MSDN Flash - Volume 20, Number 24: November 14, 2016

Top News Worldwide

Extensibility in Visual Studio “15”: Increasing reliability and performance

Azure Container Service: Easier, more open solution for containers in the cloud

Solving business problems with the Microsoft Bot Framework

Join the Connect(); livestream on November 16, 2016

.NET Core Data Access: A first-hand look
.NET Core was released a few months ago, and data access libraries are available for most databases – both relational and NoSQL. Find out what client libraries are now available and see code samples for each.

How to: Solving Sudoku using combinatorial evolution
James McCaffrey explains how to write a program that solves difficult Sudoku problems using a technique he calls combinatorial evolution, a set of general guidelines that can be used to design a concrete algorithm to solve a specific optimization problem.

Hidden disposables: A look at handling disposable objects
Learn about disposable types, discover some of the non-obvious ways they are being used, and explore hidden usage patterns for disposable types so you can better manage and eliminate them.

CQRS and Entity Framework data models
Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is a pattern that has many benefits – and some drawbacks – when you’re defining data models with Entity Framework. Explore why CQRS is worth considering.

Xamarin Dev Days: In-person mobile dev training
Xamarin Dev Days provides a unique, hands-on learning experience packed with sessions, live demos, and an engaging environment to build your very own cloud-based Xamarin.Forms application.

Free training: An introduction to CSS
Experts from the W3C and Microsoft teach the basics of web design and the fundamentals of CSS. Get step-by-step guidance in using the latest web standards to structure your content and presentation. Explore colors, fonts, layout, and more.

Build your first container using Docker on Hyper V
Want to speed up your releases? Need to quickly scale your app? In this 30-minute hands-on virtual lab, you will learn the basics of installing, deploying, and managing a Docker container, as well as learn how to incorporate Docker on Hyper-V into your current development plans.

Vcpkg updates: Static linking is now available
With 90+ libraries in its catalog, Vcpkg makes it easier to find the right open source library for Visual C++ 2015. The latest update now supports static linking.


Save the date: Connect(); // 2016 Day 3
November 18, 2016
Don’t miss the first-ever Connect(); Day 3 event. Join Jeff Prosise and Scott Peterson as they provide a deep-dive look at how to build and manage intelligent apps that work across Android, iOS, Linux, and Windows. Register now.


Practical data science training for developers
November 21–25, 2016, Oslo
November 28–December 1, 2016, Stockholm
Join Rafal Lukawiecki in classroom-based intensive training to learn how to solve real-world problems with data science. Experiment with Azure Machine Learning, SQL Data Mining, and Microsoft R, and learn the working methods and processes that successful data scientists use.


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