

Packaging an app in a Docker image gives you a convenient way to deploy and run the app. You can automate the process of building a Docker image by defining the steps in a Dockerfile. After you've created an image, you can upload it to a registry such as the Azure Container Registry. From there, you can create a container instance that runs the application.

Clean up resources

In this module, you created resources by using your Azure subscription. You want to clean up these resources so that you won't continue to be charged for them.

  1. In the Azure portal, select Home, and then select Resource groups.

  2. Find the learn-deploy-container-aci-rg resource group, or whatever resource group name you used, and select it.

  3. In the command bar, select Delete resource group. A dialog pane appears asking you to type the resource group name.

  4. Enter the name of the resource group (learn-deploy-container-aci-rg or whatever name you used) and then select Delete. All of the resources that you created in this module will be deleted along with the resource group.

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