在浏览器中将 SAMI 与 Windows 媒体播放器 控件配合使用

[与此页面关联的功能(Windows 媒体播放器 SDK)是旧版功能。 它已被 MediaPlayer 取代。 MediaPlayer 已针对Windows 10和Windows 11进行了优化。 如果可能,Microsoft 强烈建议新代码使用 MediaPlayer 而不是 Windows 媒体播放器 SDK。 如果可能,Microsoft 建议重写使用旧 API 的现有代码以使用新 API。]

可以使用基本脚本和Windows 媒体播放器控件对象模型在一个文件中声明不同的样式类,而不是为每个字体样式或语言创建 SAMI 文件。 可以创建自定义控件,使用户能够在不同的样式和语言选项之间进行选择。 此外,你可以完全控制 Player 界面的设计和每个函数的自定义。

有关在网页中嵌入 Windows 媒体播放器 控件的详细信息,请参阅网页中的简单脚本示例

以下示例代码演示如何将隐藏式字幕与网页中嵌入的 Windows 媒体播放器 控件一起使用。 它包括允许用户选择字体样式和语言的控件。


  // The following variable is used to prevent multiple initialization.
  var initialized = false;
  // The following function populates the select boxes.
  // It is called the first time the media file is opened.
  // Before then, the SAMI settings cannot be retrieved.
  function initialize() {
    var newOption;
    for (var i = 0; i < Player.closedCaption.SAMILangCount; i++) {
      newOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
      newOption.text = Player.closedCaption.getSAMILangName(i);
      newOption.value = newOption.text;
    for (var i = 0; i < Player.closedCaption.SAMIStyleCount; i++) {
      newOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
      newOption.text = Player.closedCaption.getSAMIStyleName(i);
      newOption.value = newOption.text;
    initialized = true;

<!-- The following script code runs when the page is fully loaded. -->
<SCRIPT for="window" event="onload()">
  Player.closedCaption.captioningID = "captions";
  Player.closedCaption.SAMIFileName = "https://www.proseware.com/Media/seattle.smi";
  // The digital media file will open automatically, after which
  // the OpenStateChange event (handled below) will fire.
  Player.URL = "https://www.proseware.com/Media/seattle.wmv";

<!-- The following script code runs when a media file is opened. -->
<SCRIPT for="Player" event="OpenStateChange(NewState)">
  // The first time this event fires, the Player stops and the 
  // initialize function is called. This allows the user to 
  // select a language and style before viewing the file.
  if (13 == NewState && !initialized) {



<TABLE height="100" width="250" border="3" bordercolor="blue">
  <TR align="center">
    <TD bgcolor="white">
      <SELECT ID="CCLang" onClick="Player.closedCaption.SAMILang = value"></SELECT>
      <SELECT ID="CCStyle" onClick="Player.closedCaption.SAMIStyle = value"></SELECT>
  <TR height="75">
    <TD bgcolor="blue">
      <DIV id="captions"></DIV>

