
本主题描述随 Sync Framework SDK 包括的 "Sync101 using Simple Sync Provider" 示例应用程序的重要方面。此应用程序说明如何创建和同步基于定位点的简单提供程序和完全枚举简单提供程序。示例应用程序具有以下三个类:



  • 创建元数据存储区

  • 标识项存储区和元数据存储区中的项

  • 枚举项和加载数据

  • 同步两个提供程序

  • 处理冲突



每个副本都要求元数据缓冲区,而对于简单提供程序,该缓冲区是 SqlMetadataStore 的一个实例。下面的代码示例在 MyFullEnumerationSimpleSyncProvider 的构造函数中指定存储区选项:

public MyFullEnumerationSimpleSyncProvider(string name, MySimpleDataStore store)
    _name = name;
    _store = store;

    // Create a file to store metadata for all items and a file to store 
    // the replica ID.
    _replicaMetadataFile = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + _name.ToString() + ".Metadata";
    _replicaIdFile = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + _name.ToString() + ".Replicaid";

    // Set ReplicaIdFormat to use a GUID as an ID, and ItemIdFormat to use a GUID plus
    // an 8-byte prefix.
    _idFormats = new SyncIdFormatGroup();
    _idFormats.ItemIdFormat.IsVariableLength = false;
    _idFormats.ItemIdFormat.Length = 24;
    _idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.IsVariableLength = false;
    _idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.Length = 16;

    this.ItemConstraint += new EventHandler<SimpleSyncItemConstraintEventArgs>(OnItemConstraint);
    this.ItemConflicting += new EventHandler<SimpleSyncItemConflictingEventArgs>(OnItemConflicting);
Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal store As MySimpleDataStore)
    _name = name
    _store = store

    ' Create a file to store metadata for all items and a file to store 
    ' the replica ID. 
    _replicaMetadataFile = (Environment.CurrentDirectory & "\") + _name.ToString() & ".Metadata"
    _replicaIdFile = (Environment.CurrentDirectory & "\") + _name.ToString() & ".Replicaid"

    ' Set ReplicaIdFormat to use a GUID as an ID, and ItemIdFormat to use a GUID plus 
    ' an 8-byte prefix. 
    _idFormats = New SyncIdFormatGroup()
    _idFormats.ItemIdFormat.IsVariableLength = False
    _idFormats.ItemIdFormat.Length = 24
    _idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.IsVariableLength = False
    _idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.Length = 16

    AddHandler Me.ItemConstraint, AddressOf HandleItemConstraint
    AddHandler Me.ItemConflicting, AddressOf HandleItemConflicting
End Sub


private void InitializeMetadataStore()
    SyncId id = ReplicaId;

    // Create or open the metadata store, initializing it with the ID formats 
    // that are used to reference items and replicas.
    if (!File.Exists(_replicaMetadataFile))
        _metadataStore = SqlMetadataStore.CreateStore(_replicaMetadataFile);
        _metadataStore = SqlMetadataStore.OpenStore(_replicaMetadataFile);
Private Sub InitializeMetadataStore()
    Dim id As SyncId = ReplicaId

    ' Create or open the metadata store, initializing it with the ID formats 
    ' that are used to reference items and replicas. 
    If Not File.Exists(_replicaMetadataFile) Then
        _metadataStore = SqlMetadataStore.CreateStore(_replicaMetadataFile)
        _metadataStore = SqlMetadataStore.OpenStore(_replicaMetadataFile)
    End If
End Sub


public override MetadataStore GetMetadataStore(out SyncId replicaId, out System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)

    replicaId = ReplicaId;
    culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
    return _metadataStore;
Public Overrides Function GetMetadataStore(ByRef replicaId__1 As SyncId, ByRef culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As MetadataStore

    replicaId__1 = ReplicaId
    culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
    Return _metadataStore
End Function


要同步项,Sync Framework 必须能标识项存储区中的项并将该标识映射为元数据存储区中的内部 ID。它还必须能确定自从上一同步会话以来项版本是否发生了变更。如果版本已变更且目标副本不包含项的该版本,则应同步该项。如果是在变更单位而非项级别上同步变更,Sync Framework 必须能标识变更单位及其版本。变更单位表示子项变更,如表示联系人的项中的电话号码字段。本示例不使用变更单位。

