Convert 类


**程序集:**mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


Public NotInheritable Class Convert
public static class Convert
public ref class Convert abstract sealed
public final class Convert
public final class Convert


该类返回值与指定类型的值等效的类型。受支持的基类型是 BooleanCharSByteByteInt16Int32Int64UInt16UInt32UInt64SingleDoubleDecimalDateTimeString


  • 从某类型到它本身的转换只返回该类型。不实际执行任何转换。

  • 无法产生有意义的结果的转换引发 InvalidCastException。不实际执行任何转换。下列转换会引发异常:从 Char 转换为 BooleanSingleDoubleDecimalDateTime,以及从这些类型转换为 Char。下列转换会引发异常:从 DateTime 转换为除 String 之外的任何类型,以及从任何类型(String 除外)转换为 DateTime

  • 任何基类型(上面描述的基类型除外)都可以与任何其他基类型进行相互转换。


例如,当将 Double 转换为 Single 时,可能会发生精度丢失,但并不引发异常。但是,如果 Double 的值太大,无法由 Single 表示,则将引发溢出异常。

有一组方法可支持字节数组与 String 或由以 64 为基的数字字符组成的 Unicode 字符数组之间的转换。表示为以 64 为基的数字的数据可以很容易地通过只能传输 7 位字符的数据信道进行传送。

该类中的一些方法带一个实现 IFormatProvider 接口的参数对象。该参数可以提供区域性特定的格式设置信息以帮助转换过程。基值类型忽略该参数,但任何实现 IConvertible 的用户定义类型可以考虑使用它。



下面的代码示例演示 Convert 类中的一些转换方法,包括 ToInt32ToBooleanToString

Dim dNumber As Double
dNumber = 23.15

   ' Returns 23
   Dim iNumber As Integer
   iNumber = System.Convert.ToInt32(dNumber)
Catch exp As System.OverflowException
   System.Console.WriteLine("Overflow in double to int conversion.")
End Try

' Returns True
Dim bNumber As Boolean
bNumber = System.Convert.ToBoolean(dNumber)

' Returns "23.15"
Dim strNumber As String
strNumber = System.Convert.ToString(dNumber)

   ' Returns '2'
   Dim chrNumber As Char
   chrNumber = System.Convert.ToChar(strNumber.Chars(1))
Catch exp As System.ArgumentNullException
   System.Console.WriteLine("String is null.")
Catch exp As System.FormatException
   System.Console.WriteLine("String length is greater than 1.")
End Try

' System.Console.ReadLine() returns a string and it
' must be converted.
Dim newInteger As Integer
newInteger = 0
   System.Console.WriteLine("Enter an integer:")
   newInteger = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine())
Catch exp As System.ArgumentNullException
   System.Console.WriteLine("String is null.")
Catch exp As System.FormatException
   System.Console.WriteLine("String does not consist of an " + _
       "optional sign followed by a series of digits.")
Catch exp As System.OverflowException
   System.Console.WriteLine("Overflow in string to int conversion.")
End Try

System.Console.WriteLine("Your integer as a double is {0}", _
double dNumber = 23.15;

try {
    // Returns 23
    int    iNumber = System.Convert.ToInt32(dNumber);
catch (System.OverflowException) {
                "Overflow in double to int conversion.");
// Returns True
bool   bNumber = System.Convert.ToBoolean(dNumber);

// Returns "23.15"
string strNumber = System.Convert.ToString(dNumber);

try {
    // Returns '2'
    char chrNumber = System.Convert.ToChar(strNumber[0]);
catch (System.ArgumentNullException) {
    System.Console.WriteLine("String is null");
catch (System.FormatException) {
    System.Console.WriteLine("String length is greater than 1.");

// System.Console.ReadLine() returns a string and it
// must be converted.
int newInteger = 0;
try {
    System.Console.WriteLine("Enter an integer:");
    newInteger = System.Convert.ToInt32(
catch (System.ArgumentNullException) {
    System.Console.WriteLine("String is null.");
catch (System.FormatException) {
    System.Console.WriteLine("String does not consist of an " +
                    "optional sign followed by a series of digits.");
catch (System.OverflowException) {
    "Overflow in string to int conversion.");

System.Console.WriteLine("Your integer as a double is {0}",
Double dNumber = 23.15;

   // Returns 23
   Int32 iNumber = Convert::ToInt32( dNumber );
catch ( OverflowException^ ) 
      "Overflow in Double to Int32 conversion" );
// Returns True
Boolean bNumber = Convert::ToBoolean( dNumber );

