
应用程序可以在许多情况下使用 事件对象 来通知等待线程发生事件。 例如,文件、命名管道和通信设备上的重叠 I/O 操作使用事件对象来发出完成信号。 有关在重叠 I/O 操作中使用事件对象的详细信息,请参阅 同步和重叠输入和输出

以下示例使用事件对象来防止在主线程写入该缓冲区时从共享内存缓冲区读取多个线程。 首先,主线程使用 CreateEvent 函数创建初始状态为非签名的手动重置事件对象。 然后,它会创建多个读取器线程。 主线程执行写入操作,然后在完成写入后将事件对象设置为信号状态。

在开始读取操作之前,每个读取器线程都使用 WaitForSingleObject 等待手动重置事件对象发出信号。 当 WaitForSingleObject 返回时,这表示main线程已准备好开始其读取操作。

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define THREADCOUNT 4 

HANDLE ghWriteEvent; 


void CreateEventsAndThreads(void) 
    int i; 
    DWORD dwThreadID; 

    // Create a manual-reset event object. The write thread sets this
    // object to the signaled state when it finishes writing to a 
    // shared buffer. 

    ghWriteEvent = CreateEvent( 
        NULL,               // default security attributes
        TRUE,               // manual-reset event
        FALSE,              // initial state is nonsignaled
        TEXT("WriteEvent")  // object name

    if (ghWriteEvent == NULL) 
        printf("CreateEvent failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());

    // Create multiple threads to read from the buffer.

    for(i = 0; i < THREADCOUNT; i++) 
        // TODO: More complex scenarios may require use of a parameter
        //   to the thread procedure, such as an event per thread to  
        //   be used for synchronization.
        ghThreads[i] = CreateThread(
            NULL,              // default security
            0,                 // default stack size
            ThreadProc,        // name of the thread function
            NULL,              // no thread parameters
            0,                 // default startup flags

        if (ghThreads[i] == NULL) 
            printf("CreateThread failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());

void WriteToBuffer(VOID) 
    // TODO: Write to the shared buffer.
    printf("Main thread writing to the shared buffer...\n");

    // Set ghWriteEvent to signaled

    if (! SetEvent(ghWriteEvent) ) 
        printf("SetEvent failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());

void CloseEvents()
    // Close all event handles (currently, only one global handle).

int main( void )
    DWORD dwWaitResult;

    // TODO: Create the shared buffer

    // Create events and THREADCOUNT threads to read from the buffer


    // At this point, the reader threads have started and are most
    // likely waiting for the global event to be signaled. However, 
    // it is safe to write to the buffer because the event is a 
    // manual-reset event.

    printf("Main thread waiting for threads to exit...\n");

    // The handle for each thread is signaled when the thread is
    // terminated.
    dwWaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects(
        THREADCOUNT,   // number of handles in array
        ghThreads,     // array of thread handles
        TRUE,          // wait until all are signaled

    switch (dwWaitResult) 
        // All thread objects were signaled
        case WAIT_OBJECT_0: 
            printf("All threads ended, cleaning up for application exit...\n");

        // An error occurred
            printf("WaitForMultipleObjects failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
            return 1;
    // Close the events to clean up


    return 0;

DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam) 
    // lpParam not used in this example.

    DWORD dwWaitResult;

    printf("Thread %d waiting for write event...\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
    dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject( 
        ghWriteEvent, // event handle
        INFINITE);    // indefinite wait

    switch (dwWaitResult) 
        // Event object was signaled
        case WAIT_OBJECT_0: 
            // TODO: Read from the shared buffer
            printf("Thread %d reading from buffer\n", 

        // An error occurred
            printf("Wait error (%d)\n", GetLastError()); 
            return 0; 

    // Now that we are done reading the buffer, we could use another
    // event to signal that this thread is no longer reading. This
    // example simply uses the thread handle for synchronization (the
    // handle is signaled when the thread terminates.)

    printf("Thread %d exiting\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
    return 1;