SerializationInfoEnumerator 类

提供一种对格式化程序友好的机制,用于分析 SerializationInfo 中的数据。无法继承此类。

**程序集:**mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class SerializationInfoEnumerator
    Implements IEnumerator
Dim instance As SerializationInfoEnumerator
public sealed class SerializationInfoEnumerator : IEnumerator
public ref class SerializationInfoEnumerator sealed : IEnumerator
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public final class SerializationInfoEnumerator implements IEnumerator
public final class SerializationInfoEnumerator implements IEnumerator


当前类是标准的枚举数,它对存储在 SerializationInfo 中的值进行分析。SerializationInfoEnumerator 并不记录值,而是保留指向创建它的 SerializationInfo 的成员变量的指针。

此类遵循 IEnumerator 机制。


下面的代码示例演示如何使用 FormatterServices 类来正确地序列化或反序列化符合以下条件的对象:基类未实现 ISerializable,但派生类实现了该接口。

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Permissions;

// Person is a serializable base class.
public class Person
    private String title;

    public Person(String title)
        this.title = title;

    public override String ToString()
        return String.Format("{0}", title);

// Employee is a serializable class derived from Person.
public class Employee : Person
    private String title;

    public Employee(String title) : base("Person")
        this.title = title;

    public override String ToString()
        return String.Format("{0} -> {1}", title, base.ToString());

// Manager is a serializable and ISerializable class derived from Employee.
public class Manager : Employee, ISerializable
    private String title;

    public Manager() : base("Employee") 
        this.title = "Manager";

    [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
    public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)

        // Serialize the desired values for this class.
        info.AddValue("title", title);

        // Get the set of serializable members for the class and base classes.
        Type thisType = this.GetType();
        MemberInfo[] mi = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(thisType, context);

        // Serialize the base class's fields to the info object.
        for (Int32 i = 0; i < mi.Length; i++)
            // Do not serialize fields for this class.
            if (mi[i].DeclaringType == thisType) continue;

            // Skip this field if it is marked NonSerialized.
            if (Attribute.IsDefined(mi[i], typeof(NonSerializedAttribute))) continue;
            // Get the value of this field and add it to the SerializationInfo object.
            info.AddValue(mi[i].Name, ((FieldInfo) mi[i]).GetValue(this));

        // Call the method below to see the contents of the SerializationInfo object.
    private void DisplaySerializationInfo(SerializationInfo info)
        SerializationInfoEnumerator e = info.GetEnumerator();
        Console.WriteLine("Values in the SerializationInfo:");
        while (e.MoveNext())
            Console.WriteLine("Name={0}, ObjectType={1}, Value={2}", e.Name, e.ObjectType, e.Value);

    [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)]
    protected Manager(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(null)

        // Get the set of serializable members for the class and base classes.
        Type thisType = this.GetType();
        MemberInfo[] mi = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(thisType, context);

        // Deserialize the base class's fields from the info object.
        for (Int32 i = 0; i < mi.Length; i++)
            // Do not deserialize fields for this class.
            if (mi[i].DeclaringType == thisType) continue;

            // For easier coding, treat the member as a FieldInfo object
            FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo) mi[i];

            // Skip this field if it is marked NonSerialized.
            if (Attribute.IsDefined(mi[i], typeof(NonSerializedAttribute))) continue;

            // Get the value of this field from the SerializationInfo object.
            fi.SetValue(this, info.GetValue(fi.Name, fi.FieldType));

        // Deserialize the values that were serialized for this class.
        title = info.GetString("title");

    public override String ToString()
        return String.Format("{0} -> {1}", title, base.ToString());

public sealed class App
    public static void Main()

    public static void Run()
        using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream())
            IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            Manager m = new Manager();
            formatter.Serialize(stream, m);

            stream.Position = 0;
            m = (Manager) formatter.Deserialize(stream);
// This code produces the following output.
//  Manager -> Employee -> Person
//  Values in the SerializaitonInfo:
//  Name=title, ObjectType=System.String, Value=Manager
//  Name=Employee+title, ObjectType=System.String, Value=Employee
//  Name=Person+title, ObjectType=System.String, Value=Person
//  Manager -> Employee -> Person
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;