// Returns "23.15"
String^ strNumber = Convert::ToString( dNumber );

   // Returns '2'
   Char chrNumber = Convert::ToChar( strNumber->Substring( 0, 1 ) );
catch ( ArgumentNullException^ ) 
   Console::WriteLine(  "String is null" );
catch ( FormatException^ ) 
   Console::WriteLine(  "String length is greater than 1" );

// System::Console::ReadLine() returns a string and it
// must be converted.
Int32 newInteger = 0;
   Console::WriteLine(  "Enter an integer:" );
   newInteger = Convert::ToInt32( System::Console::ReadLine() );
catch ( ArgumentNullException^ ) 
   Console::WriteLine(  "String is null" );
catch ( FormatException^ ) 
   Console::WriteLine(  "String does not consist of an " +
      "optional sign followed by a series of digits" );
catch ( OverflowException^ ) 
   Console::WriteLine(  "Overflow in string to Int32 conversion" );

Console::WriteLine( "Your integer as a Double is {0}",
   Convert::ToDouble( newInteger ) );
double dNumber = 23.15;

try {        
    // Returns 23
    int iNumber = System.Convert.ToInt32(dNumber);
catch (System.OverflowException exp) {        
    System.Console.WriteLine("Overflow in double to int conversion.");

// Returns True
boolean bNumber = System.Convert.ToBoolean(dNumber);

// Returns "23.15"
String strNumber = System.Convert.ToString(dNumber);

try {        
    // Returns '2'
    char chrNumber = System.Convert.ToChar(strNumber.get_Chars(0));
catch (System.ArgumentNullException exp) {        
    System.Console.WriteLine("String is null");
catch (System.FormatException exp) {        
    System.Console.WriteLine("String length is greater than 1.");

// System.Console.ReadLine() returns a string and it
// must be converted.
int newInteger = 0;

try {        
    System.Console.WriteLine("Enter an integer:");
    newInteger = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine());
catch (System.ArgumentNullException exp) {        
    System.Console.WriteLine("String is null.");
catch (System.FormatException exp) {        
    System.Console.WriteLine(("String does not consist of an " 
        + "optional sign followed by a series of digits."));
catch (System.OverflowException exp) {        
    System.Console.WriteLine("Overflow in string to int conversion.");
System.Console.WriteLine("Your integer as a double is {0}", 

下面的代码示例演示 Convert 类中的若干转换方法。

' Sample for the Convert class summary.
Imports System

Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim nl As String = Environment.NewLine
      Dim str As String = "{0}Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:{0}"
      Dim xBool As Boolean = False
      Dim xShort As Short = 1
      Dim xInt As Integer = 2
      Dim xLong As Long = 3
      Dim xSingle As Single = 4F
      Dim xDouble As Double = 5.0
      Dim xDecimal As Decimal = 6D
      Dim xString As String = "7"
      Dim xChar As Char = "8"c ' '8' = hexadecimal 38 = decimal 56
      Dim xByte As Byte = 9
      '  The following types are not CLS-compliant.
      ' Dim xUshort As System.UInt16 = 120
      ' Dim xUint As System.UInt32 = 121
      ' Dim xUlong As System.UInt64 = 122
      ' Dim xSbyte As System.SByte = 123
      '  The following type cannot be converted to an Int64.
      '  Dim xDateTime As System.DateTime = DateTime.Now

      Console.WriteLine(str, nl)
      Console.WriteLine("Boolean:  {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xBool))
      Console.WriteLine("Int16:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xShort))
      Console.WriteLine("Int32:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xInt))
      Console.WriteLine("Int64:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xLong))
      Console.WriteLine("Single:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xSingle))
      Console.WriteLine("Double:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xDouble))
      Console.WriteLine("Decimal:  {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xDecimal))
      Console.WriteLine("String:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xString))
      Console.WriteLine("Char:     {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xChar))
      Console.WriteLine("Byte:     {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xByte))
      Console.WriteLine("DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because")
      Console.WriteLine("          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.")
      Console.Write("{0}The following types are not supported: ", nl)
      Console.WriteLine("UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, and SByte")
   End Sub 'Main
End Class 'Sample
'This example produces the following results:
'Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:
'Boolean:  0
'Int16:    1
'Int32:    2
'Int64:    3
'Single:   4
'Double:   5
'Decimal:  6
'String:   7
'Char:     56
'Byte:     9
'DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because
'          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.
'The following types are not supported: UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, and SByte
// Sample for the Convert class summary.
using System;

class Sample 
    public static void Main() 
    string nl = Environment.NewLine;
    string str = "{0}Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:{0}";
    bool    xBool = false;
    short   xShort = 1;
    int     xInt   = 2;
    long    xLong  = 3;
    float   xSingle = 4.0f;
    double  xDouble = 5.0;
    decimal xDecimal = 6.0m;
    string  xString = "7";
    char    xChar   = '8'; // '8' = hexadecimal 38 = decimal 56
    byte    xByte  =  9;

