrAddMenuItems(); 
    Log(true,_T("HrAddMenuItems returned 0x%08X\n"),hRes); 
    return hRes; 


函数 LoadLibraries 加载动态链接库 (DLL) 加载项所需的文件。

LoadLibraries () 示例

void LoadLibraries() 
    Log(true,_T("LoadLibraries - loading exports from DLLs\n"));     
    HRESULT hRes = S_OK; 
    UINT uiRet = 0; 
    LONG lRet = 0; 
    BOOL bRet = true; 
    CHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; 
    // Get the system directory path 
    // (mapistub.dll and mapi32.dll reside here) 
    uiRet = GetSystemDirectoryA(szSystemDir, MAX_PATH); 
    if (uiRet > 0) 
        CHAR szDLLPath[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; 
        hRes = StringCchPrintfA(szDLLPath, MAX_PATH+1, "%s\\%s",  
            szSystemDir, "mapistub.dll"); 
        if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) 
            LPFGETCOMPONENTPATH pfnFGetComponentPath = NULL; 
            // Load mapistub.dll 
            hModMAPIStub = LoadLibraryA(szDLLPath); 
            if (hModMAPIStub) 
                // Get the address of FGetComponentPath from the mapistub 
                pfnFGetComponentPath = (LPFGETCOMPONENTPATH)GetProcAddress( 
                    hModMAPIStub, "FGetComponentPath"); 
            // If there is no address for FGetComponentPath yet 
            // try getting it from mapi32.dll 
            if (!pfnFGetComponentPath) 
                hRes = StringCchPrintfA(szDLLPath, MAX_PATH+1, "%s\\%s", 
                    szSystemDir, "mapi32.dll"); 
                if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) 
                    // Load mapi32.dll 
                    hModMAPI = LoadLibraryA(szDLLPath); 
                    if (hModMAPI) 
                        // Get the address of FGetComponentPath from mapi32 
                        pfnFGetComponentPath = (LPFGETCOMPONENTPATH)GetProcAddress( 
                            hModMAPI, "FGetComponentPath"); 
            if (pfnFGetComponentPath) 
                LPSTR szAppLCID = NULL; 
                LPSTR szOfficeLCID = NULL; 
                HKEY hMicrosoftOutlook = NULL; 
                lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( 
                    _T("Software\\Clients\\Mail\\Microsoft Outlook"), 
                if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet && hMicrosoftOutlook) 
                    HrGetRegMultiSZValueA(hMicrosoftOutlook, "MSIApplicationLCID", (LPVOID*) &szAppLCID); 
                    HrGetRegMultiSZValueA(hMicrosoftOutlook, "MSIOfficeLCID", (LPVOID*) &szOfficeLCID); 
                if (szAppLCID) 
                    bRet = pfnFGetComponentPath( 
                        "{FF1D0740-D227-11D1-A4B0-006008AF820E}", szAppLCID, szDLLPath, MAX_PATH, true); 
                if ((!bRet || szDLLPath[0] == _T('\0')) && szOfficeLCID) 
                    bRet = pfnFGetComponentPath( 
                        "{FF1D0740-D227-11D1-A4B0-006008AF820E}", szOfficeLCID, szDLLPath, MAX_PATH, true); 
                if (!bRet || szDLLPath[0] == _T('\0')) 
                    bRet = pfnFGetComponentPath( 
                        "{FF1D0740-D227-11D1-A4B0-006008AF820E}", NULL, szDLLPath, MAX_PATH, true); 
                delete[] szOfficeLCID; 
                delete[] szAppLCID; 
                if (hMicrosoftOutlook) RegCloseKey(hMicrosoftOutlook);       
            hModMSMAPI = LoadLibrary(szDLLPath); 
            if (hModMSMAPI) 
                pfnHrOpenOfflineObj = (HROPENOFFLINEOBJ*) GetProcAddress( 
                pfnMAPIFreeBuffer = (LPMAPIFREEBUFFER) GetProcAddress( 


函数 HrCacheProfileName 调用 IMAPISupport::OpenProfileSection 函数以打开当前会话的配置文件部分,然后设置按钮处理程序的配置文件。

