Azure Resource Graph sample queries for Azure Advisor

This page is a collection of Azure Resource Graph sample queries for Azure Advisor. For a complete list of Azure Resource Graph samples, see Resource Graph samples by Category and Resource Graph samples by Table.

Sample queries

Get cost savings summary from Azure Advisor

This query summarizes the cost savings of each Azure Advisor recommendation.

| where type == 'microsoft.advisor/recommendations'
| where properties.category == 'Cost'
| extend
	resources = tostring(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId),
	savings = todouble(properties.extendedProperties.savingsAmount),
	solution = tostring(properties.shortDescription.solution),
	currency = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.savingsCurrency)
| summarize
	bin(sum(savings), 0.01)
	by solution, currency
| project solution, dcount_resources, sum_savings, currency
| order by sum_savings desc
az graph query -q "AdvisorResources | where type == 'microsoft.advisor/recommendations' | where properties.category == 'Cost' | extend resources = tostring(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId), savings = todouble(properties.extendedProperties.savingsAmount), solution = tostring(properties.shortDescription.solution), currency = tostring(properties.extendedProperties.savingsCurrency) | summarize dcount(resources), bin(sum(savings), 0.01) by solution, currency | project solution, dcount_resources, sum_savings, currency | order by sum_savings desc"

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