//  The following types are not CLS-compliant.
    ushort  xUshort = 120;   
    uint    xUint =   121;
    ulong   xUlong =  122;
    sbyte   xSbyte  = 123;

//  The following type cannot be converted to an Int64.
//  DateTime xDateTime = DateTime.Now;

    Console.WriteLine(str, nl);
    Console.WriteLine("Boolean:  {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xBool));
    Console.WriteLine("Int16:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xShort));
    Console.WriteLine("Int32:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xInt));
    Console.WriteLine("Int64:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xLong));
    Console.WriteLine("Single:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xSingle));
    Console.WriteLine("Double:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xDouble));
    Console.WriteLine("Decimal:  {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xDecimal));
    Console.WriteLine("String:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xString));
    Console.WriteLine("Char:     {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xChar));
    Console.WriteLine("Byte:     {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xByte));
    Console.WriteLine("DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because");
    Console.WriteLine("          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.");
    Console.WriteLine("{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant.{0}", nl);
    Console.WriteLine("UInt16:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xUshort));
    Console.WriteLine("UInt32:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xUint));
    Console.WriteLine("UInt64:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xUlong));
    Console.WriteLine("SByte:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xSbyte));
This example produces the following results:

Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:

Boolean:  0
Int16:    1
Int32:    2
Int64:    3
Single:   4
Double:   5
Decimal:  6
String:   7
Char:     56
Byte:     9
DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because
          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.

The following types are not CLS-compliant.

UInt16:   120
UInt32:   121
UInt64:   122
SByte:    123
// Sample for the Convert class summary.
using namespace System;
int main()
   String^ nl = Environment::NewLine;
   String^ str = " {0}Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types: {0}";
   bool xBool = false;
   short xShort = 1;
   int xInt = 2;
   long xLong = 3;
   float xSingle = 4.0f;
   double xDouble = 5.0;
   Decimal xDecimal = Decimal(6.0);
   String^ xString = "7";
   char xChar = '8'; // '8' = hexadecimal 38 = decimal 56

   Byte xByte = 9;
   //  The following types are not CLS-compliant.
   UInt16 xUshort = 120;
   UInt32 xUint = 121;
   UInt64 xUlong = 122;
   SByte xSbyte = 123;
   //  The following type cannot be converted to an Int64.
   //  DateTime xDateTime = DateTime::Now;
   Console::WriteLine( str, nl );
   Console::WriteLine( "Boolean: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xBool ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Int16: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xShort ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Int32: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xInt ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Int64: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xLong ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Single: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xSingle ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Double: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xDouble ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Decimal: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xDecimal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "String: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xString ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Char: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xChar ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Byte: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xByte ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because" );
   Console::WriteLine( "          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64." );
   Console::WriteLine( " {0}The following types are not CLS-compliant. {0}", nl );
   Console::WriteLine( "UInt16: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xUshort ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "UInt32: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xUint ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "UInt64: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xUlong ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "SByte: {0}", Convert::ToInt64( xSbyte ) );

This example produces the following results:

Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:

Boolean:  0
Int16:    1
Int32:    2
Int64:    3
Single:   4
Double:   5
Decimal:  6
String:   7
Char:     56
Byte:     9
DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because
a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.

The following types are not CLS-compliant.

UInt16:   120
UInt32:   121
UInt64:   122
SByte:    123




此类型的任何公共静态(Visual Basic 中的 Shared)成员都是线程安全的,但不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。


Windows 98、Windows 2000 SP4、Windows CE、Windows Millennium Edition、Windows Mobile for Pocket PC、Windows Mobile for Smartphone、Windows Server 2003、Windows XP Media Center Edition、Windows XP Professional x64 Edition、Windows XP SP2、Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关受支持版本的列表,请参见系统要求


.NET Framework


.NET Compact Framework




Convert 成员
System 命名空间
Byte 结构
Boolean 结构
Char 结构