CMyAddin::HrCacheProfileName () 示例

HRESULT CMyAddin::HrCacheProfileName() 
    HRESULT hRes = S_OK;     
    _NameSpacePtr spSession = m_spApp->GetNamespace("MAPI"); 
    IUnknown* lpMAPIObject = NULL; 
    // use the raw accessor 
    hRes = spSession->get_MAPIOBJECT(&lpMAPIObject); 
    if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && lpMAPIObject) 
        hRes = lpMAPIObject->QueryInterface(IID_IMAPISession,(LPVOID*)&lpMAPISession); 
    if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && lpMAPISession) 
        LPPROFSECT lpPSGlobal = NULL; 
        hRes = lpMAPISession->OpenProfileSection((LPMAPIUID)pbGlobalProfileSectionGuid, NULL, 0, &lpPSGlobal); 
        if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && lpPSGlobal) 
            LPSPropValue lpProfileName = NULL; 
            // Asking for PR_PROFILE_NAME_W here - this might not work with earlier versions of Outlook 
            SPropTagArray staga = {1,PR_PROFILE_NAME_W}; 
            ULONG cVal = 0; 
            hRes = lpPSGlobal->GetProps(&staga,0,&cVal,&lpProfileName); 
            if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && 1 == cVal && lpProfileName && PR_PROFILE_NAME_W == lpProfileName->ulPropTag) 
            if (pfnMAPIFreeBuffer) pfnMAPIFreeBuffer(lpProfileName); 
        if (lpPSGlobal) lpPSGlobal->Release(); 
    if (lpMAPISession) lpMAPISession->Release(); 
    return hRes; 


函数 HrAddMenuItems 定义在 Outlook 中加载加载项时创建的 “脱机状态 ”菜单下显示的菜单选项,然后调用 DispEventAdvise 每个菜单项。

CMyAddin::HrAddMenuItems () 示例

HRESULT CMyAddin::HrAddMenuItems() 
    HRESULT    hRes = S_OK; 
    if (!m_fMenuItemsAdded) 
            _ExplorerPtr spExplorer = m_spApp->ActiveExplorer(); 
            _CommandBarsPtr spCmdBars = spExplorer->__CommandBars; 
            CommandBarPtr spMainBar = spCmdBars->ActiveMenuBar; 
            CommandBarControlsPtr spMainCtrls = spMainBar->Controls; 
            try { m_spMyMenu = spMainCtrls->GetItem("Offline State"); } catch (_com_error) {} 
            if (m_spMyMenu == NULL) 
                m_spMyMenu = spMainCtrls->Add((long)msoControlPopup,vtMissing,vtMissing,vtMissing, true); 
                m_spMyMenu->Caption = "Offline State"; 
            CommandBarControlsPtr spMyMenuCtrls = m_spMyMenu->Controls; 
            try { m_spInitButton = spMyMenuCtrls->GetItem("&Init Monitor"); } catch (_com_error) {} 
            if (m_spInitButton == NULL) 
                m_spInitButton = spMyMenuCtrls->Add((long)msoControlButton, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, true); 
                m_spInitButton->Caption = "&Init Monitor"; 
                m_spInitButton->FaceId = MY_INIT_BUTTON; 
            try { m_spDeinitButton = spMyMenuCtrls->GetItem("&Deinit Monitor"); } catch (_com_error) {} 
            if (m_spDeinitButton == NULL) 
                m_spDeinitButton = spMyMenuCtrls->Add((long)msoControlButton, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, true); 
                m_spDeinitButton->Caption = "&Deinit Monitor"; 
                m_spDeinitButton->FaceId = MY_DEINIT_BUTTON; 
            try { m_spGetStateButton = spMyMenuCtrls->GetItem("&GetCurrentState"); } catch (_com_error) {} 
            if (m_spGetStateButton == NULL) 
                m_spGetStateButton = spMyMenuCtrls->Add((long)msoControlButton, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, true); 
                m_spGetStateButton->Caption = "&GetCurrentState"; 
                m_spGetStateButton->FaceId = MY_GETSTATE_BUTTON; 
            try { m_spSetStateButton = spMyMenuCtrls->GetItem("&SetCurrentState"); } catch (_com_error) {} 
            if (m_spSetStateButton == NULL) 
                m_spSetStateButton = spMyMenuCtrls->Add((long)msoControlButton, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, true); 
                m_spSetStateButton->Caption = "&SetCurrentState"; 
                m_spSetStateButton->FaceId = MY_SETSTATE_BUTTON; 
            // Set up advise 
        catch (_com_error) 
            hRes = E_FAIL; 
        if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) 
            m_fMenuItemsAdded = true; 
    return hRes;  