指定元数据存储区 ID 的格式

下面的代码为 MyFullEnumerationSimpleSyncProviderIdFormats 属性定义构造函数。这使 Sync Framework 运行时可以确定元数据存储区对 ID 采用的格式。如果未使用可变 ID,Sync Framework 使用固定格式标识副本、项和变更单位。如果使用可变 ID,则使用 ISimpleSyncProviderIdGenerator 方法来生成 ID。

public MyFullEnumerationSimpleSyncProvider(string name, MySimpleDataStore store)
    _name = name;
    _store = store;

    // Create a file to store metadata for all items and a file to store 
    // the replica ID.
    _replicaMetadataFile = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + _name.ToString() + ".Metadata";
    _replicaIdFile = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + _name.ToString() + ".Replicaid";

    // Set ReplicaIdFormat to use a GUID as an ID, and ItemIdFormat to use a GUID plus
    // an 8-byte prefix.
    _idFormats = new SyncIdFormatGroup();
    _idFormats.ItemIdFormat.IsVariableLength = false;
    _idFormats.ItemIdFormat.Length = 24;
    _idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.IsVariableLength = false;
    _idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.Length = 16;

    this.ItemConstraint += new EventHandler<SimpleSyncItemConstraintEventArgs>(OnItemConstraint);
    this.ItemConflicting += new EventHandler<SimpleSyncItemConflictingEventArgs>(OnItemConflicting);
public SyncId ReplicaId
        if (_replicaId == null)
            _replicaId = GetReplicaIdFromFile( _replicaIdFile);

        return _replicaId; 

public override SyncIdFormatGroup IdFormats
    get { return _idFormats; }
Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal store As MySimpleDataStore)
    _name = name
    _store = store

    ' Create a file to store metadata for all items and a file to store 
    ' the replica ID. 
    _replicaMetadataFile = (Environment.CurrentDirectory & "\") + _name.ToString() & ".Metadata"
    _replicaIdFile = (Environment.CurrentDirectory & "\") + _name.ToString() & ".Replicaid"

    ' Set ReplicaIdFormat to use a GUID as an ID, and ItemIdFormat to use a GUID plus 
    ' an 8-byte prefix. 
    _idFormats = New SyncIdFormatGroup()
    _idFormats.ItemIdFormat.IsVariableLength = False
    _idFormats.ItemIdFormat.Length = 24
    _idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.IsVariableLength = False
    _idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.Length = 16

    AddHandler Me.ItemConstraint, AddressOf HandleItemConstraint
    AddHandler Me.ItemConflicting, AddressOf HandleItemConflicting
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property ReplicaId() As SyncId
        If _replicaId Is Nothing Then
            _replicaId = GetReplicaIdFromFile(_replicaIdFile)
        End If

        Return _replicaId
    End Get
End Property

Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IdFormats() As SyncIdFormatGroup
        Return _idFormats
    End Get
End Property


Sync Framework 通过使用由 MetadataSchema 属性公开的 ItemMetadataSchema 对象,将项存储区数据或您创建的其他元数据映射为内部元数据存储区 ID 和版本。下面的代码示例提供了 ItemMetadataSchema 对象的输入。示例代码中的常量为项存储区中的每列定义一个整数值。当为 ItemMetadataSchema 对象创建自定义字段定义和标识值时,将使用这些值。

public const uint CUSTOM_FIELD_ID = 1;
public const uint CUSTOM_FIELD_TIMESTAMP = 2;
public override ItemMetadataSchema MetadataSchema
        CustomFieldDefinition[] customFields = new CustomFieldDefinition[2];
        customFields[0] = new CustomFieldDefinition(CUSTOM_FIELD_ID, typeof(ulong));
        customFields[1] = new CustomFieldDefinition(CUSTOM_FIELD_TIMESTAMP, typeof(ulong));