// Person is a serializable base class.
public ref class Person
    String^ title;

    Person(String^ title)
        this->title = title;

    virtual String^ ToString() override
        return String::Format("{0}", title);

// Employee is a serializable class derived from Person.
public ref class Employee : public Person
    String^ title;

    Employee(String^ title) : Person("Person")
        this->title = title;

    virtual String^ ToString() override
        return String::Format("{0} -> {1}", title, Person::ToString());

// Manager is a serializable and ISerializable class derived from Employee.
ref class Manager : public Employee, public ISerializable
    String^ title;

    Manager() : Employee("Employee")
        this->title = "Manager";

    [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction::Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
    virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo^ info, StreamingContext context)
        // Serialize the desired values for this class.
        info->AddValue("title", title);

        // Get the set of serializable members for the class and base classes.
        Type^ thisType = this->GetType();
        array<MemberInfo^>^ serializableMembers =
            FormatterServices::GetSerializableMembers(thisType, context);

        // Serialize the base class's fields to the info object.
        for each (MemberInfo^ serializableMember in serializableMembers)
            // Do not serialize fields for this class.
            if (serializableMember->DeclaringType != thisType)
                // Skip this field if it is marked NonSerialized.
                if (!(Attribute::IsDefined(serializableMember,
                    // Get the value of this field and add it to the
                    // SerializationInfo object.

        // Call the method below to see the contents of the
        // SerializationInfo object.

    static void DisplaySerializationInfo(SerializationInfo^ info)
        Console::WriteLine("Values in the SerializationInfo:");
        for each (SerializationEntry^ infoEntry in info)
            Console::WriteLine("Name={0}, ObjectType={1}, Value={2}",
                infoEntry->Name, infoEntry->ObjectType, infoEntry->Value);

    Manager(SerializationInfo^ info,
        StreamingContext context) : Employee(nullptr)
        // Get the set of serializable members for the class and base classes.
        Type^ thisType = this->GetType();
        array<MemberInfo^>^ serializableMembers =
            FormatterServices::GetSerializableMembers(thisType, context);

        // Deserialize the base class's fields from the info object.
        for each (MemberInfo^ serializableMember in serializableMembers)
            // Do not deserialize fields for this class.
            if (serializableMember->DeclaringType != thisType)
                // For easier coding, treat the member as a FieldInfo object
                FieldInfo^ fieldInformation = (FieldInfo^)serializableMember;

                // Skip this field if it is marked NonSerialized.
                if (!(Attribute::IsDefined(serializableMember,
                    // Get the value of this field from the
                    // SerializationInfo object.

        // Deserialize the values that were serialized for this class.
        title = info->GetString("title");

    virtual String^ ToString() override
        return String::Format("{0} -> {1}", title, Employee::ToString());

int main()
    Stream^ stream = gcnew MemoryStream();
    IFormatter^ formatter = gcnew BinaryFormatter();
    Manager^ m = gcnew Manager();
    formatter->Serialize(stream, m);

    stream->Position = 0;
    m = (Manager^) formatter->Deserialize(stream);

// This code produces the following output.
//  Manager -> Employee -> Person
//  Values in the SerializaitonInfo:
//  Name=title, ObjectType=System.String, Value=Manager
//  Name=Employee+title, ObjectType=System.String, Value=Employee
//  Name=Person+title, ObjectType=System.String, Value=Person
//  Manager -> Employee -> Person




此类型的任何公共静态(Visual Basic 中的 Shared)成员都是线程安全的,但不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。


Windows 98、Windows 2000 SP4、Windows Millennium Edition、Windows Server 2003、Windows XP Media Center Edition、Windows XP Professional x64 Edition、Windows XP SP2、Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关受支持版本的列表,请参见系统要求


.NET Framework




SerializationInfoEnumerator 成员
System.Runtime.Serialization 命名空间
SerializationInfo 类