Detailed SharePoint Report

Corey Whitney 0 Reputation points

Does anyone know how to get a detailed report on usage and features that are being used and not used for our intranet page?

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  1. Emily Du-MSFT 42,931 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    1.Please refer below article to get a detailed report on usage in a site collection.

    2.You could use below PowerShell to generate a report for all activate features.

    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    #Get all Farm scoped features
    write-host "Farm scoped features:"
    Get-SPFeature -Farm
    #Process All Web Applications
     ForEach ($WebApp in Get-SPWebApplication)
        write-host "`nProcessing Web Application:" $webapp.url 
        #Get All Web Application Scoped features
        Get-SPFeature -WebApplication $WebApp.url
        #Process each site collection
        foreach ($site in $WebApp.sites)
          write-host "`tProcessing Site Collection: " $site.url
          #Get All Site collection Scoped features
          Get-SPFeature -Site $site.url
          #Process each site
          foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs)
             write-host "`t`tProcessing Web: " $web.url
             #Get All Web scoped features
             Get-SPFeature -Web $web

    3.You could use below PowerShell to generate a report for all inactive features.

    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $InactiveFeatures = @()
    #Get All installed features on respective scopes
    $WebAppFeatures =  Get-SPFeature | Where-Object {$_.Scope -eq "WebApplication" }
    $siteFeatures = Get-SPFeature | Where-Object {$_.Scope -eq "Site" }
    $WebFeatures = Get-SPFeature| Where-Object {$_.Scope -eq "Web" }
    Write-host "Checking Web Application Scoped Features..."
    foreach ($WebAppFeature in $WebAppFeatures)
           $Flag = $False
           foreach ($WebApp in Get-SPWebApplication)
             if ((Get-SPFeature -WebApplication $WebApp.URL | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $}) -ne $null)
                #We found that the Feature is active, Lets end up the loop
                $Flag = $True
      if($Flag -eq $False)
         Write-Host "$($WebFeature.DisplayName) is not Active on any Web Application!)"
       Write-Host "`nChecking Site Collection Scoped Features..."
       foreach ($SiteFeature in $SiteFeatures)
           $Flag = $False
           :WebAppLoop1 foreach ($WebApp in Get-SPWebApplication)
          foreach($site in $WebApp.Sites)
              if ((Get-SPFeature -Site $Site.URL | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $}) -ne $null)
                #We found that the Feature is active, Lets end up the loop
                $Flag = $True
                break WebAppLoop1
       if($Flag -eq $False)
          Write-Host "$($SiteFeature.DisplayName) is not Active on Any Site Collection!"
     Write-host "`nChecking Web Scoped Feature..."
       foreach ($WebFeature in $WebFeatures)
           $Flag = $False
        #I'm limiting to a single web application, Remove """ to process all WebApps
           :WebAppLoop2 foreach ($WebApp in Get-SPWebApplication "")
             foreach($Site in $WebApp.Sites)
               foreach($Web in $Site.AllWebs)
                if ((Get-SPFeature -Web $Web.URL | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $}) -ne $null)
                  #We found that the Feature is active, Lets end up the loop
                  $Flag = $True
                  break WebAppLoop2
       if($Flag -eq $False)
         Write-Host "$($WebFeature.DisplayName) is not Active on Any Web!"

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