如何:在使用 ASP.NET 创建的 Web 服务中管理状态

本主题专门介绍一项旧有技术。现在应通过使用以下链接来创建 XML Web 服务和 XML Web 服务客户端: Windows Communication Foundation.

当实现 Web 服务的类派生自 WebService 类时,Web 服务可与其他 ASP.NET 应用程序访问相同的状态管理选项。WebService 类包含许多个公共 ASP.NET 对象,包括 SessionApplication 对象。


  1. 声明一项 Web 服务。

    <%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="ServerUsage" %>
    <%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="ServerUsage" %>
  2. 添加对 System.Web.Services 命名空间的引用。

    using System.Web.Services;
    Imports System.Web.Services
  3. WebService 派生实现 Web 服务的类。

    public class ServerUsage : WebService 
    Public Class ServerUsage : Inherits WebService
  4. 声明 Web 服务方法,并将 WebMethod 特性的 EnableSession 属性设置为 true

    [ WebMethod(EnableSession=true) ]
    public int PerSessionServiceUsage()
    < WebMethod(EnableSession:=True) > _
    Public Function PerSessionServiceUsage() As Integer
  5. Session 中存储状态,该属性为后面的检索指定状态的名称。在下面的示例中,值 1 存储在名为 MyServiceUsage 的状态变量中。

    Session["MyServiceUsage"] = 1;
    Session("MyServiceUsage") = 1
  6. 访问存储在 Session 中的状态变量。

    在下面的示例中,将访问 MyServiceUsage 状态变量以增加其值。

    Session["MyServiceUsage"] = ((int) Session["MyServiceUsage"]) + 1;
    Session("MyServiceUsage") = CInt(Session("MyServiceUsage")) + 1

访问并存储承载 Web 服务的 Web 应用程序所特有的状态

  1. 声明一项 Web 服务。

    <%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="ServerUsage" %>
    <%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="ServerUsage" %>
  2. 添加对 System.Web.Services 命名空间的引用。

    using System.Web.Services;
    Imports System.Web.Services
  3. WebService 派生实现 Web 服务的类。

    public class ServerUsage : WebService
    Public Class ServerUsage : Inherits WebService
  4. 声明 Web 服务方法。

    [ WebMethod ]
    public int PerSessionServiceUsage()
    < WebMethod > _
    Public Function PerSessionServiceUsage() As Integer
  5. Application 中存储状态,该属性为后面的检索指定状态的名称。在下面的示例中,值 1 存储在名为 appMyServiceUsage 的状态变量中。

    Application["appMyServiceUsage"] = 1;
    Application("appMyServiceUsage") = 1
  6. 访问存储在 Application 中的状态变量。

    在下面的示例中,将访问 appMyServiceUsage 状态变量以增加其值。

    Application["appMyServiceUsage"] =
       ((int) Application["appMyServiceUsage"]) + 1;
    Application("appMyServiceUsage") = _
       CInt(Application("appMyServiceUsage")) + 1


<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="ServerUsage" %>
using System.Web.Services;

public class ServerUsage : WebService {
   [ WebMethod(Description="Number of times this service has been accessed.") ]
   public int ServiceUsage() {
     // If the Web service method hasn't been accessed,
     // initialize it to 1.
     if (Application["appMyServiceUsage"] == null) 
       Application["appMyServiceUsage"] = 1;
     // Increment the usage count.
       Application["appMyServiceUsage"] = ((int) Application["appMyServiceUsage"]) + 1;
     return  (int) Application["appMyServiceUsage"];

   [ WebMethod(Description="Number of times a particular client session has accessed this Web service method.",EnableSession=true) ]
   public int PerSessionServiceUsage() {
     // If the Web service method hasn't been accessed, initialize
     // it to 1.
     if (Session["MyServiceUsage"] == null) 
       Session["MyServiceUsage"] = 1;
     // Increment the usage count.
       Session["MyServiceUsage"] = ((int) Session["MyServiceUsage"]) + 1;
     return  (int) Session["MyServiceUsage"];
<%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="ServerUsage" %>
Imports System.Web.Services

Public Class ServerUsage
    Inherits WebService
<WebMethod(Description := "Number of times this service has been accessed.")> _
    Public Function ServiceUsage() As Integer
        ' If the Web service method hasn't been accessed, initialize
        ' it to 1.
        If Application("appMyServiceUsage") Is Nothing Then
            Application("appMyServiceUsage") = 1
            ' Increment the usage count.
            Application("appMyServiceUsage") = _
               CInt(Application("appMyServiceUsage")) + 1
        End If
        Return CInt(Application("appMyServiceUsage"))
    End Function    
<WebMethod(Description := "Number of times a particular client session has accessed this Web service method.", EnableSession := True)> _
    Public Function  PerSessionServiceUsage() As Integer
       ' If the Web service method hasn't been accessed,
       ' initialize it to 1.
        If Session("MyServiceUsage") Is Nothing Then
            Session("MyServiceUsage") = 1
            ' Increment the usage count.
           Session("MyServiceUsage") = CInt(Session("MyServiceUsage")) + 1
        End If
        Return CInt(Session("MyServiceUsage"))
    End Function
End Class



ASP.NET State Management