        IdentityRule[] identityRule = new IdentityRule[1];
        identityRule[0] = new IdentityRule(new uint[] { CUSTOM_FIELD_ID });

        return new ItemMetadataSchema(customFields, identityRule);
Public Const CUSTOM_FIELD_ID As UInteger = 1
Public Const CUSTOM_FIELD_TIMESTAMP As UInteger = 2
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property MetadataSchema() As ItemMetadataSchema
        Dim customFields As CustomFieldDefinition() = New CustomFieldDefinition(1) {}
        customFields(0) = New CustomFieldDefinition(CUSTOM_FIELD_ID, GetType(ULong))
        customFields(1) = New CustomFieldDefinition(CUSTOM_FIELD_TIMESTAMP, GetType(ULong))

        Dim identityRule As IdentityRule() = New IdentityRule(0) {}
        identityRule(0) = New IdentityRule(New UInteger() {CUSTOM_FIELD_ID})

        Return New ItemMetadataSchema(customFields, identityRule)
    End Get
End Property

ItemMetadataSchema 对象公开三个属性:

  • CustomFields

    自定义字段是元数据存储区中由整数标识的字段。如果应用程序需要一个或多个字段的友好名称,应将整数映射为名称。出于两个原因定义自定义字段:标识项和提供有关这些项的版本信息。版本字段使 Sync Framework 可以确定某个项或变更单位是否已变更。在本示例中,版本字段包含项存储区的实际数据,因此项存储区中的每个字段都存在版本字段。这种一一对应不必要,而且效率不高。更实用的方法是对每个项字段进行哈希运算并将值存储在单个自定义字段中。

  • IdentityRules

    标识规则指定哪个或哪些自定义字段应该用于标识项。在本示例中,使用 CUSTOM_FIELD_ID 字段(字段 0)。

  • ChangeUnitVersionDefinitions(本示例中未使用)

    如果使用变更单位,必须定义其版本字段。在变更单位和版本信息之间不要求一定是一一对应的映射关系,也不要求必须存储实际数据。变更单位还可以跨多个字段。例如,本应用程序可以指定 Zip Phone 是一个变更单位,Guid 是另一个变更单位。对于 Guid,您可能使用实际数据,对于另一个变更单位,可能采用对 ZipPhone 字段进行哈希运算或其他机制来确定版本。

使用项存储区数据的某些方法(如 InsertItem)需要表示每个字段的 ItemField 对象的集合。作为这些方法的参数的 ItemFieldDictionary 对象必须与 CustomFieldDefinition 对象中指定的参数具有相同的索引值。


Sync Framework 必须能够枚举源项存储区中的项,检测项或变更单位是否已变更,然后加载变更的数据以便可以将这些数据应用于目标存储区。变更检测由 Sync Framework 运行时处理,但变更枚举和数据加载是特定于存储区的,并且通过实现 EnumerateItemsLoadChangeData 为完全枚举提供程序进行处理。下面的代码示例返回从 MySimpleDataStore 对象枚举的项的列表:

public override void EnumerateItems(FullEnumerationContext context)
    List<ItemFieldDictionary> items = new List<ItemFieldDictionary>();
    foreach (ulong id in _store.Ids)
Public Overrides Sub EnumerateItems(ByVal context As FullEnumerationContext)
    Dim items As New List(Of ItemFieldDictionary)()
    For Each id As ULong In _store.Ids
End Sub

下面的代码示例返回一个对象,该对象包含 EnumerateItems 枚举的数据变更之一。Sync Framework 调用此方法直到加载了所有变更。

public override object LoadChangeData(ItemFieldDictionary keyAndExpectedVersion, IEnumerable<SyncId> changeUnitsToLoad, RecoverableErrorReportingContext recoverableErrorReportingContext)
    IDictionary<uint, ItemField> expectedFields = (IDictionary<uint, ItemField>)keyAndExpectedVersion;
    ulong id = (ulong)expectedFields[CUSTOM_FIELD_ID].Value;
    return new ItemTransfer(id, _store.Get(id));
Public Overrides Function LoadChangeData(ByVal keyAndExpectedVersion As ItemFieldDictionary, ByVal changeUnitsToLoad As IEnumerable(Of SyncId), ByVal recoverableErrorReportingContext As RecoverableErrorReportingContext) As Object
    Dim expectedFields As IDictionary(Of UInteger, ItemField) = DirectCast(keyAndExpectedVersion, IDictionary(Of UInteger, ItemField))
    Dim id As ULong = CULng(expectedFields(CUSTOM_FIELD_ID).Value)
    Return New ItemTransfer(id, _store.[Get](id))
End Function


