SPSite.QueryFeatures 方法

Gets a collection of features deployed in this site collection.

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  名称 说明
公共方法 QueryFeatures(Guid) Gets a collection of the features deployed in this site collection that have a specific definition identifier.
公共方法 QueryFeatures(Guid, Boolean) Gets a collection of the features deployed in this site collection that have a specific definition identifier, including only features that either do or do not need to be upgraded.
公共方法 QueryFeatures(Guid, Version) Gets a collection of the features deployed in this site collection that have a specific definition identifier and a specific version.
公共方法 QueryFeatures(SPFeatureScope, Boolean) Gets a collection of the features deployed in this site collection with either Site or Web scope, including only features that either do or do not need to be upgraded.




SPSite 类

SPSite 成员

Microsoft.SharePoint 命名空间