Mute participants during a call


Functionality described on this document is currently in private preview. Private preview includes access to SDKs and documentation for testing purposes that are not yet available publicly. Apply to become an early adopter by filling out the form for preview access to Azure Communication Services.

With Azure Communication Services Call Automation SDK, developers can now mute participants through server based API requests. This feature can be useful when you want your application to mute participants after they've joined the meeting to avoid any interruptions or distractions to ongoing meetings.

If you’re interested in abilities to allow participants to mute/unmute themselves on the call when they’ve joined with Azure Communication Services Client Libraries, you can use our mute/unmute function provided through our Calling Library.

Common use cases

Contact center supervisor call monitoring

In a typical contact center, there may be times when a supervisor needs to join an on-going call to monitor the call to provide guidance to agents after the call on how they could improve their assistance. The supervisor would join muted as to not disturb the on-going call with any extra side noise.

This guide helps you learn how to mute participants by using the mute action provided through Azure Communication Services Call Automation SDK.


Create a new C# application

In the console window of your operating system, use the dotnet command to create a new web application.

dotnet new web -n MyApplication

Install the NuGet package

During the preview phase, the NuGet package can be obtained by configuring your package manager to use the Azure SDK Dev Feed from here

Establish a call

By this point you should be familiar with starting calls, if you need to learn more about making a call, follow our quickstart. In this quickstart, we'll answer an incoming call.

Mute participant during a call

var target = new CommunicationUserIdentifier(ACS_USER_ID); 
var callConnection = callAutomationClient.GetCallConnection(CALL_CONNECTION_ID); 
await callConnection.MuteParticipantsAsync(target, "OperationContext").ConfigureAwait(false);

Participant muted event

  "id": "9dff6ffa-a496-4279-979d-f6455cb88b22",
  "source": "calling/callConnections/401f3500-08a0-4e9e-b844-61a65c845a0b",
  "type": "Microsoft.Communication.ParticipantsUpdated",
  "data": {
    "participants": [
        "identifier": {
          "rawId": "<ACS_USER_ID>",
          "kind": "communicationUser",
          "communicationUser": {
            "id": "<ACS_USER_ID>"
        "isMuted": true
        "identifier": {
          "rawId": "<ACS_USER_ID>",
          "kind": "communicationUser",
          "communicationUser": {
            "id": "<ACS_USER_ID>"
        "isMuted": false
        "identifier": {
          "rawId": "<ACS_USER_ID>",
          "kind": "communicationUser",
          "communicationUser": {
            "id": "<ACS_USER_ID>"
        "isMuted": false
    "sequenceNumber": 4,
    "callConnectionId": "401f3500-08a0-4e9e-b844-61a65c845a0b",
    "serverCallId": "aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuZmxpZ2h0cHJveHkuc2t5cGUuY29tL2FwaS92Mi9jcC9jb252LXVzZWEyLTAxLmNvbnYuc2t5cGUuY29tL2NvbnYvRkhjV1lURXFZMENUY0VKUlJ3VHc1UT9pPTQmZT02MzgxNDkzMTEwNDk0NTM2ODQ=",
    "correlationId": "e47198fb-1798-4f3e-b245-4fd06569ad5c"
  "time": "2023-03-21T17:22:35.4300007+00:00",
  "specversion": "1.0",
  "datacontenttype": "application/json",
  "subject": "calling/callConnections/401f3500-08a0-4e9e-b844-61a65c845a0b"


Create a new Java application

In your terminal or command window, navigate to the directory where you would like to create your Java application. Run the command below to generate the Java project from the maven-archetype-quickstart template.

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.communication.quickstart -DartifactId=communication-quickstart -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DinteractiveMode=false

The command above creates a directory with the same name as artifactId argument. Under this directory, src/main/java directory contains the project source code, src/test/java directory contains the test source.

You'll notice that the 'generate' step created a directory with the same name as the artifactId. Under this directory, src/main/java directory contains source code, src/test/java directory contains tests, and pom.xml file is the project's Project Object Model, or POM.

Update your applications POM file to use Java 8 or higher.


Configure Azure SDK dev feed

Since the Call Automation SDK version used in this quickstart isn't yet available in Maven Central Repository, we need to add an Azure Artifacts development feed, which contains the latest version of Call Automation SDK.

Add the azure-sdk-for-java feed to your pom.xml. Follow the instructions after clicking the "Connect to Feed" button.

Add package references

In your POM file, add the following reference for the project.


Azure Communication Services Call Automation SDK package is retrieved from the Azure SDK Dev Feed configured above.


Update with code

In your editor of choice, open file and update it with the code provided in Update with code section.

Establish a call

By this point you should be familiar with starting calls, if you need to learn more about making a call, follow our quickstart. In this quickstart, we'll answer an incoming call.

Mute participant during a call

var target = new CommunicationUserIdentifier(ACS_USER_ID); 
var callConnectionAsync = callAutomationClientAsync.getCallConnectionAsync(CALL_CONNECTION_ID); 

Participant muted event

  "id": "9dff6ffa-a496-4279-979d-f6455cb88b22",
  "source": "calling/callConnections/401f3500-08a0-4e9e-b844-61a65c845a0b",
  "type": "Microsoft.Communication.ParticipantsUpdated",
  "data": {
    "participants": [
        "identifier": {
          "rawId": "<ACS_USER_ID>",
          "kind": "communicationUser",
          "communicationUser": {
            "id": "<ACS_USER_ID>"
        "isMuted": true
        "identifier": {
          "rawId": "<ACS_USER_ID>",
          "kind": "communicationUser",
          "communicationUser": {
            "id": "<ACS_USER_ID>"
        "isMuted": false
        "identifier": {
          "rawId": "<ACS_USER_ID>",
          "kind": "communicationUser",
          "communicationUser": {
            "id": "<ACS_USER_ID>"
        "isMuted": false
    "sequenceNumber": 4,
    "callConnectionId": "401f3500-08a0-4e9e-b844-61a65c845a0b",
    "serverCallId": "aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuZmxpZ2h0cHJveHkuc2t5cGUuY29tL2FwaS92Mi9jcC9jb252LXVzZWEyLTAxLmNvbnYuc2t5cGUuY29tL2NvbnYvRkhjV1lURXFZMENUY0VKUlJ3VHc1UT9pPTQmZT02MzgxNDkzMTEwNDk0NTM2ODQ=",
    "correlationId": "e47198fb-1798-4f3e-b245-4fd06569ad5c"
  "time": "2023-03-21T17:22:35.4300007+00:00",
  "specversion": "1.0",
  "datacontenttype": "application/json",
  "subject": "calling/callConnections/401f3500-08a0-4e9e-b844-61a65c845a0b"

Clean up resources

If you want to clean up and remove a Communication Services subscription, you can delete the resource or resource group. Deleting the resource group also deletes any other resources associated with it. Learn more about cleaning up resources.

Next steps

Learn more about Call Automation.