在 Sync Framework 检测到并加载了来自源的变更后,它必须将这些变更和相应的元数据变更应用于目标副本。位于目标的元数据变更由 Sync Framework 处理,但应用数据变更是特定于存储区的,应通过实现以下方法来处理:DeleteItemInsertItemUpdateItem。下面的代码示例实现上述各方法:

public override void InsertItem(object itemData, 
    IEnumerable<SyncId> changeUnitsToCreate,
    RecoverableErrorReportingContext recoverableErrorReportingContext, 
    out ItemFieldDictionary keyAndUpdatedVersion, 
    out bool commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem)
    ItemTransfer transfer = (ItemTransfer)itemData;
    ItemData dataCopy = new ItemData(transfer.ItemData);

    // Check for duplicates, and record a constraint error if a duplicate is detected.
    if (!_store.Contains(transfer.Id))
        _store.CreateItem(dataCopy, transfer.Id);
        keyAndUpdatedVersion = _store.CreateItemFieldDictionary(transfer.Id);
        keyAndUpdatedVersion = null;
    commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem = false;
public override void UpdateItem(object itemData, 
    IEnumerable<SyncId> changeUnitsToUpdate, 
    ItemFieldDictionary keyAndExpectedVersion, 
    RecoverableErrorReportingContext recoverableErrorReportingContext, 
    out ItemFieldDictionary keyAndUpdatedVersion, 
    out bool commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem)
    ItemTransfer transfer = (ItemTransfer)itemData;
    ItemData dataCopy = new ItemData(transfer.ItemData);
    IDictionary<uint, ItemField> expectedFields = (IDictionary<uint, ItemField>)keyAndExpectedVersion;
    ulong idToUpdate = (ulong)expectedFields[CUSTOM_FIELD_ID].Value;

    if (_store.Contains(idToUpdate))
        ulong timeStamp = _store.UpdateItem(idToUpdate, dataCopy);
        keyAndUpdatedVersion = _store.CreateItemFieldDictionary(transfer.Id);
        // If the item to update does not exist, record an error on this change and 
        // continue with the rest of the session.
        recoverableErrorReportingContext.RecordRecoverableErrorForChange(new RecoverableErrorData(new Exception("Item not found in the store")));
        keyAndUpdatedVersion = null;
    commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem = false;
public override void DeleteItem(ItemFieldDictionary keyAndExpectedVersion, 
    RecoverableErrorReportingContext recoverableErrorReportingContext, 
    out bool commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem)
    IDictionary<uint, ItemField> expectedFields = (IDictionary<uint, ItemField>)keyAndExpectedVersion;
    ulong id = (ulong)expectedFields[CUSTOM_FIELD_ID].Value;
    if (_store.Contains(id))
        // If the item to delete does not exist, record an error on this change and 
        // continue with the rest of the session.
        recoverableErrorReportingContext.RecordRecoverableErrorForChange(new RecoverableErrorData(new Exception("Item not found in the store")));
    commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem = false;
Public Overrides Sub InsertItem(ByVal itemData As Object, ByVal changeUnitsToCreate As IEnumerable(Of SyncId), ByVal recoverableErrorReportingContext As RecoverableErrorReportingContext, ByRef keyAndUpdatedVersion As ItemFieldDictionary, ByRef commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem As Boolean)
    Dim transfer As ItemTransfer = DirectCast(itemData, ItemTransfer)
    Dim dataCopy As New ItemData(transfer.ItemData)

