MSN Explorer: Received an e-mail message with a blocked attachment

If you receive a message with a paper clip icon but no attachment, the file may have been blocked by the server.

  • Ask the sender to scan the file for viruses and send you a clean copy. If a file contains a virus that MSN can't clean, MSN blocks the file.

  • Check with the sender to find out if the file was in a format that's susceptible to viruses. MSN blocks susceptible file formats automatically. For a complete list of the file extensions that MSN won't download, see MSN Explorer: Help protect yourself from computer viruses.


In both of the previous instances, when you open the message you receive an alert telling you that the attachment was blocked.

MSN Explorer: Attach a file to a message
MSN Explorer: Unsafe content has been blocked
MSN Explorer: Share photos by e-mail