

Imagine that you're an Azure subscription owner or billing admin for an organization called Contoso. Your team has used Azure for several years and has consistent base virtual machine (VM) usage. Currently, you pay for the VMs on a monthly pay-as-you-go basis, but you want to lower the overall annual cost of your environment. Lower Azure costs would free up additional funds for future development work.

You can cut costs by using reserved instances to save money over your pay-as-you-go costs. With this pricing discount, you commit to one-year or three-year plans for multiple products, and in the process, greatly optimize your month-over-month cost. Learn how to use Azure Reservations so you can start taking advantage of this benefit today!

Learning objectives

In this module, you'll:

  • Understand what reserved instance purchases are, and how they can benefit your organization.
  • Choose the right compute purchase for your business, transact the purchase, and manage it.
  • Monitor and optimize your purchases using available tools.
  • Perform and access basic reporting on your purchases.


A subscription owner role in one of the following subscription types:

  • Enterprise offers MS-AZR-0017P or MS-AZR-0148P
  • Pay-As-You-Go offers MS-AZR-0003P or MS-AZR-0023P
  • Microsoft Customer Agreement offer MS-AZR-0017G