    ' Check for duplicates, and record a constraint error if a duplicate is detected. 
    If Not _store.Contains(transfer.Id) Then
        _store.CreateItem(dataCopy, transfer.Id)
        keyAndUpdatedVersion = _store.CreateItemFieldDictionary(transfer.Id)
        keyAndUpdatedVersion = Nothing
    End If
    commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem = False
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub UpdateItem(ByVal itemData As Object, ByVal changeUnitsToUpdate As IEnumerable(Of SyncId), ByVal keyAndExpectedVersion As ItemFieldDictionary, ByVal recoverableErrorReportingContext As RecoverableErrorReportingContext, ByRef keyAndUpdatedVersion As ItemFieldDictionary, ByRef commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem As Boolean)
    Dim transfer As ItemTransfer = DirectCast(itemData, ItemTransfer)
    Dim dataCopy As New ItemData(transfer.ItemData)

    Dim expectedFields As IDictionary(Of UInteger, ItemField) = DirectCast(keyAndExpectedVersion, IDictionary(Of UInteger, ItemField))
    Dim idToUpdate As ULong = CULng(expectedFields(CUSTOM_FIELD_ID).Value)

    If _store.Contains(idToUpdate) Then
        Dim timeStamp As ULong = _store.UpdateItem(idToUpdate, dataCopy)
        keyAndUpdatedVersion = _store.CreateItemFieldDictionary(transfer.Id)
        ' If the item to update does not exist, record an error on this change and 
        ' continue with the rest of the session. 
        recoverableErrorReportingContext.RecordRecoverableErrorForChange(New RecoverableErrorData(New Exception("Item not found in the store")))
        keyAndUpdatedVersion = Nothing
    End If
    commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem = False
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub DeleteItem(ByVal keyAndExpectedVersion As ItemFieldDictionary, ByVal recoverableErrorReportingContext As RecoverableErrorReportingContext, ByRef commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem As Boolean)
    Dim expectedFields As IDictionary(Of UInteger, ItemField) = DirectCast(keyAndExpectedVersion, IDictionary(Of UInteger, ItemField))
    Dim id As ULong = CULng(expectedFields(CUSTOM_FIELD_ID).Value)
    If _store.Contains(id) Then
        ' If the item to delete does not exist, record an error on this change and 
        ' continue with the rest of the session. 
        recoverableErrorReportingContext.RecordRecoverableErrorForChange(New RecoverableErrorData(New Exception("Item not found in the store")))
    End If
    commitKnowledgeAfterThisItem = False
End Sub


下面的代码示例说明如何同步源副本和目标副本。在创建源提供程序和目标提供程序后,该代码设置 SyncOrchestrator 选项,并且同步这些副本。

Dim agent As New SyncOrchestrator()
agent.Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.DownloadAndUpload
agent.LocalProvider = providerA
agent.RemoteProvider = providerB
stats = agent.Synchronize()
SyncOrchestrator agent = new SyncOrchestrator();
agent.Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.DownloadAndUpload;
agent.LocalProvider = providerA;
agent.RemoteProvider = providerB;
stats = agent.Synchronize();


在这个示例中,用于并发冲突和约束冲突的冲突解决策略作为 ApplicationDefined 的默认设置保留。这意味着应用程序将注册 ItemConflictingItemConstraint 事件,并且指定在同步处理期间发生冲突时用于解决冲突的操作。有关更多信息,请参见为简单提供程序处理冲突。下面的代码示例显示在 MyFullEnumerationSimpleSyncProvider 的构造函数中指定的事件处理程序:

this.ItemConstraint += new EventHandler<SimpleSyncItemConstraintEventArgs>(OnItemConstraint);
this.ItemConflicting += new EventHandler<SimpleSyncItemConflictingEventArgs>(OnItemConflicting);
AddHandler Me.ItemConstraint, AddressOf HandleItemConstraint

下面的代码示例显示将冲突解决操作设置为 Merge 的事件处理程序:

void OnItemConstraint(object sender, SimpleSyncItemConstraintEventArgs e)
    // Set the resolution action for constraint conflicts.
    // In this sample, the provider checks for duplicates in InsertItem, and this event would
    // fire if a duplicate occurred. 

