使用 Team Foundation 的客户端对象模型编辑和保存工作项

使用 WorkItem.SaveWorkItemStore.BatchSave 方法,可以更改 FieldsWorkItemLinksAttachments 然后尝试保存这些更改。

当您尝试保存更改时,它们被计算 WorkItemType的规则。 如果指定的值遵循这些规则, WorkItem 保存,其版本递增,并且,其历史记录都会更新与最近的更改。 否则, WorkItem 未保存,其版本不增加,因此,其历史记录都会更新。


使用 WorkItemStore.BatchSave 方法,您可以保存多个 WorkItemWorkItemLink 在单个往返。


示例演示如何编辑并保存工作项以及如何使用 WorkItem.IsValidWorkItem.IsDirty 属性。


  1. 创建一个C# (或VB)控制台应用程序。

  2. 添加对下列程序集的引用:

  3. 用下面的示例替换Program.cs (或Module1.vb)内容:

using System;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client;

namespace WorkItemTrackingSample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Uri collectionUri = (args.Length < 1) ?
                new Uri("http://server:port/vdir/DefaultCollection") : new Uri(args[0]);

            // Connect to the server and the store. 
            TfsTeamProjectCollection teamProjectCollection =
               new TfsTeamProjectCollection(collectionUri);

            WorkItemStore workItemStore = teamProjectCollection.GetService<WorkItemStore>();

            // Get a specific work item from the store. (In this case, 
            // get the work item with ID=1.) 
            WorkItem workItem = workItemStore.GetWorkItem(1);

            // Set the value of a field to one that is not valid, and save the old
            // value so that you can restore it later. 
            string oldAssignedTo = (string)workItem.Fields["Assigned to"].Value;
            workItem.Fields["Assigned to"].Value = "Not a valid user";

            // Display the results of this change. 
            if (workItem.IsDirty)
                Console.WriteLine("The work item has changed but has not been saved.");

            if (workItem.IsValid() == false)
                Console.WriteLine("The work item is not valid.");

            if (workItem.Fields["Assigned to"].IsValid == false)
                Console.WriteLine("The value of the Assigned to field is not valid.");

            // Try to save the work item while it is not valid, and catch the exception. 
            catch (ValidationException exception)
                Console.WriteLine("The work item threw a validation exception.");

            // Set the state to a valid value that is not the old value. 
            workItem.Fields["Assigned to"].Value = "ValidUser";

            // If the work item is valid, save the changes. 
            if (workItem.IsValid())
                Console.WriteLine("The work item was saved this time.");

            // Restore the original value of the work item's Assigned to field, and save that change. 
            workItem.Fields["Assigned to"].Value = oldAssignedTo;
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client
Module Module1

    Sub Main(ByVal sArgs() As String)
        Dim collectionUri As Uri
        If sArgs.Length = 0 Then
            collectionUri = New Uri("http://Server:port/vdir/DefaultCollection")
            collectionUri = New Uri(sArgs(1))
        End If

        ' Connect to the server and the store.
        Dim teamProjectCollection As New TfsTeamProjectCollection(collectionUri)

        ' Get a specific work item from the store. (In this case, 
        ' get the work item with ID=1.)
        Dim workItemStore As WorkItemStore
        workItemStore = teamProjectCollection.GetService(Of WorkItemStore)()

        Dim workItem As WorkItem
        workItem = workItemStore.GetWorkItem(1)

        ' Set the value of a field to one that is not valid, and save the old
        ' value so that you can restore it later.
        Dim oldAssignedTo As String
        oldAssignedTo = workItem.Fields("Assigned To").Value
        workItem.Fields("Assigned to").Value = "Not a Valid User"

        ' Display the results of this change

        If (workItem.IsDirty) Then
            Console.WriteLine("The work item has changed but has not been saved.")
        End If

        If (workItem.IsValid() = False) Then
            Console.WriteLine("The work item is not valid.")
        End If

        If (workItem.Fields("Assigned to").IsValid = False) Then
            Console.WriteLine("The value of the Assigned to field is not valid.")
        End If

        ' Try to save the work item while it is not valid, and catch the exception.
        Catch exception As ValidationException

        End Try

        ' Set the state to a valid value that is not the old value.
        workItem.Fields("Assigned to").Value = "ValidUser"

        ' If the work item is valid,  save the changes.
        If (workItem.IsValid()) Then
            Console.WriteLine("The work item was saved this time.")
        End If

        ' Restore the original value of the work item's Assigned to field, and save that change
        workItem.Fields("Assigned to").Value = oldAssignedTo

    End Sub

End Module



使用 Team Foundation 的客户端对象模型创建工作项

使用 Team Foundation 的客户端对象模型为不同类型的工作项编写代码

使用 Team Foundation 的客户端对象模型扩展工作项跟踪