void OnItemConflicting(object sender, SimpleSyncItemConflictingEventArgs e)
    // Set the resolution action for concurrency conflicts.
Private Sub HandleItemConstraint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SimpleSyncItemConstraintEventArgs)
    ' Set the resolution action for constraint conflicts. 
    ' In this sample, the provider checks for duplicates in InsertItem, and this event would 
    ' fire if a duplicate occurred. 
End Sub

Private Sub HandleItemConflicting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SimpleSyncItemConflictingEventArgs)
    ' Set the resolution action for concurrency conflicts. 
End Sub

下面的代码示例显示 MergeConstraintConflict 方法,该方法是为响应约束冲突的合并冲突解决操作而实现的:

public void MergeConstraintConflict(object itemData, 
    ConflictVersionInformation conflictVersionInformation, 
    IEnumerable<SyncId> changeUnitsToMerge, 
    ItemFieldDictionary localConflictingItem, 
    ItemFieldDictionary keyAndExpectedVersion, 
    RecoverableErrorReportingContext recoverableErrorReportingContext, 
    out ItemFieldDictionary updatedKeyAndVersion)
    ItemTransfer transfer = (ItemTransfer)itemData;
    ItemData dataCopy = new ItemData(transfer.ItemData);

    // Combine the conflicting data.
    ItemData mergedData = (_store.Get(transfer.Id)).Merge((ItemData)dataCopy);

    // We are doing a merge so we must delete the old conflicting item from our store.
    ulong idConflicting = (ulong)localConflictingItem[CUSTOM_FIELD_ID].Value;


    // Now create the new merged data in the store.
    if (_store.Contains(transfer.Id))
        _store.UpdateItem(transfer.Id, dataCopy);
        _store.CreateItem(mergedData, transfer.Id);

    updatedKeyAndVersion = _store.CreateItemFieldDictionary(transfer.Id);
Public Sub MergeConstraintConflict(ByVal itemData As Object, ByVal conflictVersionInformation As ConflictVersionInformation, ByVal changeUnitsToMerge As IEnumerable(Of SyncId), ByVal localConflictingItem As ItemFieldDictionary, ByVal keyAndExpectedVersion As ItemFieldDictionary, ByVal recoverableErrorReportingContext As RecoverableErrorReportingContext, _
ByRef updatedKeyAndVersion As ItemFieldDictionary) Implements ISimpleSyncProviderConstraintConflictResolver.MergeConstraintConflict
    Dim transfer As ItemTransfer = DirectCast(itemData, ItemTransfer)
    Dim dataCopy As New ItemData(transfer.ItemData)

    ' Combine the conflicting data. 
    Dim mergedData As ItemData = (_store.[Get](transfer.Id)).Merge(DirectCast(dataCopy, ItemData))

    ' We are doing a merge so we must delete the old conflicting item from our store. 
    Dim idConflicting As ULong = CULng(localConflictingItem(CUSTOM_FIELD_ID).Value)


    ' Now create the new merged data in the store. 
    If _store.Contains(transfer.Id) Then
        _store.UpdateItem(transfer.Id, dataCopy)
        _store.CreateItem(mergedData, transfer.Id)
    End If

    updatedKeyAndVersion = _store.CreateItemFieldDictionary(transfer.Id)
End Sub



以下代码示例使用筛选器协商接口确定在同步会话期间是否应使用特定的筛选器。通过筛选器协商,目标提供程序能够指定源提供程序在变更枚举期间应使用一个或多个筛选器;源提供程序可以接受或拒绝筛选器。如果源提供程序不支持任何请求的筛选器,则目标提供程序可以选择接收所有数据并自己执行筛选。Sync Framework 相应调用提供程序以协商对筛选器的使用。

public bool RequestFilter
        _requestFilter = value; 
private bool _requestFilter = false;

void IRequestFilteredSync.SpecifyFilter(FilterRequestCallback filterRequest)
    // Request a filter only if this provider represents a filtered replica.
    if (_requestFilter)
        if (!filterRequest("TheFilter", FilteringType.CurrentItemsOnly))
            throw new SyncInvalidOperationException("Could not agree on filter.");

bool ISupportFilteredSync.TryAddFilter(object filter, FilteringType filteringType)
    if (!((string)filter).Equals("TheFilter"))
        throw new Exception("Filter is incorrect");

    // Remember the filter.
    _filter = (string)filter;

    return true;
private string _filter = "";
Public WriteOnly Property RequestFilter() As Boolean
    Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
        _requestFilter = value
    End Set
End Property

Private _requestFilter As Boolean = False

Private Sub SpecifyFilter(ByVal filterRequest As FilterRequestCallback) Implements IRequestFilteredSync.SpecifyFilter
    ' Request a filter only if this provider represents a filtered replica.
    If _requestFilter Then
        If Not filterRequest("TheFilter", FilteringType.CurrentItemsOnly) Then
            Throw New SyncInvalidOperationException("Could not agree on filter.")
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Function TryAddFilter(ByVal filter As Object, ByVal filteringType As FilteringType) As Boolean Implements ISupportFilteredSync.TryAddFilter
    If Not DirectCast(filter, String).Equals("TheFilter") Then
        Throw New Exception("Filter is incorrect")
    End If

    ' Remember the filter.
    _filter = DirectCast(filter, String)

    Return True
End Function

Private _filter As String = ""

下面的代码示例首先指定 None 的筛选器选项。这意味着项应该首先筛选出来,即使它们对于目标是已知的。该代码示例然后实现 IsItemInFilterScope 方法,该方法基于项字段值之一筛选出项。在定义筛选器后,该代码示例实现 UseFilterThisSession 方法。这使得应用程序可以指定是否应在每个会话的基础上使用筛选。

SimpleSyncProviderFilterOptions IFilteredSimpleSyncProvider.FilterOptions
        return SimpleSyncProviderFilterOptions.None;

bool IFilteredSimpleSyncProvider.IsItemInFilterScope(ItemFieldDictionary KeyAndVersion)
    ulong itemId = (ulong)KeyAndVersion[1].Value;
    ItemData itemData = _store.Get(itemId);
    if (itemData["data"] == "3333")
        return false;

    return true;

bool IFilteredSimpleSyncProvider.UseFilterThisSession
        // Indicate whether a filter has been requested and agreed upon for this session.
        return ("" != _filter);
Private ReadOnly Property FilterOptions() As SimpleSyncProviderFilterOptions Implements IFilteredSimpleSyncProvider.FilterOptions
        Return SimpleSyncProviderFilterOptions.None
    End Get
End Property

Private Function IsItemInFilterScope(ByVal KeyAndVersion As ItemFieldDictionary) As Boolean Implements IFilteredSimpleSyncProvider.IsItemInFilterScope
    Dim itemId As ULong = KeyAndVersion(1).Value
    Dim data As ItemData = _store.Get(itemId)
    If data("data") Is "3333" Then
        Return False
    End If

    Return True
End Function

Private ReadOnly Property UseFilterThisSession() As Boolean Implements IFilteredSimpleSyncProvider.UseFilterThisSession
        ' Indicate whether a filter has been requested and agreed upon for this session.
        Return "" Is _filter
    End Get
End Property


某些同步方案要求能够删除位于本地副本的项并且不将该删除传播到其他副本。例如,一个服务器可能与存储不同销售人员的信息的若干设备同步。每个设备的空间都有限,因此销售人员从设备中删除已完成的旧订单。这些类型的删除不应传播到服务器,因为服务器仍要求此数据。通过简单提供程序,您可以指定数据只应本地删除。要在每个会话的基础上控制删除的行为,请通过使用 SetDeleteMode 指定相应的选项。下面的代码示例指定在同步过程中不应传播删除。

public override void EnumerateItems(FullEnumerationContext context)


    List<ItemFieldDictionary> items = new List<ItemFieldDictionary>();
    foreach (ulong id in _store.Ids)
public override void EnumerateItems(FullEnumerationContext context) 


List<ItemFieldDictionary> items = new List<ItemFieldDictionary>(); 
foreach (ulong id in _store.Ids) 


